
  • 网络Dynamic Error
  1. 移动桥式三坐标测量机Z轴运动的动态误差

    Dynamic Error of Z Axis Movement of Movable Bridge-type 3-D Coordinate measuring Machine

  2. 基于PSD集成装置挠性机器人动态误差建模

    Flexible Robot Dynamic Error Modeling Based on PSD Integrated Setup

  3. 时间交替ADC系统的一种动态误差补偿方法

    Dynamic error compensation for time interleaved ADC system

  4. 数控系统软件自动生成G代码程序,完成凸轮轴循环磨削加工,自动进行砂轮修整,并在磨削过程中对砂轮磨损实施动态误差补偿。

    The modules of G code automatic programming , cyclical camshaft grinding and automatic wheel dressing were embedded , and the wheel wear was dynamically compensated .

  5. 提出了一种基于微粒群(PSO)算法优化的传感器动态误差补偿器的设计方法。

    An approach for designing compensator of sensor dynamic errors based on particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) is presented .

  6. 利用MATLAB进行了仿真,使得在三轴转台上标定加速度计动态误差系数有了清晰的先验认识和结果预期。

    As the result of simulating finished with MATLAB , clear prior knowledge and anticipated result of calibrating dynamic error coefficients of accelerometer on three-axis turntable are obtained .

  7. 建立方位捷联平台速率陀螺的误差模型,提出了在H2范数意义下采用正交多项式逼近算法,估计方位捷联平台速率陀螺的动态误差模型。

    Error model of rate gyro used in azimuth strapdown platform is built up . Its dynamic error model is estimated by using orthogonal polynomial approximation method in H_2 norm .

  8. 利用传感器进行测量时,被测参数的真实值C(t)与测量值Cm(t)之间,不可避免地存在静态和动态误差。

    Measured by a sensor , dynamic error and quiescent error are unavoidable to lie in true value C ( t ) and measured value Cm ( t ) of parameter .

  9. 研究一类随机系统具有期望的动态误差系数、稳态输出方差和相对稳定裕度约束的满意PID控制问题。

    The problem of satisfactory PID control for a class of stochastic systems with constraints on dynamic error coefficient , steady-state output variance and relative stability margin is considered .

  10. 本文用Visualc++6.0和C语言编制程序,在计算机上进行系统仿真,目的是对此种滤波器的原理、滤波系数和动态误差补偿系数的选取进行分析。

    In the study of the concept of the filter and the selection of filtering factor and dynamic error compensation coefficient , simulation is carried out on computer with Visual and C + + 6.0 language .

  11. 分别从理论上和实验上对移动桥式三坐标测量机Z轴运动的动态误差进行了分析,对Z轴进行了力的分析。

    A dynamic error analysis of the Z axis of a bridge-type 3-D coordinate measuring machine is made theoretically and experimentally . A kinetic analysis of the Z axis is made .

  12. 控制器以系统动态误差作为CMAC的输入,用CMAC的输出与系统总输入之差调整权重。

    System error is used as input of CMAC , and weighting is adjusted with the difference between output of CMAC and total input of system .

  13. 通过引入与均方误差相关的动态误差传递因子,使用改进的梯度下降法,本方法能够辨识模糊T-S预测模型。

    By introducing the dynamic error transfer factor associated with mean squared error and using the improved gradient descent approach , the proposed method can identify the fuzzy T-S prediction model .

  14. 根据载体运动状态下捷联惯性导航系统(SINS)的误差方程时变的特点,推导出捷联惯性导航系统动态误差模型,并对其在几种动态环境下的误差特性进行了仿真研究。

    According to the point that the error state equation of strapdown inertial Navigation System ( SINS ) is time-variant when the vehicle is moving , this paper gives the dynamic error model and simulation results .

  15. 该控制器以系统动态误差和给定信号量作为CMAC的激励信号,并与自适应线性神经元网络相结合构成系统的复合控制。

    Combining it with the adaptive linear neuron network , the multiplex control strategy takes the dynamic errors and given signals of the system as input signals to the CMAC neural network .

