
  • 网络China Design Now
  1. 中国形象制造:创意中国展精读

    Image Making Machine : An Intensive Reading of " China Design Now " Exhibition

  2. 展示设计与设计展示:维多利亚&阿尔伯特博物馆创意中国当代中国设计展

    Displaying Design and Designing Display : " China Design Now " at the Victoria and Albert Museum

  3. 创新思维是科学的灵魂。创意中国&记2005首届中国创意产业国际论坛

    Innovative idea is the soul of science . Innovative China

  4. 这个问题直接关系着文化创意中国之路到底能走多远、走多久。

    This issue has directly related to how far and how long China will go along the cultural creative way .

  5. 因此现代广告创意与中国传统文化是相互促进的。

    Thus the modern advertising creative and traditional Chinese culture are mutually reinforcing .

  6. 和谐创意&中国当代设计教育中的创意之源

    Harmonious Creation & Chinese modern design education

  7. 他好马成癖,创作了许多既有深厚传统又有创意的中国画骏马图。

    He was skilled in painting horse and painted a lot of steed Paintings with not only Profundity traditional manner but also modem originality .

  8. 他们加入了有创意的中国罪犯行列,这些罪犯包括一个在全国各地周游撞骗的假冒将军,以及一个建造了假银行分行(只收存款)的农民。

    They join the ranks of creative China criminals including the fake general who wandered the country collecting bribes and the villager who built a fake bank branch that only took deposits .

  9. 帝亚吉欧表示,为中国市场量身打造的这场宣传攻势,取自这样一个创意:中国人不因自己取得了成就,就感到满足,他们还常常希望得到同行的认可。

    Tailored for the Chinese market , the campaign relied on the idea that Chinese people are not content simply with the fact of their achievements but often seek the acknowledgment of their peers , the company says .

  10. 创意经济时代中国大学与城市互动发展探讨

    Study on the Interaction Between Universities and Cities in the Creative Economy Times

  11. 创意产业下中国式动漫的发展趋势

    Development Trend of Chinese Animation in Originality Industry

  12. 理念再生和创意生成&中国水墨画和本土艺术设计的创建之一

    Chinese Ink Paintings and Creation of Local Design

  13. 创意产业在中国的前景

    Prospects of Innovative Industry in China

  14. 创意北京创意中国

    Creative Beijing Creative China

  15. 近年来创意产业在中国发展迅速,同时也暴露出一些问题。

    Lately the creative industry is booming in China , but problems pop out at the same time .

  16. 欢迎来到创意音乐在中国,第一次来的朋友可以点击这里开始了解我们。

    Welcome to Creative Music in China , If you come for the first time , you can click here start to know us .

  17. 目前,文化创意产业在中国范围内已展现出强劲的发展态势,其空间集聚特征日益明显。

    At present , the cultural creative industries have demonstrated a strong momentum of development within China and its characteristics of spatial concentration are becoming increasingly obvious .

  18. 鉴于此,本文先是对中国视觉元素的内涵与外延进行了界定研究,对适用于广告创意设计的中国视觉元素进行了罗列和梳理,并探讨了中国视觉元素的文化精神。

    So the thesis defines the denotation of Chinese visual elements and its extension , collecting some Chinese visual elements suitable for advertisement design and exploring the essence of Chinese culture firstly .

  19. 文化创意产业正在中国如火如荼的兴起,本文力求从文化创意产业这个新兴视角去印证动画产业存在的问题,寻求解决这些问题的方法。

    Cultural creativity industry China like a raging fire starting , this article is making every effort from cultural creativity industry this emerging angle of view to verify the animation industry existence the question , seeks solves these question method .

  20. 中国经济面临着由中国制造向中国创造的过渡,创意产业对于中国来说,不仅是经济增长的亮点,而且是产业升级的重要手段。

    The economy of China is facing the period from " Made in China " to " Created in China " and to China original idea industry is not only a way for our economic growth but also an important means to the promotion of industries .

  21. 常驻北京的葡萄酒顾问赵凤仪(FongyeeWalker)说,葡萄酒厂商必须在中国市场上有创意,要适应中国消费者的习惯。

    Fongyee Walker , a Beijing-based wine consultant , said winemakers have to be creative in China , adapting to local habits . '

  22. 创意农业:未来中国农业发展新的亮点

    Creativity Agriculture : a New Growth Point for China 's Future Agriculture

  23. 创意张江时尚传奇中国美术学院上海设计学院2006年毕业生服装秀

    Shanghai Design Institute 2006 Graduate Fashion Show

  24. 发展创意产业对于走中国式新兴工业化道路有重大意义。

    Third , there is great significance in developing creative industries for the new industrialization of China .

  25. 新世纪以来,全球文化创意产业蜂拥而起,中国的文化创意理念也隆重而强有力地推出。

    As global cultural and creative industries are quickly turning up in new century , cultural creative idea in China has also been highly proposed .

  26. 在这样一个充满活力、需求、天赋和创意的国家,中国无疑会成为世界信息技术的领导者。

    In a country full of energy , desire , talent and ideas , there is no doubt that China will become a world leader in information technology .

  27. 除此之外,孔子学院不仅要派遣语言教师,还要物色有创意的、对中国文化有使命感的其他领域的专家学者。

    In addition , apart from sending language teachers , the Confucius Institute should also look for creative intellectuals in other fields with a sense of mission about Chinese culture .

  28. 此外,本文还采取了比较分析法,将中韩两国文化产业进行比较分析,以期发现韩国文化产业创意支持模式对中国文化产业发展的启示之处。

    This paper also adopted a comparative analysis , making comparative analysis of China and Korea , to find out what creative support model of the cultural industry of Korea has that China can learn from .

  29. 时尚文化产业是当前所有产业中发展最快的产业,从影视制作、到工业设计、城市建设、艺术创意等,文化创意产业在中国各个领域已经全面崛起。

    From film and television to industrial design , urban construction , creative arts , cultural and creative industries in China in various fields has been fully rise .

  30. 文化创意产业(也叫做创意产业或创意工业)在中国是一个相对较新的概念,起源于英国现已被世界广泛使用。

    The concept of creative industry ( CI ) is a relatively new idea in China . It is a term that was first used in the UK in 1997 and now is a term used all over the world .