
  • 网络Medical journals;Lancet Medical Journal
  1. 新疆医学期刊面临加入WTO和中国期刊方阵建设的挑战及发展前景

    Impact of access to WTO and construction of China 's Excellent Periodicals on Xinjiang medical journals and their development prospects

  2. Excel处理的医学期刊线条图中存在的问题及解决办法

    Some Problems of Excel Software Worked Line Graph in Medical Journals and Their Solution

  3. 这项发表在《英国医学期刊》上的研究结果不是要呼吁大家退学。

    The study in the British Medical Journal is not a call to quit school .

  4. 基于XML语言的医学期刊元数据复用

    Reuse of XML based medical journal metadata

  5. 2004年度46种SCI口腔医学期刊影响因子(IF)报告

    Impact Factor of 46 Dental Journals Cited by SCI in 2004

  6. SpringerLink及其收录的医学期刊分析

    Analysis of Springer Link and its Medical Journals

  7. 一项发表在医学期刊《ReproductiveHealth》的小研究显示,在产程开始之前孕妇的活动就可以影响她们对镇痛剂的需求。

    A small study published in the medical journal Reproductive Health suggests that women can influence their risk for needing pain relief long before labor starts .

  8. 加入WTO后外文医学期刊的订购及对策国外部分医学院校社区医疗实践现状与启示

    Acquisition of foreign medical journals after China 's entrance into WTO and its countermeasures Present Situation and Enlightenment of Community Medical Practice of Foreign Medical Colleges

  9. 医学期刊《MedicalHypothesis》本月刊登的一篇文章称,对某些人来说,高糖份和高碳水化合物的精制食品可以像烟和酒一样上瘾。

    An article in this month 's Medical Hypothesis argues that for some people , refined foods with high sugar and carbohydrate content can be just as addictive as tobacco and alcohol .

  10. 有15种中国医学期刊的49篇论文被MEDLINE收录;

    49 papers published in Chinese medical periodicals were included in MEDLINE .

  11. 结果:SpringerLink数据库收录的医学期刊有237种之多,地区分布以德国为主,但语种以英文为主;

    Results Springer Link includes more 237 kinds of medical journals , the majority are published in Germany , but in English .

  12. 2006年美国MEDLINE收录生殖医学期刊一览表及情况分析

    A List and Analysis of Reproductive Medicine Periodicals Indexed in MEDLINE in 2006

  13. 印度Calicut医学期刊的OA办刊模式初探

    Preliminary study on the Open Access Publication Mode of Indian Calicut Bio-Medical Periodical

  14. 在《职业和环境医学期刊》(JournalofOccupationalandEnvironmentalMedicine)2011年刊登的一篇论文中,研究人员对瑞典一家大型大众口腔健康集团171名加入工作时间健身项目的雇员进行了监测。

    A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 2011 monitored 171 employees at a large Swedish public dental-health group who were assigned to an exercise program during work hours .

  15. 在合撰的一篇文章中写道。文章于今年8月发表在英国医学期刊《柳叶刀》(TheLancet)上。

    wrote in an article published in August in the British medical journal The Lancet .

  16. 应用CONSORT提高医学期刊质量

    Improving quality of medical journals by CONSORT using

  17. 《心脏医学期刊》(Heart)上月刊登了一项针对24000名德国人的研究,研究发现,每日摄入约820毫克钙的人患心脏病的风险比摄入量少得多的人低31%。

    A study of 24,000 Germans published in the journal Heart last month , found that those who consumed about 820 mg of calcium a day had a 31 % lower risk of heart attack than those who consumed much less .

  18. 《家庭及社区医学期刊》(JournalofFamilyandCommunityMedicine)最近的一项研究显示,沙特阿拉伯糖尿病的治疗费用预计将在2015年增至24亿美元,是2010年的三倍多。

    The cost of diabetes treatment in Saudi Arabia is expected to rise to $ 2.4 billion in 2015 , more than triple that spent in 2010 , according to a recent study in the Journal of Family and Community Medicine .

