
  1. 我告诉过你——别碰我的东西!

    I 've told you before ─ leave my things alone !

  2. 别碰我,好痛哟!

    Get off me , that hurts !

  3. 喂,别碰我的东西!

    Hey , leave my things alone !

  4. 别碰我!

    Keep your hands off me !

  5. “别碰我!”我尖叫道。

    ' Get off me ! ' I screamed .

  6. 别碰我,贾尔斯!

    Stop pawing me , Giles !

  7. “别碰我!”那姑娘大声喊道。

    ' Don 't touch me ! ' the girl yelled .

  8. 你在干什么,别碰我!

    What are you doing ? Get your hands off me !

  9. 别碰我,我想手断了。

    Don 't touch me . I think it 's broken .

  10. 看在上帝的份上,别碰我的孩子们。

    Don 't touch my children , for god 's sake .

  11. 请别碰我

    Please don 't touch me . Don 't , don 't.

  12. 哦当心嗨别碰我

    Oh , careful . Hey , don 't touch me .

  13. 他不能这么干,别碰我。

    He can 't do this . don 't touch me .

  14. 别碰我,不要你帮忙!

    Don 't help me ! Don 't you help me !

  15. 不爸爸-别碰我

    No , but Dad ... - Don 't touch me .

  16. 不行…别碰我的盒子

    No , no , no. Don 't touch my Tupperware .

  17. 我只是在散发传单而已,别碰我!

    I 'm just handing out flyers . don 't touch me !

  18. 别碰我!你少来这一套。

    Don 't touch me ! You knock it off .

  19. 别碰我!都是你的错!

    Don 't touch me ! This is your fault !

  20. 快下来,别碰我

    Come on down now . No , don 't touch me !

  21. 我不是让你别碰我的耳环吗

    Didn 't I tell you not to touch my earrings ? !

  22. 别碰我,我累坏了。

    Don 't touch me , I 'm pooped out .

  23. 别碰我!也别跟我说话!

    Don 't touch me ! And don 't talk to me !

  24. 别碰我在二楼留下的玩意。

    Don 't touch my shit on the2nd floor .

  25. 芭比等等别碰我!

    Barbie , wait . Don 't touch me !

  26. 别碰我,我会把东西弄洒的。

    Don 't jog me , or you will make me spill something .

  27. 走开,别碰我

    Get off me . Don 't touch me .

  28. 我刚说过我不去,所以别碰我!

    I just said I 'm not going , so don 't touch me !

  29. 你们再也别碰我的孩子,听见了吗?

    Don 't you ever touch my children again , do you hear me ?

  30. 别碰我的航模!你们谁都不许碰!

    And don 't you touch my model ships ! Not one of you !