- 名orderly;batman

[orderly] 旧军队中为军官办杂务的士兵
He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough
The orderly struck a light , Shtcherbinin felt for a candlestick .
An orderly has no business being where he is .
He launched a brutal kick in batman 's face .
On arrival , new recruits should report to the orderly room .
An orderly assigned to serve a British military officer .
But I 'll put an orderly on guard * two , indeed !
The batsman walked out to pat down some bumps in the pitch .
Every general was accompanied by an orderly .
Schwaegermann assured him he could and sent two orderlies to procure the gasoline .
But Sanmao served unexpectedly in the army as an orderly for his company officer .
You must form the most tremendous bonds , even with a servant . Really ?
A man does not own a marriage ; he is only a steward of his wife 's love .
Shortly after blackout we were disturbed by an orderly making his way down the length of train with a rattle .
The boy was in very bad shape and they were using him as an orderly to wait on table at the staff .
The only sound came from a servant of some sort talking with the porter at the gate , and splashing through the mud .
One of the orderlies , Levy was shuffling the cards . So as to prevent cheating , he was asked to reshuffle the cards .
" Pooh , go to the devil , do ," he heard the cook 's voice , smothered in the laughter of the servants .
" His honour has been very unwell since the evening ; he has not slept for three nights ," an orderly 's voice whispered , interposing .
Paulus orderly was still absent , so Field Marshal removed cover from the bed , put his own two blankets on top , undressed and laid down .
This way , please . ( Orderly escorts Laszlo off in the direction of the plane )( Rick takes the Letters out of his pocket , and hands them to Renault . )
A retired four-star general ran into his former orderly , also retired , in a Manhattan bar and spent the rest of the evening persuading him to come work for him as his valet .
I should have fallen into the hands of the murderous Ghazis had it not been for the devotion and courage shown by Murray , my orderly , who threw me across a pack - horse , and succeeded in bringing me safely to the British lines .