
dòng zhí wù jiǎn yì
  • Animal and plant quarantine;quarantine of animals and plants
动植物检疫[dòng zhí wù jiǎn yì]
  1. SPS协议对我国动植物检疫和食品安全立法影响及法律对策研究

    The Probable Effect of SPS Agreement to Chinese Quarantine of Animals and Plants Food Safety Legislation and the Corresponding Legal Solution

  2. 据动植物检疫机关称,韩国被遗弃的动物数量从2016年的89732只增加到了2020年的130401只。

    Animal abandonment rose to 130401 in 2020 from 89732 cases in 2016 , the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency said .

  3. WTO成员要想成功援引《卫生和动植物检疫措施协定》必须满足以国际标准为基础、以科学证据为基础的风险评估、保护水平适当和有关同等待遇的规定等适格性条件。

    The successful adoption of SPS for members of WTO requires such proper conditions as the risk evaluation based on the international ( criterions ) and scientific evidence , the proper protection level and the regulations as to the equal treatment .

  4. 首先论述了WTO《农产品协议》的主要内容,包括市场准入、国内支持承诺、出口竞争承诺、卫生与动植物检疫措施等;

    This paper discusses the main content of " WTO agreement on agriculture " at first , which consists of market accession , domestic support commitment , export allowance to agricultural products , sanitary and plants and animals phytosanitary measures , and so on .

  5. 刍议逃避动植物检疫罪

    Discussions on the Crime of Dodging Animal and Plant Quarantine

  6. 动植物检疫实验室的质量控制研究

    Study on Laboratory Quality Control for Animal and Plant Quarantine

  7. 深港动植物检疫工作小组

    Shenzhen and Hong Kong Animal and Plant Quarantine Working Group

  8. 动植物检疫在生物多样性保护中的作用

    The role of animal and plant quarantine in the protection of biological diversity

  9. 加强动植物检疫。

    And to strengthen animal and plant quarantine .

  10. 为什么要实施动植物检疫?

    Why should carry out move plant quarantine ?

  11. 建立适合我国国情的动植物检疫法律制度。

    5th , launching appropriate quarantine law system .

  12. 第六,加强动植物检疫管理;

    Sixthly , enhancing the quarantine administration ;

  13. 检验检疫一般是指卫生检疫、动植物检疫、商品检疫的总称。

    Generally , inspection & quarantine refers to the total of health quarantine , Animals and Plants quarantine , commodity quarantine .

  14. 未取得《进境动植物检疫许可证》的水产品,不得进口。

    Aquatic products for which the License for Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants hasnt been obtained may not be imported .

  15. 第三十五条进境的车辆、由口岸动植物检疫机关作防疫消毒处理。

    Article 35 Vehicles entering the country shall be disinfected for epidemic prevention by the port animal and plant quarantine office .

  16. 第四十八条口岸动植物检疫机关实施检疫依照规定收费。

    Article 48 Port animal and plant quarantine offices shall collect fees , according to relevant regulations , for performing quarantine inspection .

  17. 未经口岸动植物检疫机关同意,不得卸离运输工具。

    Without consent of the port animal and plant quarantine office , the same shall not be unloaded from the means of transport .

  18. 指定的存放、加工和隔离饲养或者隔离种植的场所,应当符合动植物检疫和防疫的规定。

    Designated places for storage , processing , isolated feeding or planting shall conform to the provisions on animal and plant quarantine and epidemic prevention .

  19. 第九条动植物检疫机关检疫人员必须忠于职守,秉公执法。

    Article 9 Any quarantine functionary of an animal and plant quarantine organ must be devoted to his or her duties and enforce the law impartially .

  20. 动植物检疫机关检疫人员依法执行公务,任何单位和个人不得阻挠。

    No unit or individual may obstruct a quarantine functionary of an animal and plant quarantine organ from carrying out his or her duties according to law .

  21. 国务院农业行政主管部门主管全国进出境动植物检疫工作。

    The department of agriculture administration under the State Council shall be in charge of the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine in the whole country .

  22. 进境肉类产品的货主应当在贸易合同签订前办理检疫审批手续,取得进境动植物检疫许可证。

    The consignor of entry meat products shall go through quarantine approval formalities and obtain a license for entry animal and plant quarantine before concluding a trade contract .

  23. 装载过境动物的运输工具、装载容器、饲料和铺垫材料,必须符合中国动植物检疫的规定。

    The means of transport , containers , feeding stuffs and bedding materials for the animals in transit must all conform to China 's regulations on animal and plant quarantine .

  24. (三)擅自调离或者处理在口岸动植物检疫机关指定的隔离场所中隔离检疫的动植物的。

    Transferring or disposing of , without authorization , the animals or plants subjected to quarantine inspection in an isolation court designated by the port animal and plant quarantine office .

  25. 口岸动植物检疫机关发现有前款规定的禁止进境物的,作退回或者销毁处理。

    When a port animal and plant quarantine office discovers any objects prohibited from entering the country as prescribed in the preceding paragraph , such objects shall be returned or destroyed .

  26. 出境前需经隔离检疫的动物,在口岸动植物检疫机关指定的隔离场所检疫。

    The animals that need to the placed in isolation for quarantine inspection before exit shall be quarantined in an isolation court designated by the port animal and plant quarantine office .

  27. 第三十四条来自动植物疫区的船舶、飞机、火车抵达口岸时,由口岸动植物检疫机关实施检疫。

    Article 34 Ships , airplanes or trains from the animal or plant epidemic areas shall , upon their arrival at the port , be quarantined by the port animal and plant quarantine office .

  28. 美国动植物检疫局对木质包装没有规定处理的时限,也就是不要求木质包装在运往美国之前一定的天数内处理。

    APHIS is not establishing a time limit for treatment of SWPM i.e. , SWPM will not be required to be treated within a certain number of days prior to embarking for the United States .

  29. 讨论结果显示,当感到不安的企业进入中国市场时遭遇大量的市场准入阻碍,如关税配额、管制壁垒和动植物检疫措施。

    Results showed the unease companies had when entering Chinese market , which include a number of market access obstacles that hinder , for instance ; tariff-rate quotas , regulatory barriers , and sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures .

  30. 海关凭口岸动植物检疫机关签发的检疫单证或者在报单上加盖的印章验放。

    The Customs shall , after verification , release the same on the strength of the quarantine certificates issued , or the stamps on the customs declaration forms affixed , by the port animal and plant quarantine office .