
  1. 刘晏盐法下政府与商人合作的产权意义

    An Analysis of the Property Rights in the Cooperation between the Government and Businessmen during the Salt Reformation of Liu Yan

  2. 唐玄宗时,有一个名叫刘晏的小孩子,才只有七岁,就被推举为神童,并且做了负责刊正文字的官。

    In the era of Tang Xuanzong a boy named Liu An was promoted to be an imperial censor at seven .

  3. 文章指出,刘晏在其经济工作中已反映出经济数学思想的萌芽。文章还首次构建了刘晏籴粮的数学模型。

    It points out that , Liu Yan reflected in his work the rudiments of economic mathematical thinking , and it has , for the first time , worked out the mathematical principle of grain purchase .

  4. 安史之乱后刘晏为挽救财政危机而推行的改革,不仅反映了其杰出的经济思想,更折射出当时社会商品经济已发展到了一定的高度。

    The reformation carried out by LIU Yan for saving Tang Dynasty from financial crisis after " An Shi " rebellion not only reflected his outstanding economic thinking , but the development of commodity economy at that time .