
  • 网络dynamics;dynamic performance;dynamic properties
  1. LD脉冲泵浦下Cr:LiSAF激光动态性能研究

    Study of the Dynamic Performance of LD-pulse-pumped Cr : LiSAF Laser

  2. 双螺杆泵同步用双圆弧齿轮动态性能研究

    Study of Dynamic Performance Synchronous Double Circular Arc Gear of Twin Screw Pump

  3. 腕表平衡摆轮的动态性能决定了机芯的性能。

    The dynamic poising of the watch-balance enhances the performance of each movement .

  4. 基于FEM的机械结构静、动态性能优化设计

    Optimum Design of Static and Dynamic Properties of Mechanical Structure Based on FEM

  5. 这种最优PID控制器用于电石炉控制系统中可达到良好的动态性能和鲁棒性能。

    The optimal PID controller offers excellent dynamic performance and robustness in CaC_2 furnace control system .

  6. 在控制策略上采用PID控制,可通过调整PID参数使系统获得理想的动态性能。

    The control strategy adopts PID control and the system would acquire ideal dynamic performance through adjustment of PID parameters .

  7. 采用输出脉动补偿改善PFC电路动态性能的研究

    Reserch on Improvement of Dynamic Characteristics of PFC Circuits Based on Output Pulse Compensation

  8. 三相PWM整流器可以做到输入电流正弦、单位功率因数、直流电压输出稳定,具有良好的动态性能并可实现能量的双向流动。

    Three-phase PWM rectifiers have many virtues such as sinusoidal input currents , unity power factor , steady output voltage , good dynamics and bin-directional energy Flow .

  9. 电路仿真表明,滑动模控制的buck变换器的许多动态性能和静态性能都优于PWM控制的buck变换器。

    Circuit simulation demonstrated that the dynamic and static performances of buck converter controlling by sliding mode are better than that of PWM converter .

  10. 通过实际运用表明,该连续型模糊PID复合控制器可以明显地提高直流位置伺服系统的动态性能和稳态精度,同时系统具有较强的适应性和鲁棒性。

    Application results indicate that this kind of continuous fuzzy PID compound controller can markedly improve the dynamic performance and steady-state precision , and that the system has strong adaptability and robustness .

  11. 为了进一步提高系统的稳定性和动态性能,本文引入了PID校正,通过对PID校正器参数的试凑法整定,并确定了PID校正器的最优化参数组合。

    In order to enhance the system stability and dynamic performance further , the paper introduced the PID corrector , and determined optimization parameters combination of the PID corrector by trial and error .

  12. 仿真研究表明,SVM具有优良的逆模型辨识能力,基于模糊控制补偿的支持向量机逆控制系统的动态性能好、跟踪精度高、鲁棒稳定性强。

    Simulations demonstrate that SVM has good nonlinear approximation capability for inverse model , and the proposed control system has good dynamic and static performances as well as good robustness .

  13. 理论分析表明该算法保证了网络缓冲器的不溢出及带宽的公平分配和充分利用,动态性能明显优于PID控制器,并得到了仿真结果的验证。

    Theoretical analysis shows that the scheme guarantees no buffer overflow and utilizes the bandwidth fairly and sufficiently , and the dynamical quality is much better than PID controller , which are verified by simulation .

  14. 结合PostgreSQL原有的功能,实现了动态性能视图的统计信息搜集方法,可以方便的由用户决定输出统计信息的时机以及输出的内容,便于DBA对存储结构进行优化。

    Implemented dynamic performance view by virtue of PostgreSQL original function to collect statistical information to make DBA optimize storage structure conveniently .

  15. 同时,提出了一种基于激光雷达的RTK-GPS动态性能评估方法。

    At the same time , a laser radar based RTK-GPS dynamic performance evaluation approach is proposed .

  16. 将该控制策略应用于某水电站混流式发电机组,在两种工况下进行仿真计算,仿真结果表明,该控制策略比常规PID控制系统具有更好的动态性能和适应性。

    The application of the strategy to the simulation of operation process of mixed flow generating units at a hydropower station in two cases shows that the control strategy is of good dynamic performance and adaptability as compared with the conventional PID control system .

  17. 结合MRAS理论和具有较好动态性能和鲁棒性的变参数PI算法,构造了一种改进的无速度传感器矢量控制系统速度估算方法。

    Combined with the MRAS theory and variable argument PI mechanism , which has good dynamic and static performance and robustness , an improved rotor speed estimator of sensorless vector control system is presented .

