
bié yàng
  • different;another;other style
别样 [bié yàng]
  • [another] 与以前说出或考虑的有区别的或不同的

  • 别样东西

别样[bié yàng]
  1. 在义利之外,还有别样的人生态度。

    Beyond virtue and benefit , there is another attitude toward life .

  2. 读懂别样浪漫&餐桌上的冰凌花

    Ice Flowers on the Dining Table Another Kind of Romance

  3. 这本书追忆了一个久远时代的别样记忆。

    The book recalls other memories of a bygone age .

  4. 大约2000年年初的时候当时我自己在宾夕法尼亚大学上学我对这种别样的人生成长轨迹产生了兴趣大学坐落在一个历史悠久的非裔社区旁

    I got interested in this other path to adulthood when I was myself a college student attending the University of Pennsylvania in the early 2000s . Penn sits within a historic African-American neighborhood .

  5. 当德意志银行(DeutscheBank)在不久前任命约翰•克赖恩(JohnCryan)为新首席执行官之后,他人的评论有种别样的意味。

    When Deutsche Bank named John Cryan as its new chief executive three weeks ago , the commentary had an insidious subtext .

  6. 它教会了Instagram的联合创始人凯文·斯特罗姆(KevinSystrom)用别样的眼光看东西。

    It taught Kevin Systrom , a co-founder of Instagram , to see differently .

  7. 在一个名为HUI的毛利集团成立之后,一群特殊的新西兰毛利出口商将为博览会增添别样的文化元素。

    Following the launch of the Maori Collective called HUI , a group of indigenous Maori exporters from New Zealand will add a different cultural dimension to the Expo .

  8. 但该杂志出版商ITP的雇员在喝着免费饮料的同时,心中还有一种别样的感受。

    But among the employees of ITP , the magazine 's publisher , the free drinks were going down with more than the usual gusto .

  9. 矿区土壤养分含量整体处于低级或很低水平,仅个别样点0~10cm层有机质、全磷、速效钾等处于中等水平。

    Mine soil nutrient content in low or extremely low , only a few point surface organic matter , total phosphorus and available potassium in the medium level .

  10. LadyGaga“破蛋而出”的现身方式已经足够让人们议论很多天。在颁奖典礼现场,她赢得了一大堆奖项,还换了一身“装备”,秀出了别样风采。

    After making her grand entrance in the egg that would be talked about for days , the singer picked up a slew of awards and switched to an outfit that showed off some of her other assets.We sure hope that latex didn 't chafe .

  11. 结果表明,喷洒后7~15天,除个别样品外,其残留都降低到0.5ppm以下,低于欧洲经济共同体法定容许量0.5ppm;

    It turned out that the residues in samples ⅰ - ⅳ had been degraded below 0.5 ppm with very few except-ations 7-15 days later after the spray . This amount is much lower than that one lawfully permitted by European Economic Community .

  12. 大学校园有了雪花的点缀似乎有一种别样的美丽。

    Dotted with snowflakes , the college campus was fairly beautiful .

  13. 埃里克-凯斯特从没向别人提起过他所经历的别样哈佛生活。

    Eric Kester experienced the Harvard no one talks about .

  14. 别样风情:女性作家笔下的新历史主义小说

    Different Style : the Neo-historicism Novels Wrote by Female Writers

  15. 独特的方阵舞别样的巧合&论哈代小说的叙事结构

    On the Structure of Narration in Thomas Hardy 's Novels

  16. 旧照,大会堂,一种别样的特殊感情

    Old photos , Great Hall , a different kind of special feeling

  17. 哇这里风景别样好吧?

    Wow . Little bit different up here , isn 't it ?

  18. 许鸿飞:寻找“胖女人”的别样美

    Xu hongfei : search for unusual beauty of " plump women "

  19. 三面环水又是一种别样风情。

    Surrounded on three sides by water and is a different style .

  20. 第2章:文学与革命:造就别样的复调言说。

    Chapter 2 : Literature and revolution : Bringing up a different Polyphony .

  21. 别样的风景&论当代同性恋小说的特征和意义

    On the Characteristics and Significance of Contemporary Homosexual Novels

  22. 但是看到这一切会给你别样的平静。

    But seeing it whole gives you some peace .

  23. 闪亮刺绣面料传达着一种别样的风情。

    Flashes of embroidered fabrics contrasting with provocative see-throughs .

  24. 让我们一起学会感恩,收获别样的人生!

    Let 's learn Thanksgiving , reap other life !

  25. 在日新月异的变化中呈现出了别样的生机与活力。

    Showing the rapid changes of a different kind of vigor and vitality .

  26. 火红的天空别样美。

    The flaming sky is a kind of beauty .

  27. 现代性文化批判的别样呈现:于丹现象

    " YU Dan Phenomena ": another type of presentation of modern cultural criticism

  28. 他的幽默为人乐意接受,因而散发着别样的艺术魅力。

    He had also the art of being humorous in an agreeable way .

  29. 现在我感到一种别样的恐惧。

    Now I felt a new kind of fear .

  30. 这些歌曲具有着别样的韵味,唐诗的格律美和意境美深显其中。

    Such kind of songs possess special aroma with metrical beauty and imagery fantasy .