
  1. 大家要加油,别放弃!

    Come on , folks1 . Don 't give up !

  2. 所以,别放弃希望,一切都会变好的!

    So don 't give up hope – things will get better !

  3. 别放弃,我们会永远支持你。

    Don 't give up we 'll always be with you .

  4. 别放弃,你会赢得胜利者的微笑。

    Don 't give up and you 'll wear a smile .

  5. 别放弃!我来帮你吧,好吗?

    Never give up ! Let me help you , okay ?

  6. 别放弃,你前途无量!

    Don 't give up , you have a brilliant future !

  7. 建议三:在你离开前别放弃。

    Message number three : don 't leave before you leave .

  8. 做好吃苦的准备,别放弃你的计划。

    Be ready to work hard and stick to your plan .

  9. 别放弃!我认为你应该坚持下去。

    Don 't give up ; I think you should persevere .

  10. 即使出了小差错,也别放弃。

    Don 't give up , even if you slip up .

  11. 别放弃,站起来!(生命不可以重来!)

    Don 't give up the fight !( Life is your right !)

  12. 全力以赴,别放弃这才像我。

    All go , no quit . that 's me .

  13. 只要还有可能就别放弃。

    Don 't give up until you have exhausted all the possibilities .

  14. 麦克斯,别放弃嘛,让我帮�

    Max , don 't give up yet . Let me help .

  15. 三,在你离开前别放弃。

    And three , don 't leave before you leave .

  16. 别放弃,你会找到的。

    Don 't give up . You 'll find it .

  17. 要小心,别放弃自己原本的时间,或是本应属于你的金钱。

    Be careful not to sign your time or your cash away .

  18. 不到最后一刻,千万别放弃。

    It 's not luckiness to get the best finally .

  19. 凯特,拜托,你可别放弃。

    Kate , please-tell me you 're still going .

  20. 振作起来,别放弃,你能做到的!

    Come on , don 't give up , you can do it !

  21. 我们可以说再见,但永远别放弃。

    We say goodbye , but never let go .

  22. 别放弃寻找一个能让你快乐的工作。

    Dont give up on looking for a job that makes you happy .

  23. 嘿,别放弃,好吗?

    Hey , don 't give up , okay ?

  24. 尽管就业形势严峻,也别放弃。

    Even when the job market seems tight , don 't give up .

  25. .别放弃,这需要多一点耐心。

    It needs a little more patience . Don 't

  26. 别人劝他别放弃他的工作。

    He was discouraged from giving up his job .

  27. 加油,别放弃

    Come on . Don 't quit on me .

  28. 别放弃,迈尔斯。继续写下去。希望你一切都好。再见。

    Don 't give up Miles.Keep writing . I hope you 're well.Bye .

  29. 勇敢一点,别放弃你的爱。

    Be brave and don 't lose your love .

  30. 别放弃,好吗?

    Just don 't give up . All right ?