
chū bǎn shè
  • press;publisher;publishing house
出版社 [chū bǎn shè]
  • [publishing house] 出版图书的机构

  • 大学出版社

  1. 他借调到外文出版社工作去了。

    He is on loan to the Foreign Languages Press .

  2. 该出版社去年发行了一种新杂志。

    The press issued a new magazine last year .

  3. 这本书是与英国传统出版社联合出版的。

    The book was published in association with British Heritage .

  4. 17家出版社回绝了这部手稿,直到詹克斯看到了它的潜在价值。

    Seventeen publishers rejected the manuscript before Jenks saw its potential .

  5. 他的出版社刚刚开始就她随后几本书的出版问题进行商谈。

    His publishing house had just begun negotiating for her next books

  6. 最后她就职的那家出版社把她解雇了。

    Eventually she was fired from her job at a publishing house .

  7. 一家出版社被封闭了。

    One publishing house was closed down .

  8. 这本书一直畅销,出版社将再版。

    The book has been selling like hot cakes . The publishers are going to reprint it .

  9. 河北人民出版社最近出版了两部新小说。

    The Hebei people 's Publishing House recently got out two new novels .

  10. 他在一家小型出版社工作。

    He works in a small publishing outfit .

  11. 出版发行是商业行为,而且出版社通晓市场行情。

    publishing is a commercial business and the publisher knows the market .

  12. 针对出版过程的各个环节,出版社设置了不同的部门。

    Within the publishing house , different departments deal with different aspects of the publishing process .

  13. 可计算性、复杂性和语言》,清华大学出版社,北京,1989

    Matin D. Davis , Computability , Complexity , and Languages , Academic Press , 1983 . 《

  14. 胡非。湍流、间歇性与大气边界层。北京:科学出版社,1995

    HU Fei . Turbulence , Intermittency and Atmospheric Boundary Layer ( in Chinese ) . Beijing : Science Press , 1995 .

  15. 第一,对于如何尽可能让书畅销这件事,作者们很乐意听出版社的意见。

    First , most authors are happy to defer to the publisher about how to sell as many copies of their book as possible ;

  16. 手稿被拒绝的滋味不好受,而且出版合同也很复杂,所以很多作者会雇佣代理人帮自己与出版社协商。

    Being rejected is awful and publishing contracts are complicated , so many authors employ an agent to negotiate a deal with a publisher .

  17. 手稿可能会被印成纸质书,或者做成电子书。作者的手稿可能是征稿渠道来的(出版社会要求作者写书)或者是非征稿渠道来的(作者写完之后拿着手稿找出版社出售)。

    This may be printed ( a codex ) or digital ( an ebook ) . The author 's manuscript is either solicited ( the publisher asks them to write it ) or unsolicited ( the author writes it , then shops for a publisher ) .

  18. 目前PASS算法已经被成功地应用于清华大学出版社的互动式语言学习系统中。

    The system has been successfully adopted by the Tsinghua University Press interactive language learning system .

  19. 计算机应用能力的CAI软件在近年来已有很大应用市场,很多出版社都发行了这类软件的光盘。

    CAI on computer application ability has developed recently .

  20. 整合营销的战略思想就集中在创造品牌价值上,出版社的品牌建设可以从两方面考虑,一是出版社CI建设;

    Strategic concept of marketing integration concentrates on the creation of brand value .

  21. Java并发编程&设计原则与模式(第二版)(赵涌等译,中国电力出版社,2004年)

    Concurrent Programming in Java : Design Principles and Patterns , 2nd edition ( Doug Lea ; Addison-Wesley , 1999 )

  22. 这家出版社曾要求摩尔把对“窃贼中的窃贼”乔治w布什(georgewbush)的批判改得温和一些。

    The publisher urged Moore to tone down its critique of the " thief-in-chief " , George W Bush .

  23. 论文运用SWOT分析方法,对信息技术专业图书出版社的环境做一个较为具体的分析。

    The thesis that adopts SWOT method , does the environment analysis of IT book publish houses in detail .

  24. 亚德哈罗南德芬恩是《跑男的激情生活》(TheWayoftheRunner)一书的作者,该书由Faber&Faber出版社出版。

    Adharanand Finn is the author of ' The Way of the Runner " ( Faber & Faber )

  25. 进一步利用SPSS对统计数据进行因子分析得到了影响各个出版社销售情况的主要因素,从而对整个市场进行评估和预测。

    Further , the main factors of influencing each publishing company 's selling were fetched by SPSS software to predict the market .

  26. JohnP.Kotter,《领导变化》,哈佛商学院出版社,1996年。

    John P.Kotter , Leading Change , Harvard Business School Press , 1996 .

  27. 一些出版社尝试将在其他行业质量管理中取得成效的ISO9000族标准管理体系引入。

    Some publishing company tries to introduce the effective " ISO 9000 clan standards management system " to this trade .

  28. Word是图书杂志编排的主要字处理软件,如何将Word编排的书刊文档直接在激光打印机上镜像输出,是出版社面临的主要问题,也是降低印刷成本的主要手段。

    Microsoft word is one of main word processing software for publishing of books and magazines . To print mirror word documents with a laser printer directly is a very important problem for reducing publishing cost .

  29. 约翰·厄里(1990):《关注旅游业:当代社会中的休闲和旅行》;伦敦:Sage出版社,第100-2页。

    Urry , John ( 1990 ) The Tourist Gaze : Leisure and Travel in Contemporary Societies , London : Sage , pp100-2 .

  30. CIS,意为企业形象战略或企业形象识别系统。高校出版社欲摆脱困境与迎接挑战,就必须导入CIS战略。

    CIS means Corporate Identity Strategy , publishing press in higher education institutions must use CIS in order to overcome difficulty and deal with challenge .