
shènɡ yú nónɡ chǎn pǐn
  • Surplus agricultural products;surplus agricultural commodities
  1. 工业化过程的启动必须以一定的剩余农产品率作为历史前提。商业对农业发展具有推动作用。

    Beginning of industrialization should be from surplus of agricultural products .

  2. 农民们将所有剩余农产品送到市场去卖。

    The peasants marketed all their surplus produce .

  3. 剩余农产品几乎全被统治者囊括一空。

    The agricultural surplus was taken over almost in its entirety by the ruler .

  4. 贱卖剩余农产品以换取机器

    Barter away surplus agricultural products for machinery

  5. 再者,该法将催促中国剩余的国有资产缩水,催生财阀阶层。剩余农产品几乎全被统治者囊括一空。

    Further , it will hasten the demise of China 's remaining state-owned industries and the creation of a plutocracy . The agricultural surplus was taken over almost in its entirety by the ruler .