- 名decentralization;system of decentralization

This article describes the policy games between central government and local governments . We hold that the institutional reason of the policy games is market orientated decentralization and political rank-order system with GDP as key indicator . index ;
The United States and China are similar in decentralization in higher education .
The German constitution is an excellent model of decentralised government .
The paper suggested CUBA to change its structure to a " federal system of decentralized organizational structure " .
French Political System from the Perspective of the 2004 Regional Election
Not many people advise public company boards to attempt it .
Japan adopts the decentralized system in educational management .
There are good reasons for this beyond wanting to share out tasks .
Decentralization has been recommended inter alia as a cure for cumbersome decision-making at the centre ;
In a decentralized organization , the responsibility accounting system is structured around a number of centers .
The power-sharing challenge is that its advantages are subtle and long-term while its pitfalls are immediate and obvious .
One has to delve into small partnerships and family firms to find executive power being shared at the top .
Second , judicial independence which means carrying out decentralization in the interior of WTO and setting up a relatively independent judicial system ;
Secondly , from the core of the property rights of the corporation-financial control rights , the paper discusses the financial supervision and control model .
Internal audit develops due to the need of economic responsibility of the entrusted party in enterprise . It is the result of decentralization of management .
There seems no doubt , however , that it will be a single person and that Goldman has abandoned its previous practice of power-sharing at the top .
Decentralization has been recommended inter alia as a cure for cumbersome decision-making at the centre ; as a means of achieving greater popular participation and of empowering local communities ;
LOCAL ECONOMY Local Activities Because of the absence of correspondent institutional stipulation , the decentralized economic reform makes China benefited , and results in local protection and market segmentation as well .
A decentralized organization is one in which decision making is not confined to a few top executives but rather is spread : throughout the organization , with managers at various levels making key operating decisions relating to their sphere of re-sponsibility .
Discuss establish a sound financial management system of enterprise groups to consider many factors , such as corporate culture , size , life cycle , organizational structure , investors , etc. , to draw general financial management system of enterprise groups , including centralized and decentralized system .
Controlling compulsory criminal investigation should be in accordance with three principles : by law , proper ratio , and strict inspection .
Freedom , reason and the power seperation & The study of montesquieu 's political justice 's view French Political System from the Perspective of the 2004 Regional Election
Thus , it is available for the enterprises in scale to develop more enormously and less loosely , more flexibly and less chaotically .
It creates ultimately a structure model of equilibrium of right-multidivisional structure .