
  1. 两三个人原来在热切地谈论着,看见他走来,都停住不响了,而且还别有用意地互相望望。

    Two or three men , conversing earnestly together , ceased as he approached , and exchanged significant glances .

  2. 她总是微笑着说,仿佛她说什么或别人说些什么都很可笑,别有用意似的。

    She said , smiling all the while , as though whatever she said or the others said had a quite different and very amusing meaning .

  3. 发言使用英文仅仅是为了提高英文水平,别无他意。

    Post in English only for hard working , no other meaning .

  4. 哦,别担。意总。,道鲍,应该点把花瓶起。

    Bobby was coming . I should have put that vase away .

  5. 听着,别会错意。

    Now look , don 't get me wrong .

  6. 别会错意

    Oh , don 't get me wrong .

  7. “我只是要你和我说几句话,别无他意,”安德森假惺惺地骗说道。

    " All I 'm asking is for you to talk to me ," Anderson cajoled .

  8. 霍华德:这让我回想起了当年,莱纳德如此迷恋佩妮,别会错意,我喜欢听你的新鲜事。

    Howard : Ah , this . Leonard about Penny . I mean , don 't get me wrong , I love your new stuff , but once in a while it 's nice to hear the

  9. 他们一起逃跑的习性以及在思想上对于远在大洋洲的党派的反对引起了思想警察的注意。纵观全文,历史除了领导者赋予的意义外别无他意。

    Their habits of running away together , and thinking against the Party in the far-off land of Oceania , are noticed by the Thought Police . Throughout , history has no meaning except what the leaders give to it .