
  • 网络ethics;medical ethic
  1. ART医学伦理调控与医疗机构伦理委员会

    Medical Ethics Adjustments of ART & Ethics Committee of Medical Organizations

  2. ART医学伦理调控的主要形式有伦理调节、导向、教育、辩护、制约等。

    The adjustment of Medical ethics on ART are affected through ethical regulation , exampling , leading , educating etc.

  3. 饶毅认为,世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)或联合国应该成立一家全球性的医学伦理监督机构,对科学实验加以规范。

    A global medical ethics body run by the World Health Organization or the United Nations should be set up to regulate scientific experimentation , Mr. Rao said .

  4. 解决ART应用中引发的伦理问题、难题的基本对策之一是加强医学伦理调控,推进医学伦理精神对医学过程的渗入,这是医学伦理学的一项重要使命。

    One of the important missions of modern medical ethics is to strengthen the adjustment of medical ethics and advance the infiltration of medical ethics spirits to medical science to solve the basic ethical problems caused by ART .

  5. “所以这仍是又一个因科技进步而生的医学伦理难题,”Halpern补充道。

    " So this is yet another ethical dilemma in medicine born of technological advancements ," adds Halpern .

  6. 身兼律师和医学伦理讲师的丹尼尔•索科尔(DanielSokol)在一篇发表于《英国医学期刊》(BMJ)的文章中引用了该调查。他说,“对于任何有自尊心的专业人士来说,承认错误都是痛苦而困难的”。

    Daniel Sokol , a lawyer and medical ethics lecturer who cited the survey in a BMJ article , says that " admitting a mistake is painfully difficult for any self-respecting professional . "

  7. 医学伦理委员会在亲属活体肾移植中的作用

    Practice of Medical Ethical Committee in Living Relative Donor Renal Transplantation

  8. 利剑配鞘:重视后基因组时代医学伦理研究

    Stressing the Research on Medical Ethics in the Era of Post-genomics

  9. 医学伦理审查工作在我院的规范运行

    Medical ethical review is operating regularly in affiliated the second hospital

  10. 中国药物依赖自愿戒毒机构的医院文化与医学伦理建设

    Construction of Culture and Ethics in Chinese Voluntary Dependence Quit Institution

  11. 乳腺外科手术诊疗工作有着不同于一般手术的医学伦理要求。

    Breast surgery has different medical ethical requirements from ordinary surgery .

  12. 医学伦理研究之文化背景关注

    Pay Attention to Cultural Background while Research on Medical Ethics

  13. 口腔修复工作中的医学伦理探讨

    The Discussion on Ethics in the Process of Dental Prosthesis

  14. 医学伦理教育在职业生涯规划中的实践探索

    Exploration in the Practice of Medical Ethics Education in Occupational Career Planning

  15. 加强医学伦理素养教育的机制、途径和方法

    Mechanisms , Means and Methods in Improving Medical Ethics Accomplishments

  16. 对此,提出:①严格遵循医学伦理原则;

    So we present that ① strictly to following medical ethical principle ;

  17. 试论市场经济与医学伦理的关系

    Talk about the relation between market economy and medical ethic

  18. 新生患儿治疗中的医学伦理、法律与医疗保障等问题的探讨

    Medical ethics , law and health care problems in treatment of newborns

  19. 医学伦理的后现代反思

    Reflection on Medical Ethics in the View of Postmodern Thought

  20. 我国医学伦理委员会的成立背景、功能和建设建议

    Establishing Background Function Construction Proposing of Our " Medical Ethics Committee "

  21. 论基因治疗研究与医学伦理

    An Overview on Relationship between Gene Therapy and Medical Ethics

  22. 论加强社区卫生服务从业人员职业道德素质的医学伦理教育

    On Strengthening Medical Ethics Education for Working Staff in Community Healthcare Service

  23. 医学伦理决策:原因、立场与方法

    Medical Moral Decision-making : Cause , Standpoint and Way

  24. 死亡观是医学伦理教育的一个重要问题。

    The death sense is an important problem in the medical ethics education .

  25. 本文提出时代的进步对医务人员的医学伦理素质提出了更高的要求,但目前医院的医学伦理学教育不能与之相适应,因此必须构建医院医学伦理学教育的新模式。

    The paper presents new ideas in the teaching medical ethics in hospital .

  26. 顾客卫技群体社会医学伦理系统工程论析

    An Analysis of " Customers-Health - Skilled Worker Group-Society " Ethical Systematic Engineering

  27. 医学伦理委员会是医学发展的必然产物

    Medical Ethics Council is inevitable outcome of medical developments

  28. 预防艾滋病传播的医学伦理探讨及对策

    Ethical Exploration and Countermeasure on Preventing Sexual HIV Transmission

  29. 美容牙医学医患关系中的医学伦理问题研究

    Study on the Ethical Problems of Doctor-patient Relationship of Cosmetic Tooth Medical Science

  30. 论医院管理者的现代医学伦理意识

    On Hospital Managers ' Consciousness of Modern Medical Ethics