
  1. 医疗机器人技术是集多种技术于一体的新兴交叉式技术,包括电子技术、自动控制、力学、机械、传感器、计算机图像以及数学分析等一系列技术。

    Medical robotics is a variety of techniques into the emerging cross-area of research , including a series of electronic technology , automatic control , mechanics , machinery , sensors , computer graphics , mathematical analysis , and medical technology .

  2. 随着医疗技术与机器人技术的发展,手术辅助机械臂正逐渐成为研究热点。

    As the development of medical technology and robotics , medical mechanical arm attracts more and more attention .

  3. 医疗机器人是工业机器人技术发展的重要方向之一。

    Medical robot is one of important directions of industrial robot technology development .

  4. 智能化医疗设备和医疗机器人技术研究,是一个多学科交叉的具有重要意义的研究领域。

    The research on intelligent medical devices and medical robots is currently an important area .

  5. 中国医疗保健推拿图谱机器人技术在中医诊疗仪器中的应用

    Atlas of Therapeutic Motion for Treatment and Health Robotics technology in the instrumentation of traditional Chinese medicine treatment

  6. 近年来,医疗手术机器人作为机器人技术研究中的一个热点领域,已经越来越受到人们的关注。

    In recent years , being a hotspot field of robotics surgery robot gets more and more attention .

  7. 旋转型行波超声电机具有体积小、低速大转矩、无电磁干扰等优点,在精密仪器仪表、航天、医疗、机器人等高新技术领域中具有广阔的应用前景。

    Traveling wave type rotary ultrasonic motor ( TRUM ), featuring small size , high torque at low speed , and no electromagnetic interferences , has been widely used in precise instruments and devices , astronautics , medical treatment , and robots .