
  • 网络system innovation;Institutional Innovation;systematic innovation;institutional renovation
  1. 加入WTO与企业制度创新

    WTO Entry and Enterprise 's System Innovation

  2. 加入WTO与我国农业市场化进程中的制度创新

    China 's Accession to the WTO and System Innovation in the Process of Agricultural Market Economy

  3. WTO与地方制度创新

    WTO Rules and Local Institutional Innovation

  4. 最后以APEC为例来说明在东亚区域合作中为了降低交易费用而进行了必要的制度创新。

    At the end , it narrates that to lower the transaction cost , it is necessary to innovate institution as has shown in the example of APEC .

  5. 制度创新是经济增长的决定性因素。

    Systemic innovation is a decisive factor of the economic growth .

  6. 制度创新在农业现代化中的作用

    The Action of System - innovation on the Modernization of Agriculture

  7. 论股权分置的治理与制度创新

    On Governance of the Structure of Split Shares and System Innovation

  8. 地方政府管理模式的制度创新及其作用&珠江三角洲模式、苏南模式和温州模式的比较

    Institution Innovation and Its Role of Managerial Patterns in Local Government

  9. 制度创新需要非公开试验新的制度逻辑;

    The institutional innovation needs non-openly test the new institution logic .

  10. 制度创新推动债券市场发展

    Promoting the Development of Bond Market by Means of System Innovation

  11. 制度创新不足,投资环境的优势正在弱化等。

    The system innovation and the investing environment are weakened .

  12. 长三角经济过度竞争与制度创新的思考

    Reflections on the Economic Over-competition and System Innovation in the Yangtze Delta

  13. 企业技术创新与制度创新的互动机制研究

    On the Interacting Mechanism between Ferm 's Technological Innovation and Institutional Innovation

  14. 新技术革命与知识产权行政保护制度创新论要

    Technology Revolution and Protection for Intellectual Property through Administrative Mechanism

  15. 我国公务员制度创新的路径选择

    The Route Choice of Civil Servant System Innovation in China

  16. 高等教育扩张的制度创新与结构性失业治理

    On The Institutional Innovation of Higher Education and Structural Unemployment

  17. 制度创新是释放城市化空间的重要路径。

    Reform of systems is an important measure to release urbanization capacity .

  18. 寻求环境管理制度创新的途径&《环境经济探索:机制与政策》一书评介

    Seeking a Way to the Innovation in Environmental Management System

  19. 农业现代化进程中的土地制度创新

    Creation in land system in the course of agricultural modernization

  20. 激励制度创新与国有企业改革深化

    The Creation of Incentive System and the Deepening Reform of State-owned Enterprises

  21. 当前土地制度创新的机制

    The mechanisms of the institution innovation of the agricultural land

  22. 人力资本要素贡献与企业制度创新

    Contributions of Human Capital Factor and Institution Innovation of Enterprise

  23. 商业银行也应积极进行制度创新,突破传统的制度限制,灵活应对市场变化;

    The bank must innovate the system to adopt to market economy .

  24. 论农业和农村经济可持续发展的制度创新

    The Systematic Innovation of Agriculture and Rural Economic Sustainable Development

  25. 该理论对当前集体建设用地的流转制度创新具有一定的指导意义。

    This theory can be used for reference in the land transference .

  26. 制度创新是大学管理创新的前提和保证。

    System innovation is the precondition and guarantee of college management innovation .

  27. 城市土地经营制度创新探讨

    An Exploration of the Urban Land Operation Institution and Mechanism

  28. 制度创新是实施西部大开发战略的根本要素

    Institutional Innovation-the Essential Factor of China 's West Development Strategy

  29. 浅论我国非公有制林业制度创新

    On the Institutional Innovation for Non State - owned Forestry

  30. 推进外部制度创新,完善联赛相关市场等。

    Promoting the outer system creation and perfecting the relevant market , etc.