
  • 网络Front Lip;anterior lip;lip;prolabium
  1. 本种的唇瓣橘黄色并呈T形,前唇裂片成方形,长宽近相等,唇瓣基部囊内各具一枚钩状胼胝体。

    This species is characterized by having flowers saffron , lip T-shaped , lobules of epichile squarish and not much longer than wide , and each side of sac with only one callus inside .

  2. 结果:将肾门前唇短于后唇10mm者列为肾门前后唇不对称型,出现率为6.13%。

    Results : The renal hilum whine anterior labium were 10 mm shorter than their posterior labium were regarded as asymmetrical type , and the occurrence rate was 6 . 13 % .

  3. 方法采用下唇带蒂组织瓣转移整复上唇缺损畸形,前唇残留皮肤修复鼻小拄畸形11例。

    Methods 11 cases were selected . Up-lip defect was repaired with the skin .

  4. 前唇皮瓣及下唇交叉瓣联合修复双侧唇裂术后继发唇鼻畸形

    Secondary lip and nose deformities after upper lip prolabium flap combined with lower lip cross-link flap in repair of bilateral cleft lip

  5. 原长法联合前唇唇红M瓣整复双侧唇裂畸形

    Reconstruction to deformity of bilateral cleft lip with non - elongated cheiloplasty and vermilion of anterior lip with " M " flap

  6. 结果所有受检者经直肠超声均可获得膀胱颈连续清晰的图像,女性膀胱颈梗阻超声表现为膀胱颈前唇和(或)后唇增厚突入膀胱,厚度范围4~10mm;

    Results Clear transrectal sonograms of the bladder neck from were obtained from all the cases . Typical sonogram features of bladder neck obstruction were anterior or posterior labium thickened , and projected into the bladder , the thickness range from 4 to 10 mm .

  7. 牙科锥形束CT评价上颌前牙唇面形态对转矩的影响

    Evaluation of the effect of maxillary anterior teeth morphology on torque using cone beam dental computed tomography

  8. 好发牙面为前牙唇面。

    Facial surfaces of anterior teeth were most vulnerable to erosion .

  9. 前牙唇面的形态分区及美学特征

    Shape part of labial - surface front tooth and aesthetic characteristics

  10. 带线锚钉固定前盂唇可靠,操作简便。

    Fixation with the suture anchor is reliable and makes the operation simple .

  11. 前牙唇侧入路一次性根管治疗的疗效观察

    Observation of clinical effects of one-visit root canal therapy via labial path of anterior teeth

  12. 方法:牙联合治疗20例前牙唇向移位的患者,使用模型分析的方法比较治疗前后的变化牙周正畸。

    Methods : Model analysis was used for investigating the changes by orthodontic treatment of anterior displaced incisors on periodontal patients .

  13. 不同牙位相同测点处的牙龈厚度、宽度均值在性别间无显著差异;男性上颌前牙唇侧的牙槽粘膜厚度大于女性,差异显著。

    No significant gender differences were found in gingival thickness and width ; Males had thicker labial alveolar mucosa than females . 5 .

  14. 目的:探讨唇侧基托开窗法在前牙唇侧存在明显骨突的全牙列缺失修复中的应用。

    Objective To explore the application of fenestration in labial base plate , which is used in theprothetic design of edentulous with obvious torus in anterior labial arch .

  15. 与长II类牵引相比,短II类牵引使磨牙伸长的作用较小而使前牙段唇移的作用较大,对高角II类患者有益;

    To compare short class II elastics with long class II elastics , the former can make the molars extrude less and make the anterior teeth move forward greater .

  16. Damon自锁托槽技术对上颌中重度牙列拥挤解除后表现为牙弓宽度的改变和前牙出现唇倾。

    On the upper arch moderate to severe dental crowding is corrected by changes in anterior lip inclination and arch width when crowding cases were treated with Damon self-ligating system . 3 .

  17. 结果5例患者经髋关节镜探确诊,其中4例为前外盂唇撕裂,1例为后唇撕裂。

    Results The anterior portion of the labrum had a tear lesion in4 patients , the posterior portion in1 .

  18. 到了高级阶段,中元音[9]和前高圆唇元音[y]经过长时间地学习,已有较为显著的进步。

    As to the advanced stage , there is a significant progress after a long time learning the vowel [ (?) ] and the front high rounded vowel [ y ] .

  19. 方法:对下三角瓣法单侧唇裂修复的82例患者,手术前、后唇鼻部形态的生长发育进行平均5.1年随访、测量。

    Method : A mean 5.1 year follow up was carried out in 82 cases with unilateral cleft lip after repair with Tennison Technique and the development of nasolabial region was investigated with the measurements of related anatomical marks .

  20. 方法对35例膀胱颈梗阻患者行经直肠超声检查,观察膀胱颈形态,测量膀胱颈前、后唇厚度及尿道近段厚度,测量残余尿。

    Methods Thirty-five female patients with obstruction of bladder neck were detected by transrectal ultrasonography , to observe the shape of bladder neck , to measure the thickness of anterior and posterior labium of bladder neck , the proximal urethra , and the residual urine volume .

  21. 前牙根管治疗唇侧开髓体会

    Lip Conservation Labial access opening to front teeth by root canal treatment

  22. 要想让唇色持久,在涂口红前用中性色唇笔画唇线并为嘴唇上色。

    To make sure your lip color lasts longer , line and fill in lips with a neutral lip pencil before applying your lipstick .

  23. 目的:测量中下颈椎(C3~C7)各椎体前下缘骨性唇样突起(简称骨突)的高度与椎体高度的比值,探讨此比值对减少颈椎前路减压植骨内固定手术并发症的临床意义。

    Objective : To determine the ratio of the heights of the anterior inferior osseous processes to that of the vertebral bodies ( C3-C7 ), and explore the role of it in lessening the complications of anterior cervical internal fixation .

  24. 在前唇部上方内侧设计C黏膜瓣加深唇龈沟,并将两侧唇肌肉分离固定于鼻前嵴、鼻翼基底及前唇,以达到唇肌的功能性修复。

    Then flap C from upper wall of the anterior lip was used to deepen the labiogingival groove ; the bilateral cleft lip muscles were separated and fixed it at the anterior nasal spine , nasal wing base and anterior lip for functional repair of lip muscles .

  25. Damon自锁托槽技术对下颌牙列拥挤的扩弓作用不仅体现在后牙弓,而且还体现在前牙弓;并伴随有前牙的唇倾趋势。

    The expansion of mandibular arch crowding is not only reflected in the post-arch , but also embodied in the former arch , and accompanied by the tilting of the anterior lip when crowding cases were treated with Damon self-ligating system . 4 .

  26. 骨性双颌前突症患者常表现为上下颌骨明显前突、开唇露齿、严重影响了患者的颌面美观和功能,并对患者的心理造成不同程度的影响。

    Skeletal Bimaxillary Protrusion patients often have distinct mandibular and maxillary bone protrusion , which badly effect his profile and mastication function . Furthermore , it can effect the mentality to the extent .