
  • 网络Circumcision;uncircumcised;posthetomy
  1. CO2激光包皮环切术300例报告

    Report of 300 Cases with CO 2 Laser Circumcision

  2. 目的探讨CO2激光加改良式包皮环切术治疗包皮过长尖锐湿疣的临床效果。

    Objective : Effect of Study CO2-Laser add reform-type circumcision treat patients with condyloma acuminatum and redundant prepuce .

  3. 小儿CO2激光包皮环切术的护理体会

    Nursing Experience of Children Circumcision with CO_2 Laser

  4. 方法在行常规CO2激光包皮环切术中,将整形美容的方法贯穿始终。

    Methods Combining plastic aesthetic methods and CO_ 2 laser circumcision treatment for patients with phimosis and redundant prepuce .

  5. 去年在南非开展的试验对象为3000人的首个大型临床试验,发现包皮环切术使HIV感染风险下降了60%。

    The first major clinical trial , of3,000 men in South Africa , found last year that circumcision cut the HIV risk by60 percent .

  6. WHO官员预测,如果男性包皮环切术被广泛地采用,那就能在未来几年使数以万计的人避免感染HIV;

    If male circumcision were widely adopted , officials predicted that could help to avert tens of thousands of HIV infections in coming years ;

  7. 目的探讨将整形美容的方法引入CO2激光包皮环切术中治疗包皮过长及包茎的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of combining plastic aesthetic methods with CO_ 2 laser circumcision on patients with phimosis and redundant prepuce .

  8. 为降低HIV性传播或性传播疾病采取了很多预防措施,包括禁欲、一夫一妻制、常规使用安全套以及男性包皮环切术。

    Many HIV prevention approaches are used to decrease the risk of HIV transmission and infection , including abstinence , monogamy and regular use of condoms .

  9. 目的:探讨CO2激光包皮环切术是否能降低伴包皮过长的尖锐湿疣(CA)患者的复发率。

    Objective : To investigate on the effect of CO_2 laser circumcision on patients with recurrence of condyloma acuminata ( CA ) combined with redundant prepuce .

  10. 结论将整形美容的方法引入CO2激光包皮环切术中,伤口愈合良好,外形美观,疗效满意。

    Conclusion Combining plastic aesthetics methods with CO_ 2 laser circumcision for patients with phimosis and redundant prepuce can obtain ideal aesthetic results and satisfactory efficacy .

  11. 结论CO2激光加改良式包皮环切术治疗包皮过长尖锐湿疣,可提高治愈率,减少复发率。

    Conclusion : CO2-Laser and reform-type circumcision treat patients with condyloma acuminatum and redundant prepuce , It can rise the cure rates and decreases the recurrent rates .

  12. 对于为何包皮环切术可降低HSV-2和HPV风险,但对预防梅毒没有作用,研究者称尚不清楚。

    The researchers said they don 't know why circumcision may reduce the risk of HSV-2 and HPV infection but not syphilis .

  13. 美国学者近期发现包皮环切术可降低生殖器疱疹及HPV感染发生风险,但对预防梅毒没有帮助。

    A new study by researchers in the US found that male circumcision cut the risk of genital herpes and human papillomavirus ( HPV ) infection , but not syphilis .

  14. 这项发表在3月出版的《流行病学年鉴》(AnnalsofEpidemiology)上的研究加入到了使用男性包皮环切术预防艾滋病的辩论中。

    The research , published in the March issue of Annals of Epidemiology , adds to the debate over the use of male circumcision for the prevention of HIV infection .

  15. 男婴出生时行包皮环切术在美国很普遍。

    Male circumcision is common at birth in the United States .

  16. 战士对包皮环切术认知及手术意愿的影响因素研究

    Soldiers ' cognition of circumcision and influential factors of operation will

  17. 前言:目的:探讨改良式包皮环切术的疗效。

    Objective : To study the therapeutical effect of improved circumcision .

  18. 包皮环切术的整形改进绿篱的建造与养护

    Plastic improvement of prepuce circumcision Structuring and Maintaining of the Plant Hedge

  19. 目的:根据整形外科学原则对包皮环切术进行改进。

    Objective To improve prepuce circumcision according to plastic principles .

  20. 己烯雌酚与布洛芬对包皮环切术后疼痛及并发症的影响

    Effect of Diaethylstilbestrol and Ibuprofen on erectile pain and complications after circumcision

  21. 激光包皮环切术治疗伴包皮过长的尖锐湿疣35例疗效分析

    Analysis of Laser Circumcision Treatment on the Condyloma Acuminata with Redundant Prepuce

  22. 包皮环切术去除了包皮,可能降低了上皮细胞感染的风险。

    Circumcision removes the foreskin and perhaps reduces risk of epithelial infection .

  23. 锐性去表皮层包皮环切术138例临床分析

    De - epithelialization technique of circumcision in 138 cases

  24. 方法采用弹性箍圈式环切器行包皮环切术962例,设对照组作对比观察,术后随访1~3个月。

    Methods 962 cases of foreskin patients were treated with elasticity ringed apparatus .

  25. 结论:根据整形外科学原则对包皮环切术进行改进是非常必要且效果良好的。

    Conclusion It is very necessary to improve prepuce circumcision according to plastic principles .

  26. 包皮环切术525例分析

    Analysis of Circumcision : 525 Cases of Reports

  27. 此外,已行包皮环切术的男性艾滋病毒感染者也可以传染其性伴。

    In addition , HIV-positive men who are circumcised can infect their sexual partners .

  28. 美国拥有非宗教原因的最高的包皮环切术比例。

    The United States has the highest proportion of males circumcised for non-religious reasons .

  29. 成年男性患者包皮环切术术前157例心理干预效果观察

    Observation of 157 cases of adult males ' outer shin wreath slices treated with preoperative psycho-references

  30. 包皮环切术的整形改进

    The expression of mRNA level was detected by RT-PCR method . Plastic improvement of prepuce circumcision