
  • 网络theory of advantage and disadvantage
  1. 作为中国近现代美学思想的发轫者,王国维在借鉴以康德等为代表的西方审美超利害说的基础上,结合中国社会的实际,糅进古老的诗教传统,形成了独特的审美功利主义。

    Under the foundation of western theory of disinterest that takes Kant as representative , Wang Guo-wei formed his unique esthetic utilitarianism combining with reality of the society of China .

  2. 当事人概念大体经历了利害关系人说、权利保护当事人说、程序意义当事人说的理论演变过程。

    The concept of litigant roughly experienced a course of doctrine of interested party , doctrine of right-protecting litigant and significance of procedure litigant .

  3. 关于对行政诉讼原告资格的认识,我国存在不同学说,主要有相对人说、利害关系人说、认定规则说、法律上的利益说以及程序实体结合说。

    On the plaintiffs understanding , administrative litigation in China exists different theories , basically have relative said , interested party said , cognizance rule said , legal interests said and program entity combining said .

  4. 尽管欧元大跌使得人民币升值从经济上讲没有那么紧迫了,但这并没有改变盯住汇率的政治利害,更不用说调整中国经济根本结构的必要性了。

    Though the sinking euro makes the economic case for a Renminbi revaluation less urgent , it does not much alter the politics of the peg even less the need for fundamental restructuring in the Chinese economy .