
  • 网络innovation system
  1. 其中,创新制度是增加农民收入的根本措施。

    And , the innovation system is increases the farmers ' income the basic measure .

  2. 技术创新制度的层次性分析

    Hierarchical Analysis of Technological Innovation System

  3. 另外,ABS作为一种金融创新制度也可以成为中小企业融资的一条有效的途径。

    In addition , ABS , which is an innovative financial system , is another effective approach .

  4. 绿色技术创新制度及其结构设计

    Design of the Institution and Its Structure of Green Technology Innovation

  5. 高等职业教育类型体系创新制度支持的研究

    Institutional Support on Innovating the Type System of Higher Vocational Education

  6. 创新制度:增加农民收入的根本措施

    Institutional Innovation : Key to Increasing Farmers ' Income

  7. 产业技术创新制度环境评价指标体系研究

    Study on the Evaluation Index System of Institutional Environment of Industrial Technology Innovation

  8. 创新制度完善管理大力推动小企业信贷业务的发展

    New Systems , Perfect Managments , Advances On The Loan Business For Minor Businesses

  9. 论农业产业化经营契约信用风险防范的合同法创新制度

    On innovation institution of contract law to avoid credit risks of agricultural industrialization contract

  10. 技术创新制度建设的核心是法律制度建设问题。

    The key point of the technical innovation construction system is to further the law system construction .

  11. 因此,要有能综合解决贫困生经济、心理、能力和就业问题的创新制度。

    Innovative systems are expected which can solve the problems of economy , psychology , competence and employment .

  12. 通过介绍他们在风险投资制度、有限合伙制、科技创新制度、贷款担保与税收安排等方面成功的政策和经验,以对我国高新技术中小企业发展有所借鉴。

    This paper introduce their successful policy and experience in risk-investment ? limited partnership ? system of technology innovation ?

  13. 首先,笔者对引入此项创新制度作出必要性和可行性分析。

    That is how to import this system . First of all , I made the necessity and feasibility analysis .

  14. 法律对循环经济的推动必须从产权制度与技术创新制度的安排入手。

    The promotion of law for circular economy must start from the arrangement of property system and technology innovation system .

  15. 近年来,国家从创新制度、增加财政投入等不同方面不断加大对中小企业发展的支持力度。

    In recent years , the government increased support for SMES development from the innovative system to the financial input .

  16. 对此,我们必须改变观念,创新制度,建立新型的境外人员管理体制。

    In order to adapt new situation , we must change our concept and perfect the regulation of treatment about foreigners .

  17. 因此,我们应该以产权改革为切入点,以创新制度环境为基础,加快我国要素市场的发展。

    Therefore , we should begin with property right reform and speed its development on the basis of institutional environment innovation .

  18. 农村非农建设用地流转创新制度安排的层次,取决于国家对创新团体的协助。

    The degree of innovated system plan depend on the assistance of state to innovation group in rural collective non-farming construction land transference .

  19. 证券投资基金作为一种新型金融创新制度和金融工具,在现代经济社会中发挥着重要的作用。

    Being a new type of financial institution and instrument , security investment fund plays an important role in the current economy and society .

  20. 借鉴内生增长理论的罗默模型,分析了孵化器外部性的成因,也说明作为创新制度的孵化器,其正外部性是内生的。

    By the Romer model of endogenous growth theory , the cause of incubator externality has been analyzed , then the positive externality of incubator has been proved to be endogenous .

  21. 要解决这些问题,要转变观念,完善和创新制度,疏堵结合,分类整治,动员社会的支持和参与。

    To solve these problems , to change their concepts , improvement and innovation system , combining of sparse and block , classification management , to mobilize community support and participation .

  22. 该文指出,财政投融资制度是财政创新制度,并对财政投融资制度进行了理论分析和适用性分析。

    The paper points out the fiscal investment and financing system is a system of financial innovation and the paper also dose some analysises about the fiscal investment and financing system and the applicability .

  23. 企业文化模式、企业精神、核心管理观念、创新制度、企业品牌等是培育企业文化应包涵的重要内容。

    In nurturing a corporate culture , an enterprise cannot dispense with these factors : cultural pattern , corporate spirit , core ideas of management , innovation system and brands of its mainstay products .

  24. 能力建设的路径是转变人才理念、建构能力框架、促进结构调整、整合培养机制和创新制度环境。

    The way of capacity construction is to change the view of quality personnel , to build capable structure , to adjust quality personnel structure , to integrate training systems and innovate systematical environment ?

  25. “绿色生态型”校园文化的创建必须以以人为本为基点、以可持续发展为关键、以创新制度为契机。

    " the green ecotype " the campus culture 's foundation must take humanist as the basic point , take the sustainable development as the key , take innovate the system as a turning point .

  26. 这里的技术创新制度是指与技术创新过程及收益紧密相关的规范和准则。主要是指知识产权制度和技术创新市场制度以及技术创新的政策等。

    System of technique innovation here refers to criterion and rule correlative with benefit and process of technique innovation , such as system on property right of information , on market of technique innovation and policy on technique innovation .

  27. 从技术创新制度、管理制度和区域循环经济发展制度三个层次,提出了煤炭企业循环经济制度创新的若干建议。

    The article provides some suggestions on the institution innovation of cycle economy in coal enterprise which are analyzed in three levels : the institution of technology innovation , the management institution and the area institution of cycle economy .

  28. 而国家公务员思想观念和政府运行机制创新制度化的滞后,以及公共行政体制改革的不到位则是其主因。

    Meanwhile , the article points out the main causes are that the ideology of national civil servants and system construction of the innovation of the government operation mechanism is lag , and public administrative system reform is not complete .

  29. 面对发展瓶颈,改革与发展路径设计必须围绕扩张森林资源和创新制度两个核心,并彻底转换森林资源依赖型发展模式;

    How to deal with the bottleneck ﹖ The paper indicates that the path-design for the reform and development of state-owned forest area must be involved with the extension of forest resources and innovation of mechanisms , and shift the resources-dependent mode thoroughly .

  30. 论我国金融产品创新的制度约束

    On the Systematic Restriction of Our Country 's Financial Product Innovation