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  • altruism
  1. 8-利他行为:从进化角度上看,一味给予而不求回报是件怪事。

    - Altruism : giving things away with no certain return is odd behaviour in evolutionary terms .

  2. 但利他行为并不是人类的专利,啄木鸟、切叶蚁和吸血蝙蝠都有利他行为。

    But altruism does not exist only in humans : it has been observed in woodpeckers , leafcutter ants and vampire bats .

  3. 第四,IAT测验可以作为内隐利他行为的测量工具。

    Implicit association test can be a measurement for implicit altruistic behavior .

  4. 影响利他行为发生程度的因素与行为个体的能力(收入预算约束)b、两个体之间敌友指数r正相关,与利他行为的价格Pa、利己的行为量Xe反相关。

    The factors of altruistic behavioral degree are positive interrelated to budget b and friendship index r , negative interrelated to the prices of altruistic behavior and behavioral quantity .

  5. LMX在心理契约破坏与员工组织公民行为(利他行为、个人主动性、人际和谐和保护公司资源)的关系中起完全中介作用。

    Leader-member exchange fully mediates the relationship between psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behavior .

  6. 同时利他行为的发生量与个体的行为能力(预算约束)和敌友指数正相关,与利他行为的价格pa和利己的行为量Xe反相关。

    The author also pointed out the amount of altruism is positive interrelated to the individual behavioral capability and friendship index , and negative interrelated to altruistic price and the amount of egoism .

  7. 我们在ESS(即进化稳定策略)基础上提出一个演化均衡模型,进一步解释了利他行为的进化优势以及合作剩余导致利他偏好内生的机制。

    We work out an evolutive equilibrium model based on ESS , in order to explain the advantage of the altruism behaviors and the cooperation surplus induced mechanism for the altruism preference to get endogenetic .

  8. 利他行为弱化的成本收益分析

    Analysis on the Avianize of Altruistic Behavior by Cost and Income

  9. 儿童利他行为发展的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Development of Altruistic Behavior in Children

  10. 作为内生偏好的利他行为及其经济学意义

    On Endogenetic Preference for Altruism Behaviors and Its Implications to Economics

  11. 但是内隐利他行为的研究在我国才刚刚起步。

    But the study of implicit altruistic behavior is at starting stage .

  12. 利他行为的经济学解释

    On Banking Economics On the Economic Explanation of Altruistic Behavior

  13. 医疗市场中的利他行为与利益限度

    The action of benefiting others and the benefit limit in medical market

  14. 大学生利他行为、移情能力及其相关研究

    College Students ' Altruistic Behavior 、 Empathic Ability and the Correlation Research

  15. 现代社会工作的利他行为:一个福利分析

    The Altruistic Behavior of Modern Social Work : A Social Welfare Analysis

  16. 对于利他行为,人们总是站在“经济人”的角度进行分析。

    People always analyse altruistic behaviors from the angle of " economic-agent " .

  17. 社会抑制性与父母教养方式对幼儿利他行为的影响

    Study on the Relations Among Children 's Social Inhibition , Parenting and Altruism

  18. 感知相似性对高中生共情和利他行为的影响

    Research on Perceived Similarity Affecting Empathy and Altruistic Behavior for High School Students

  19. 不过,我这不仅仅是一种利他行为。

    It was nice of him , an altruistic .

  20. 利他行为、社会资本与制度演化

    Altruistic Behavior , Social Capital and Institutional Evolution

  21. 利他行为弱化在于利他行为的高成本低收益。

    The avianize of altruistic behavior depends on their high cost and low income .

  22. 微观主体的利他行为分析

    The Analysis of Altruistic Behaviors of Microeconomic Subject

  23. 影响利他行为因素的敌友指数分析

    The Friendship Index Analysis of Altruistic Behavioural Factors

  24. 文章从当前中国社会实际需要角度,阐述研究利他行为的现实意义。

    This article reveals the significance of research into altruistic behavior in current society .

  25. 模块化分工下知识员工利他行为激励的博弈分析

    A Game Analysis of the Motivation of Knowledgeable Employees ' Altruism Behaviors With Modularity

  26. 组织支持感对感情承诺和利他行为具有积极的影响作用。

    The POS have the active effect on the affective commitment and altruism behaviors .

  27. 还有人担心,安巴尼的利他行为可能是精心设计的花招。

    There is also fear that his altruism may be motivated by calculated gamesmanship .

  28. 关于利他行为与心理健康的研究

    Research on mental health and altruistic behavior

  29. 社会标定对一般情境下小学生利他行为影响的研究

    Research of the Influence of Social Demarcation to Pupils ' Altruism Behavior in General Environment

  30. 如果希望社会中有更多的利他行为,我们需要做到两方面:

    Now , if we want a more altruistic society , we need two things :