  18. 高压直流输电(HVDC)系统逆变侧换流器处交流系统的强度直接影响HVDC系统的动态性能,换相失败是HVDC系统最常见的故障之一。

    The strength of AC system to which the inverter side of the HVDC is connected directly exerts great influence on the dynamic performance of HVDC . Commutation failure is one of the most common faults in HVDC .

  19. HR-30E型磁带机在静环境与动环境下动态性能的研究

    Study on the dynamic characteristics of HR-30E tape recorder under static and dynamic environments

  20. 比例调速阀是调节TBM推进速度的重要液压元件,为保证掘进过程的安全和工效,要求比例调速阀具有良好的动态性能。

    Proportional flow control valve was an important hydraulic component to control the TBM forward speed . In order to ensure the safety and ergonomics of the drilling process , Proportional flow control valve must have good dynamic performance .

  21. 为了改善光伏并网逆变器的动态性能,在利用其dq模型体现并网逆变器非线性特征基础上,应用状态反馈线性化方法设计了一种非线性控制器,以低消其dq模型的非线性。

    A nonlinear control by state feedback linearization is presented using the nonlinear characteristic concerning the d q model of PV parallel feed inverter , for improving the dynamic characteristic which compensates the nonlinearity of the d q model .

  22. 从而使Buck变换器控制系统具有了全局鲁棒性。其次,针对Buck变换器负载R的不确定性,设计了一种具有强鲁棒性的终端滑模控制器,其响应速度比较快,动态性能优良。

    This method can eliminate the reaching phase of sliding mode control so that the buck converter can get global robustness . Secondly , the terminal sliding mode controller with strong robustness , faster response speed and dynamic performance , was designed for the buck converter with an uncertain load .

  23. 本文首次将网格计算技术运用到协同CAE系统的网络环境的构建中,创造性地构建了网格系统的中间件,并对网格节点资源的静动态性能进行了数学描述。

    In this paper , some research on application of grid computing technology in collaborative CAE system was done for the first time . The middle ware of grid system was built creatively . The static and dynamic performance of the grid node resource was described in mathematics .

  24. 文中针对基于PMAC-PC控制下的精密磨床,通过不同转速下电主轴振动信号的傅立叶(FFT)谱,分析了砂轮接杆对陶瓷轴承电主轴单元动态性能的影响。

    Based on accurate grinding machine controlled by PMAC-PC , the influence of wheel on the performance of the ceramic bearing electric spindle is analyzed using FFT spectrum of vibration signal under different rotational speed .

  25. 针对内模控制器这一缺点,本文首次提出了带PD瞬时值反馈内环的IMC-PID逆变器控制方案:PD瞬时值反馈内环提高系统的动态性能,IMC-PID外环保证系统的稳态性能。

    To overcome the shortcoming of internal model controller , for the first time , the paper puts forward IMC-PID control scheme with the PD instantaneous-value feedback inner loop which is designed to improve dynamic performance while the IMC-PID external loop to ensure stable performance .

  26. 本文研究了模型参考自适应控制系统(简记为MRAS)鲁棒性;讨论了动态性能如何改善的问题,构造了比文献[3]更为一般的自适应控制结构,证明了整个系统的大范围区域稳定性。

    This paper is concerned with the problem of improvement on the robustness and dynamic behaviour of the model reference adaptive-control system ( MRAS ) A more generalized adaptive control scheme is constructed and the global regional stability has been studied .

  27. 61t集装箱专用平车车体多目标结构优化设计是在减轻车体重量基础上同时考虑车体的动态性能。

    Multi-objective design optimization of body of 61t container plat vehicle bases on design of light weight for body , and considers the dynamic performance of body simultaneously .

  28. 针对传统静态前馈神经网络动态性能较差的缺点,提出了多重局部回归的Elman神经网络,建立了网络的基本结构,并设计了相应的学习算法和学习过程。

    Aiming at the weakness of traditional static forward feedback neural network in dynamic performance , the dual part-return Elman neural network is put forward . The basic structure of the network is built up , and homologous study algorithm and learning process are designed .

  29. 模型动态性能验证,可在时域采用Theit不等式法进行定性分析,也可对仿真输出和试验结果序列平稳化处理后,采用交叉谱估计的方法在频域内进行定量分析。

    For model dynamic performance , the Theil inequality method is applied to carry out qualitative analysis in the time domain , or the cross spectrum estimation method is provided to have quantitative analysis in the frequency domain after taking sequence stable processing of the Simulation output and test results .

  30. 滚珠直旋作动器的动态性能分析

    Analyses on dynamic behavior of the ball straight - rotary actuator