
  • 网络molecular pharmacology;Mol Pharmacol
  1. CFTR氯离子通道激活剂的筛选及其分子药理学机制研究

    CFTR Chloride Channel Activator Screening and Molecular Pharmacology Researching

  2. 1997年辣椒素受体的克隆给Nielsen假设的研究带来生机,而美国加州大学旧金山分院细胞与分子药理学研究所D。

    In 1997 cloned capsaicin receptor brought spark to studying Nielsen hypothesis , and Dr. D.

  3. 蛋白激酶抑制剂的筛选与活性化合物的分子药理学研究

    Studies on Discovery of Protein Kinase Inhibitors and Pharmacology of Active Compound

  4. 目的建立用于分子药理学研究的药物分离吸附层析模拟系统并初步应用。

    Aim An imitative system of adsorption chromatography was established and applied .

  5. 用细胞生物学技术和分子药理学方法探讨了新型阿片配基的细胞和分子机制。

    Cellular and molecular mechanisms of new opioid ligands were explored by cellular biological techniques and molecular pharmacological methods .

  6. M受体拮抗剂手性分子的药理学研究

    Study Pharmacological Profiles of Chiral Antagonists Acted on M-receptor

  7. 日龄雏鸡的学习记忆模型及其分子机制和药理学研究进展

    Learning and Memory of Day-old Chicks and Progress in Relevant Molecular Mechanisms and Pharmacological Studies

  8. 为生物化学、分子生物学、药理学、免疫学等后续课程的学习奠定必要的有机化学基础。某些超微结构及免疫细胞化学观察所见&作为疼痛机制闸门控制学说的形态学基础

    This study will make necessarily foundation for the study of biochemistry , molecular biology , pharmacology and immunology and so forth . SOME ULTRASTRUCTURE AND IMMUNOCYTOCHEMICAL FINDINGS Taken as Morphological Basis for the Gate Control Theory of Pain Mechanism

  9. 现在,化学家和生物学家非常重视分子生物学和生化药理学等研究领域。

    Now chemists and biologists attach importance to research fields of molecular biology , biochemical pharmacology , and so on .

  10. 随着分子肿瘤学、分子药理学的发展,信号传导在肿瘤形成过程中的作用正在逐步被阐明,信号传导通路已成为抗肿瘤药物研究的新靶点。

    With the development of molecule oncology , molecule pharmacology , the function of signaling transduction in tumer formation has elucidated , the signaling transduction has become new target in medicine research about tumer treatment .