  19. 今年4月,广州中山大学(SunYat-senUniversity)的科学家利用Crispr技术修改了85个无法存活的人类胚胎的基因组,尽管西方医学期刊上很多文章事先敦促他们不要这么做。

    In April scientists from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou used Crispr to modify the genomes of 85 non-viable human embryos , despite a number of pre-emptive articles in western medical journals urging them not to do it .

  20. 医学期刊报道称,有研究专门针对影响胰岛素和营养物质的关键分子,即对雷帕霉素标靶(以下称TOR)的抑制。

    The research , reported in the journal Cell Reports , involved blocking key molecules that affect the action of insulin and a nutrient signalling pathway called Target of Rapamycin ( TOR ) .

  21. 医学期刊《柳叶刀》(Lancet)周三刊登了初步试验的结果。在试验中,研究人员使用了一种失去活性的病毒来携带实验室制作的健康基因,将数以十亿计的这类基因安全地注入视网膜。

    In an early-stage trial published Wednesday in the Lancet , the researchers used a deactivated virus to safely ferry billions of healthy , lab-made versions of the gene into the retina .

  22. 方法:检索了近6年的医学期刊,收集含辨证分型具体病例数据的论文28篇中的确诊SLE病例1967例,总结、比较分析SLE中医证型的构成比。

    Methods : To review medical periodicals of recent 6 years and collect the data of syndrome differentiation of 1967 cases of SLE included in 28 medical articles , so as to summarize and analyse the constructive ratio of SLE .

  23. 目的:了解近20年国内主要医学期刊发表的临床病理讨论(CPC)文章数量变化情况及同期北京大学医学部2所大医院死亡病例尸体解剖检查(尸检)的情况。

    Objective : To understand the changes in the number of the papers on clinical pathological conference ( CPC ) published on mainland major medical periodicals and the rates of autopsy in the two teaching hospitals with Beijing University during the past 20-year period .

  24. 《中国生物医学期刊引文数据库》(CMCI)全面地反映了我国近10年来中文医学期刊文献的引用和被引用情况。

    The Chinese Medical Citation Index ( CMCI ) reveals the relationship of citing and cited of the Chinese medical journal articles these ten years .

  25. NLM公布的2006年版MEDLINE收录期刊目录共收录4959种期刊,其中生殖医学期刊46种,主要包括男科学、生育与不孕等内容。

    Of the total number of ( 4 959 ) journals listed in the Lists of Journals Indexed in MEDLINE ( 2006 ) published by NLM , 46 are periodicals of reproductive medicine , mainly including andrology , fertility , and sterility .

  26. 医学期刊《柳叶刀》(TheLancet)发表的一份专家报告显示,中国亟需找到为其境况不佳的医疗体系提供资金的新方式。在中国,一次住院的平均费用几乎与人均年收入相等。

    China urgently needs to find fresh ways to fund its ailing health system , with the average cost of a single hospital admission almost equivalent to annual per capita income , according to a report by experts published in The Lancet , the medical journal .

  27. 对印度Calicut医学期刊的的OA办刊模式,从办刊特点、出版、经济模式等方面进行初步探讨,认为该刊的办刊理念和方式可以给发展中的中国网络期刊提供办刊思路。

    This paper tried to give a preliminary study on the OA mode applied by the Indian Calicut Bio-Medical Journal . The author hopes it can offer some new ideas in respect of editing , publication , and economic resources , for construction and development of Chinese on-line journals .

  28. 于是,Messerli选取了一个国家获得诺贝尔奖的人数作为该国的一般国民素质指标,然后与该国的巧克力消费量对比,他的发现成果很让人吃惊,目前该研究结果已发表在《新英格兰医学期刊》上。

    So Messerli took the number of Nobel Prize winners in a country as an indicator of general national intelligence and compared that with the nation 's chocolate consumption . The results - published in the New England Journal of Medicine - were striking .

  29. 中文版医学期刊来稿论文中英文摘要的写作

    Writing structured English abstracts in manuscripts submitted to Chinese medical journals

  30. 医学期刊质量和编辑水平的提高与循证医学的关系

    Relationships between evidence-based medicine and medical periodical quality or editing level