
fēn bèi
  • decibel
分贝 [fēn bèi]
  • (1) [decibel]

  • (2) [电信](1)∶表示两种电或声功率之比的一种单位,它等于功率比的常用对数的10倍--缩写为dB(2)∶表示两种电压或电流值或类似声量(如声压或质点速度)之比的一种单位,等于电压或电流比的常用对数的20倍,如果两种电压或电流是在相同电阻上测得的话

  • (3) 一种测量声音的相对响度的单位,大约等于人耳通常可觉察响度差别的最小值;人耳对响度差别能察觉的范围,大约包括以最微弱的可闻声为1而开始的标度上的130分贝

分贝[fēn bèi]
  1. 噪音污染达到了很高分贝。

    The noise pollution reached a high decibel level .

  2. “在人类中,听力上五分贝的差异对于日常说话是非常重要的,”Bao说。

    " In people , a five decibel difference in hearing ability can be important for everyday speech ," Bao says .

  3. 持续暴露在强度高于80分贝的噪声中可能有害。

    Continuous exposure to sound above 80 decibels could be harmful .

  4. 看着监测器,如果超过40分贝就告诉我。

    Watch the monitor and tell me if the level goes above forty decibels .

  5. 纵坐标比例尺以分贝为单位是线性的。

    The ordinate scale is linear in decibels .

  6. 普通的谈话即可达55分贝

    A normal conversation reaches 55 decibels .

  7. 然而,心理学家把声音与噪声做了区别,声音实际上可以用分贝来测量,而噪声却不能用同样的方法来测量

    However , psychologists distinguish between'sound " and " noise " . 'sound " is measured physically in decibels .

  8. 分贝:量度相对音量的单位。符号是DB。

    Decibe : A unit for measuring relative intensities of sounds . Symbol dB .

  9. 结果:噪声为110分贝(db)时,钉螺100%脱落。

    RESULTS : Noise reached 110 decibles the snails fell completely ( 100 % ) .

  10. 对不同平均参数(碰撞次数n和时间t)和不同平均方法(分贝平均和能量平均)进行了讨论。

    Different average parameters ( the number of collisions n and the time ι) and average methods ( dB average and energy average ) are discussed .

  11. 与普通渐变过渡段结构相比较,在X波段的大部分范围内,这种新型结构可使回波衰耗降低约10分贝。

    About a 10-dB improvement in return loss has been obtained over most of the X-band as compared with the ordinary tapered transition structure .

  12. 变分贝叶斯Kriging模型预测混沌时间序列

    Chaotic time series prediction based on the variational Bayesian kriging model

  13. 设备配有USB线连接,一旦被拨出或剪断线路可立即发出高分贝报警声。

    Device with a USB cable connections , once allocated or cut the line can be issued immediately high-decibel alarm sounds .

  14. 在自由传感执行器,钢条,DSP等组成的试验系统中,可将钢条的振动幅值减小10分贝。

    In the steel beam system with self-sensing actuator and DSP , the amplitudes of vibration in beam can be faded by 10 dB , using the optimal parameter search or PD algorithm .

  15. 制作的UHF电子调谐器噪声系数为5.3分贝,自动增益控制能力达50分贝以上。

    The noise figure of the tuner is 5.3 dB , and the dynamic range of AGC control is more than 50 dB .

  16. Ellen哦分贝有点高我认识你整整八个月了

    Ellen , Oh , I won 't do that on that volume , I 've known you now for eight whole month ,

  17. Reprieve的ZeroDB(Zerodecibel,零分贝)活动呼吁执行联合国管理,鼓励音乐家在音乐会上保持一分钟的安静。

    Reprieve Zero DB for Zero decibel campaign calls for the enforcement of UN convention against torture and the courageous musicians to hold a minute of silence at concerts .

  18. 将正弦磁场作用于在中耳移植了SNP的荷兰猪,能使其中耳对90分贝的声压产生应答。

    A sinusoidal magnetic field applied to guinea pigs with SNP implanted in the middle ear resulted in displacements of the middle ear comparable to90 dB SPL .

  19. 合成树脂厂ABS车间噪声均值达到95分贝以上,已经大大超过了国家规定,严重影响了车间工人正常工作。

    The noise pollution of ABS workshop in the synthetic resin factory is serious , which is above 95 dB ( A ), and has already surpassed the national stipulation , it serious influences workers ' working .

  20. 根据手术分娩后羊水性状分为正常羊水组(16例)及羊水粪染组(11例),比较两组间EI灰阶(GS)、分贝(dB)差异。

    After operation , they were divided into two groups according to the character of the amniotic fluid , and compared their difference between gray scale ( GS ) and decibel ( dB ) .

  21. 三分贝带宽为30±5MHz,阻带衰减(f0±100HHz)除个别频率点外,其余都在35db以上。

    The 3 db Bandwidth is 30 ± 5MHz . The stop-band attenuation ( f_0 ± 100MHz ) is over 35 db except individual frequency points .

  22. 利用恒包络的概念提出一种新的CE-OFDM-CPM调制方案,可以把OFDM-CPM系统的PAPR降至零分贝。

    Using the concept of constant envelope ( CE ), a novel modulation scheme CE-OFDM-CPM is proposed in this paper . The PAPR of OFDM-CPM can be reduced to 0 dB .

  23. 一种新型的采用电流加权结构的静磁表面波电调谐带通滤波器已经实现,其指标为:三分贝频带宽度约40MHz(S波段),带外抑制比约35dB,电调谐范围1GHz。

    A new type of filter-magnetostatic surface wave tunable band pass filter using current weighting transducer arrays has been built . S band 30-50 MHz bandpass filter was realized with a sidelobe suppression of 30 dB . The usable tunability range of the device was from 2.5 to 3.5 GHz .

  24. 典型的割草机发出的声响约为90分贝。

    The typical lawn mower makes about 90 decibels of noise .

  25. 有噪声的玩具不能超过规定的分贝限度。

    Toys that make noise can 't exceed certain decibel limits .

  26. 基于时间序列变分贝叶斯理论的信号盲源分离

    Signal blind source separation based on time series variational Bayesians theory

  27. 也许是在140分贝情况下产生的。

    Probably caused by exposure to something in the140 decibel range .

  28. 声音强度对数单位等于分贝。

    A logarithmic unit of sound intensity equal to 10 decibels .

  29. 声音达到或高于140分贝时,能够快速伤害听力。

    Noise of140 decibels or above can cause immediate hearing damage .

  30. 分贝衡量声音的强度,特别是大的声音。

    Decibels measure the intensity of sound , especially loud sounds .