
  • 网络Chemical Equipment;chemical engineering equipment
  1. 统一建模语言UML的应用是化工设备CAD软件开发技术上的一个新的突破。

    It is a new breakthrough that UML applies in the development of chemical equipment CAD software .

  2. 基于AutoCAD的化工设备三维可视化管理及安全评定系统

    3D Visual Management and Safety Assessment System for Chemical Equipment Based on AutoCAD

  3. 化工设备CAD中标准数据及图形处理

    Standard data and graphics management in CAD for chemical industry equipments

  4. 用VISUALLISP开发化工设备辅助设计程序

    Using Visual LISP to Develop Software for Design of Process Equipment

  5. 用AutoCAD创建化工设备常用标准零部件图块

    Used AutoCAD for Setting up Blocks of Standard Parts and components on Chemical Equipment

  6. AutoCAD动态块的化工设备标准件参数化图库建立

    Parametric Standard Part Library Establishment of Chemical Engineering Equipment Based on Dynamic-Block of AutoCAD

  7. 文章重点对开发化工设备CAD软件应注意的几个方面做了较详细的论述。

    Secondly the article discussed some aspects in detail which should be taken into consideration in developing software of CAD in chemical equipment .

  8. 最后对如何提高CAD技术在化工设备设计中的应用水平提了一些个人看法。

    Finally the auther has put forward some personal views on how to rise the level of CAD application in chemical equipment design .

  9. OPT理论在盐化工设备改造中的应用

    Application of OPT Theory in the Modification of Salt and Chemical Making Equipment

  10. 简要介绍可视化环境下化工设备CAD软件开发过程中有关软件可视化界面的制作技巧。

    The author briefly introduces the production techniques of visible interface of related software in development of chemical equipment CAD software under the visible environment .

  11. 制造化工设备用的Li2O-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2系微晶玻璃

    Developing Li2O-MgO-Al2O3 SiO2 Glass Ceramics for Chemical Equipment

  12. 化工设备设计程序CEC的编制

    The programming of chemical equipment design

  13. 本文简要介绍了国内外低温条件下石油化工设备用铝镇静钢和Ni系低温钢的标准及现状;

    This paper introduces the standard and current situation on aluminium killed steel and pre-low-temperature nickel steel for petrochemical equipment in low temperature condition at home and abroad .

  14. 介绍了石油化工设备加氢反应器90°弯管内壁TIG堆焊四自由度运动微机控制系统。

    Movement control to 4 degrees of elbow pipe 90 ' during TIG cladding process using with microcomputer is introduced .

  15. 振荡流反应器(OFR)是一种新型的化工设备。

    Oscillatory Flow Reactor ( OFR ) is a new type of chemical equipment .

  16. 结合一个椭圆形封头实例,介绍了在Pro/Engineerwildfire环境下建立三维化工设备零件库的方法。

    At the platform of Pro / Engineer Wildfire , it illustrates the method of the 3D device part library .

  17. 在AutoCAD软件环境下,运用AutoCAD2006的动态块功能建立化工设备标准件图库,并通过工具选项板对图库进行管理。

    Through using the function of dynamic-block of AutoCAD 2006 , parametric standard part database of chemical engineering equipment was established and managed with tool templates under the circumstance of AutoCAD .

  18. 通过对不同特点仿真系统的比较、分析,提出建立基于Web化工设备数据库的协同虚拟现实系统的必要性和可行性,简要论述了实现系统架构的关键技术。

    Through comparing and analyzing these simulation systems with different characteristic , it proposes the necessary and the feasibility about establishing a collaborative virtual reality system based on Web chemical equipment database , and simply describes the key technologies to achieve this system structure .

  19. 探讨了化工设备设计中应用AutoCAD进行变量化设计的途径、方法和将Lisp或ARX引进CAD系统的研究与开发的应用。

    The way and the method of applying AutoCAD for variable Devising in chemical device design and the using of Lisp or ARX in CAD system research and development are discussed .

  20. 针对AutoCAD辅助化工设备设计时易出现的问题,用VISUALLISP开发了参数化的化工设备标准件库,并用实例展示了其可操作性。

    The paper aims at the development of parametric standard parts of chemical engineering equipment by means of Visual LISP in order to solve some problems that occur when AutoCAD is used to help design chemical engineering equipment .

  21. 本文在认真研究本单位生产实际的基础上,在Windows系统下用Borlandc++Builder编程语言实现了在AutoCAD平台上开发化工设备工程图辅助设计系统。

    Based on the study of local department 's work , Using Borland C + + Builder programming language , this paper realizes the development of the chemical equipment engineering drawing system on the AutoCAD platform under the Windows system .

  22. 化工设备参数化设计系统CEE-PDS开发研究

    Exploitation and Study of Parametric Design System of Chemical Engineering Equipment CEE-PDS

  23. 设计出化工设备维修气象指数;依据T106场格点预报资料建立了未来4天的滚动预报服务系统。

    We designed meteorological index of maintaining chemical equipment , and based on T106 forecast product , built service system on a continuously forecasting basis in4 days .

  24. 在化工设备设计中选用JB4700~4707-92《压力容器法兰》标准应注意的问题

    The Points Which Should be Taken into Account when Utilizing the Standard of JB4700 ~ 4707-92 《 Pressure Vessel Flange 》 in Chemical Equipment Design

  25. 工业修补胶在化工设备检修中的应用

    Application of Industrial Mending Adhesive in Examining and Repairing Chemical Equipment

  26. 石油化工设备复杂应力状态疲劳研究

    The inverstigation on fatigue under complex stress condition for petrochemical equipment

  27. 镍及其合金在化工设备和管道中的应用

    Application of Nickel and Its Alloy in Process Equipment and Piping

  28. 干燥装置是一类重要的化工设备。

    The dryers are one of important equipments of chemical industry .

  29. 化工设备维修气象指数的分析及预报

    The analysis and forecast of meteorological index for maintaining chemical equipment

  30. 石油化工设备地震破坏等级划分标准

    Standard for grade classification of earthquake damage of petrochemical industrial equipments