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  • 网络travel time
  1. ATIS条件下出行时间节约效益评价方法研究

    Research on the Benefit Evaluation Method of Travel Time Saving under ATIS

  2. 基于出行时间预算的多用户交通分配模型及算法

    Multi-class Traffic Assignment Model and Algorithm Based on Travel Time Budget

  3. 他们必须考虑到出行时间问题——高峰时远距离路线可能会快点——然后选择最佳路线。

    They must take into account the time of day - in rush hour , a longer route may be quicker - and describe the best way .

  4. 基于GIS的城市公交出行时间链研究

    Research on Transit Trip Time Chain Based on GIS Technology

  5. 当您在GoogleMaps中选择了公共交通,您还需要提供一个额外的标准&您想要的出行时间。

    When you choose public transit in Google Maps , you need to provide one additional bit of criteria & the time you want to travel .

  6. 利用GIS空间分析与决策功能,分析研究乘客公交出行时间链,采用Logit反推模型,结合苏州市公交规划调查数据,回归计算出公交出行时间链各部分权重值。

    By using the analysis and decision-making function of GIS , the paper analyzes the transit trip time chain and takes the Logit model to regress and calculate the time weights of the chain with the survey data of SuZhou city .

  7. 基于出行时间的城市交通出行结构估算模型

    An Estimation Model for Transport Modal Share Based on Travel Time

  8. 停车诱导对出行时间的影响分析

    Preliminary Analysis of the Impact of Parking Guidance on Travel Time

  9. 妥善安排出行时间,避免交通拥堵。

    When possible , change your schedule to avoid congestion .

  10. 基于道路拥挤收费的出行时间价值研究

    The Research about the Value of Time Based on Road Congestion Pricing

  11. 信息条件下路段出行时间可靠性的计算

    Computing the Link Travel Time Reliability with Information Provision

  12. 基于活动的出行时间与方式选择模型研究

    Study on Activity-based Travel Time and Mode Choice Models

  13. 北京市居民出行时间小样本调查分析

    Beijing Residents ' Travel Time Survey in Small Samples

  14. 居民出行时间选择及拥挤收费政策

    Resident travel time choice and congestion pricing policy

  15. 世行资助建设的快速交通系统缩短了出行时间,减少了交通事故和污染。

    Bank-supported rapid transit systems in Colombia cut travel time , accidents and pollution .

  16. 综合考虑应急情况下的出行时间和出行时间可靠性这两个目标,建立了满足线性关系的出行负效用函数。

    Considering the two objects integration , this dissertation constructs the travel disutility function .

  17. 出行时间成本的测算方法及其影响因素分析

    The Measurement Method for the Travel Time Cost and the Analysis of Its Influencing Factors

  18. 公路经改造后,到市场和大区中心的出行时间缩短了一半;

    Travel time to markets and district centers was cut by half after road rehabilitation .

  19. 最后,给出了调查居民出行时间价值的应用实例。

    In the end , a survey example about value of trip time is given .

  20. 日常交通出行时间管理悖论

    Paradoxical management of daily travel time budgets

  21. 本文首先对于旅客出行时间价值进行了深入的分析。

    At first , this paper deeply analyzes the value of passengers when they go out .

  22. 基于出行时间可靠性的交通配流问题

    Travel time reliability-based traffic assignment problem

  23. 其中一大半车辆的出行时间是在早晚高峰时期。

    More than half of them cross the bridge during the morning and evening rush hours .

  24. 会晤事宜尚未敲定,他的出行时间也还没有确定。

    The meeting has not yet been finalised and the timing of the trip remains uncertain .

  25. 公交出行时间链的研究是公交网络配流及网络优化的理论基础,其权重值的分析计算具有重要的实用意义。

    Researching on transit time chain is the basic theory of traffic assignment , which has important value .

  26. 私家车出行者的通勤出行时间价值是实施和评价道路拥挤收费项目的重要参数之一。

    Value of drivers'commuting travel time is an important parameter when implementing and appraising a road congestion pricing project .

  27. 本文就私家车通勤出行时间价值的定义、研究方法进行深入探讨,并建立了基于出行时间和出行费用的出行路径选择模型来计算私家车通勤出行时间价值。

    This paper probes into the definition of the value of drivers ' commuting travel time and its research method .

  28. 任何原因,如不足的出行时间津贴,可以治愈之前其实是实施时间表。

    Any cause , such as insufficient travel time allowances , can be cured before the timetable is actually implemented .

  29. 出行时间因素包括:在车时间、等车时间、换乘时间以及换乘惩罚。

    The travel time in the transit network includes in-vehicle travel time , waiting time , transfer time and transfer penalty .

  30. 车站周围建筑分布对居民出行时间的影响中转地批发市场发展困境与对策研究&石家庄市批发市场调研分析

    Influence on Pedestrian Time under Building Distribution around Mass Transit Station The Problems and Solutions for Wholesale Market in Transit Station