
  • 网络institutional competition;Institution competition
  1. 制度竞争与西部FDI引资战略

    Institutional Competition and Strategies for Introduction of FDI in Western China

  2. 全球与地区制度竞争中的后苏联国家:以哈萨克斯坦为例

    Post-Soviet Countries in Global and Regional Institutional Competition : The Case of Kazakhstan

  3. 税收竞争实际上是政府的制度竞争。

    In fact , tax competition is governmental institution competition .

  4. 中国资产证券化的制度竞争与协调

    System Competition and Coordination for Asset-backed Securities in China

  5. 要素流动粘性、制度竞争与区域经济均衡

    The Stickiness of Factor Flow , Institution Competition and Equilibrium of Regional Economy

  6. 这种制度竞争是一个动态过程。

    This institutions competition is a dynamic process .

  7. 这种国家在规则选择上的竞争就是制度竞争。

    This competition rule choice is system competition .

  8. 摘要制度竞争是一个制度发现的过程。

    System competition is a system discovery process .

  9. 在开放条件下,产品和要素的市场竞争会强化制度竞争。

    Under an opening-up condition , market competition will make institution competition more intensive .

  10. 城市政府间制度竞争多表现在资本、人才和技术流动诸方面。

    City intergovernmental system more competitive performance in the capital , talent and technology flow aspects .

  11. 现有文献分析这个问题的理论基础主要是制度竞争的效率原理和制度变迁的路径依赖原理。

    The analyses of current literatures are mainly based on efficiency of institutional competition and path dependence theories .

  12. 因此,地方政府竞争必然通过公共品提供竞争和制度竞争两种竞争手段产生或正或负的外部性。

    Therefore , there must be positive or negative externalities in local governments ' competition by supply of public goods and institutions .

  13. 国际竞争包含以政府为主体的宏观层次的制度竞争和以企业为主体的微观层次的物质技术效率竞争两个方面的内容。

    International competition consists of macro level institutional competition led by governments and micro level material technology efficiency competition led by enterprises .

  14. 显然,大力发展高等教育,提高人力资源的素质,加强基础科学理论研究,已经成为社会制度竞争的关键所在。

    Obviously , greatly developing higher education , improving quality of human resources and strengthening research on basic scientific theory have become the key in system competition .

  15. 城市政府间竞争在很大程度上表现为制度竞争,即城市所选择规则或规则体系之间的竞争。

    Competition among cities to a large extent the performance of the system for the competition , that is , cities are chosen by the rules or the rules of the competition between .

  16. 中国加入WTO以后,企业面临着更加激烈的人才竞争,而人才的竞争归根到底是人才制度的竞争。

    After China joined the WTO , the companies are confronted to the more acute talent competition , and the talent competition is the talent system competition in the final analysis .

  17. 国际竞争的核心归根到底是良性制度的竞争。

    The core of international competition is the competition of healthy systems .

  18. 世贸组织框架下反倾销制度与竞争政策的协调

    On the Coordination between WTO Anti-dumping System and Competition Policy

  19. 企业之间的竞争最终表现为人力资源的竞争,而人力资源竞争的实质就是人力制度的竞争。

    The competition between enterprises is demonstrated as competition of human resource system ;

  20. 以制度促竞争,以竞争促发展,在高等教育体系中适度地引入市场竞争是高等教育发展的必然趋势。

    It 's the necessary trend to introduce competition to higher education system .

  21. 笔者认为国际竞争实质上是制度的竞争。

    It is recognized that the essence of international competition is competition of system .

  22. 竞争性的产权制度与竞争性的市场制度,是建立和完善市场经济的前提条件和基础,两者缺一不可。

    The competitive property rights and competitive market mechanism are both the foundation of market economy .

  23. 本文分析的焦点主要集中在美国的这种制度性竞争优势上。

    The focus of this thesis is the institutional advantage of developed countries just like the US .

  24. 地方政府间的竞争性内在地表现为官员企业家之间的制度创新竞争。

    The competitions among local governments are manifested as the competition of institutional innovation among official entrepreneurs inherently .

  25. 竞争的方式和手段包括制度供给竞争、资金供给竞争、人员服务竞争等。

    Institutional supply , financial support and personal service are some of the usual means used in competition .

  26. 针对世贸组织反倾销制度与竞争政策的冲突问题,国际上提出了三种主要协调方案。

    The international community proposed three major coordinative projects to resolve the conflict between WTO anti-dumping system and competition policy .

  27. 实际上,银行业的竞争的核心很重要的一点就是现代商业银行制度的竞争。

    In fact , one of the important cores of banking competition was the competition of modern commercial banking system .

  28. 国家之间的竞争实质是人才的竞争,人才竞争的实质是人才制度的竞争和人力资源开发水平的竞争。

    Competition between countries is in essence competition over talents i.e. competition over talent mechanisms and the level of human development .

  29. 知识经济时代,人才的竞争就是人才制度的竞争,即人力资源开发和管理水平的竞争。

    In the knowledgebased economy , the competition over talented people is actually a competition between human resources developing and managing quality .

  30. 人才的竞争实质上是体制、制度的竞争,人才的培养和知识型人力资源的开发与利用需要靠机制来保证。

    The competition for talents is in itself the competition of systems , and the development and employment of talents and ensured by the systems .