
  1. 强化环保前置审批是控制新污染源产生的关键所在

    Improvement Environmental Protection Beforehand Approving Is Crux of Control New Pollution

  2. 强化环保前置审批加强源头污染控制

    Intensify Pre-examination on Environment Protection Improve Control from Pollution Source

  3. 我国商事登记法律规范带有浓厚的计划经济色彩,过于偏重公法价值而轻私法价值。(4)现行的前置审批程序因缺乏有效的法律约束而过多过滥。

    The legal of our commercial registration norms with strong colors of the planned economy and too lights on the value of public private value .

  4. 商事登记制度作为一种有别于传统登记的制度,最大的特点之一是将前置审批条件作为领取营业执照后的后置备案文件,其本身的优势不言而喻。

    Unlike the traditional registration system , a striking feature of the business registration system lies in turning the conditions for pre-approval into documents necessary for the record after having obtained the business license . So , the advantages are self-evident .

  5. 前置治安审批制度改革后行业场所治安管理的基本思路研析

    Innovation of Peace Order Administration after the Administration License Transformation

  6. 深化投资审批制度改革,取消或简化前置性审批,充分落实企业投资自主权,推进投资创业便利化。

    We will deepen reform of the investment approval system , abolish or simplify preliminary review and approval procedures , give businesses full power over their investment decisions , and make it easy to make investments and start businesses .