
  • 网络interest rate management
  1. 改革利率管理体系。

    Reform of the interest rate management system .

  2. 第三,创新适合我国特色的利率管理工具。

    Third , the innovation suits our country characteristic the interest rate management tool .

  3. 商业银行市场化利率管理对策研究

    Research on the Action of Commercial Banks Based on Adjustable Rate

  4. 论利率管理体制的发展

    On the development of the management system of interest rate

  5. 我国利率管理体制改革试探

    Investigation of Interest Rate Management-reform in China

  6. 论管制利率管理体制及其对我国商业银行的影响

    Discussion on the Influence of the Management System with Regulated Interest Rate on Chinese Commercial Banks

  7. 中国目前的主要货币政策工具包括公开市场操作,利率管理,存款准备金制度,次级贷款和次级贴现。

    China 's current major instruments of monetary policy include open market operation , interest management , reserve regime , sub-loans and sub-discount .

  8. 金融自由化对银行经营、利率管理、非银行金融机构的发展以及金融业务的创新都起着决定性的作用。

    Financial liberalization played decisive role on bank management , interest rate control , the development of no-bank financial institutes and financial business creation .

  9. 这成为我国利率管理体制僵化、传导机制弱化以及利率结构扭曲的主要原因。

    It has becomes the main reason for making interest-rate management mechanism rigescent , conducting the mechanism weakened and the interest rate structure contorted .

  10. 股份制商业银行现行的利率管理模式已经逐渐不适应银行业务发展和风险控制的需要。

    To the stock holding commercial banks , the present management mode of interest rate is no more adaptive tot he development and risk control of the banks .

  11. 在明确了我国利率管理体制改革阶段性目标的基础上,对如何实现这一阶段性目标提出了框架设想和措施保障。

    In the foundation of clear about interest rate management organizational reform gradual goal , in our country , it proposes the frame and measure on how to achieve this gradual goal .

  12. 然后对农村信用社贷款定价现状进行分析,回顾了贷款定价历程,揭示了农村信用社贷款定价和利率管理中存在的主要问题。

    Then analyzes the rural credit cooperative loan pricing situation , reviews the loan pricing process , reveals the rural credit cooperative loan pricing and main problems existing in the management of rate .

  13. 其次,借鉴西方成熟的利率管理技术和理论,提出了我国商业银行利率风险测度的主要方法和风险管理策略。

    Secondly , it submits the major method of interest rate measurement and management strategy for the commercial bank in our nation using the western mature interest rate management technique and theory for reference .

  14. 现在,中国的利率管理并不函盖外资银行,因为他们的客户群体(外资业务,合资和外国居民)不同于中国银行。

    At present , Chinese interest management does not cover foreign banks , because their client group ( foreign businesses , joint ventures and foreign residents ) is different from that of Chinese banks .

  15. 批发银行业务为跨国公司、区域性和国内大公司及金融机构提供服务,项目包括贸易资金、现金管理、托管、借贷、外汇兑换、利率管理和借贷资本市场。

    The Wholesale Bank provides services to multinational , regional and domestic corporate and institutional clients in trade finance , cash management , custody , lending , foreign exchange , interest rate management and debt capital markets .

  16. 商业银行应逐步建立并理顺内部定价机制,提高定价能力,缩短内部转移价格因市场调整而进行决策的周期,加强价格信息披露,进一步强化会计系统中的利率管理功能。

    Commercial banks should gradually put in place an orderly internal pricing regime , enhance pricing power , shorten the decision-making cycle of internal transferring price due to market change , strengthen price information disclosure and improve rate management function in accounting system .

  17. 此后,美国又通过1956年银行控股公司法及1970年修正案,1960年银行合并法案、1966年的利率管理法案等对分业经营体制进行补充、完善。

    Later , the government passed the law of bank holding company in 1956 and amendment in 1970 , the law of mixing banks in 1960 , the law of profit management and so on in 1966 , thus adding and improving the separated management system .

  18. 利用久期模型进行利率风险管理存在的利率期限结构非平行移动问题一直是国际上研究的焦点,M2模型即为解决方法之一。

    Study about the assumption of non parallel shift of interest rate term structure has been essentially the subject of many researchers .

  19. 他们的研究方法大多沿袭传统的均值一方差分析方法,但将VaR技术运用到寿险定价的利率风险管理中还未尝见到。

    There are many experts and life insurance workers studying on Interest Spread Risk from qualitative or quantitative ways by the mean-variance method , but writer has not yet found who analyzes Interest Spread Risk by VaR technique .

  20. 商业银行利率风险管理机制的构建

    The Establishment of the Interest Rate Risk Management Mechanism in Commercial Bank

  21. 利率匹配管理是债券资产管理的关键内容。

    Interest rate matching is critical for bond asset management .

  22. 金融衍生品与利率风险管理是本文的核心内容,金融期货、利率期权、利率互换都是利率风险管理的重要工具。

    Financial derivatives and interest rate risk management is the core content .

  23. 我国国债金融衍生产品利率风险管理研究

    The Study of Interest-rate Risk Management on China 's Bonds Financial Derivatives

  24. 利率风险管理的重要免疫工具:持续期模型

    The Most Important Immunizing Tools against Interest Rate Risk : Duration Models

  25. 并客观分析了西方商业银行利率风险管理技术在我国的适用性问题。

    It still objectively analyses the applicability of those methods to China .

  26. 我国商业银行资产负债中隐含期权的利率风险管理

    Rate Risk Management of Bank sAsset / Liability Sheet with Embedded Options

  27. 中国寿险业利率风险管理研究

    Study on the Interest Rate Risk Management of the Chinese Life Insurance Industry

  28. 运用久期模型进行利率风险管理的若干问题分析

    An Analysis of Some Problems in Managing Interest Rate Risk with Duration Model

  29. 利率风险管理是商业银行的核心业务之一。

    Interest-rate risk management is one of the commercial banks ' core businesses .

  30. 基于商业银行利率风险管理的久期模型比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Duration Model Based on Commercial Bank Interest Rate Risk Management