  16. 然后分别推导出PID控制器满足期望的稳定裕度指标的参数域边界解析式、满足期望的动态误差系数指标和期望的稳态输出方差指标的参数解集的解析式;

    The expression of describing the boundaries of PID controller parametric set satisfying the desired relative stability margin is derived . The analytical formulas describing the PID controller parameter sets satisfying the given dynamic error coefficient index and the desired steady-state output variance index are derived , respectively .

  17. 与自适应卡尔曼滤波、IIR低通滤波方法在实际工程中应用的比较和大量的跑车实验表明,该方法能够有效去除压电陀螺动态误差噪声干扰,提高压电陀螺使用精度。

    The method of Kalman filter and IIR low-pass filter are compared with this method . The practical data shows that the method is most effective to reduce the dynamic errors of piezoelectric gyro and improves its precision .

  18. 应用傅里叶变换的计算方法,并且完成了FIR滤波器的设计,通过傅里叶正反变换和频率补偿实现工作频率范围内加速度信号动态误差修正,在DSP上实现了信号处理,真实地记录了信号数据。

    Using Fourier transformation computational method , the FIR filter was designed . The acceleration signal dynamic error was revised through the FFT 、 IFFT and frequency correction in the operating frequency scope . The signal processing had been realized on DSP , and the signal data was really recorded .

  19. 在300mm×200mm的矩形有机玻璃塔内,以空气&水为物系,对系统的温度测量精度、动态误差、重复性、分辨能力以及测试结果的可靠准确性进行测试。

    The purposes of the debugging experiments were to measure the temperature measuring precision , dynamic errors , recurrence , resolving power , veracity and reliability of its measuring results .

  20. 在QFT的基础上,提出了一种QFT和神经网络并行控制的方案,以QFT为主控制器,神经网络进行动态误差补偿。

    On the basis of QFT , a method for parallel control of QFT and neural network is presented , which consists of a QFT controller and a network controller used to compensate the dynamic error .

  21. 提出一种基于3个激光发生器和3个激光位置检测器(PSD)的挠性构件动态误差测量方法,该法可以测量除杆长方向外的5个变形分量,且光路和测量模型简单;

    A method for measuring dynamic errors of a flexible link is presented , which is based on three laser-optical generators and three position sensitive detectors ( PSD ) . The method can be used to measure five deflective components except the elongating one of the link .

  22. 应用动态误差系统分析(DESA)方法,严格证明了提出的自校正加权观测融合Wiener信号滤波器按实现收敛于相应的稳态全局最优滤波器,因而具有渐近全局最优性。

    By DESA method , it is rigorously proved that the proposed self-tuning weighted measurement fusion Wiener signal filters converge to the corresponding steady-state globally optimal filters in a realization , so they have the asymptotical global optimality .

  23. 针对统计误差与动态误差在测量时间上的矛盾关系,文中提出了一种在不增大统计误差条件下减小动态误差的采集与运算方法,并通过实验证实了MCI方法的有效性。

    Aiming at the contradiction between the statistic and dynamic errors in time measurement , the paper presents the MCI method of data collection and calculation that can reduce the dynamic error while the statistic error is not enlarged , then experimentally verifies the effectiveness of the method .

  24. 第六章以常规预测方法的输出结果为信息源,设计了基于数据融合的MMFA预测方法,定义了动态误差的概念,并以动态误差为基础,设计了MMFA融合权重的确定方法。

    Chapter 6 designs a new prediction method based on data fusion , named Multi-Model Fusion Algorithm ( MMFA ) . In this chapter , the dynamic errors are firstly defined and two weight-choosing methods are designed based on dynamic errors .

  25. 滚动轴承摩擦力矩动态误差的实验研究

    The experiment research on friction moment dynamic error of rolling bearing

  26. 采样系统动态误差系数的数字计算

    Numerical Calculation of the Dynamical Error Coefficients of a Sample System

  27. 火炮连续射击过程中对动态误差变化的补偿方法研究

    Study of the dynamic error variation during the artillery continuous firing

  28. 捷联式惯导系统动态误差特性研究

    Research on the Dynamic Error Character of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System

  29. 挠性机器人动态误差集成激光测量与补偿研究

    Integrated Laser-optical Measurement and Compensation of Dynamic Errors for Flexible Manipulators

  30. 加速度计动态误差系数在三轴转台上标定的仿真

    Simulation of Calibrating Dynamic Error Parameter of Accelerometer on Three-Axis Turntable