
  • 网络Cold Sweat
  1. 轻度低血糖时可有心慌、手抖、饥饿、出冷汗等表现。

    Mild hypoglycemia can be a flustered , Shoudou , hunger , cold sweat , such as a performance .

  2. 典型的晕船症状是口干、出冷汗、头昏眼花并且恶心,有时候还会呕吐。

    Typical indicators for seasickness are a dry mouth , cold sweat , dizziness and nausea , sometimes followed by vomiting .

  3. 经常大半夜的出冷汗

    You know . Cold sweats . Middle of the night .

  4. 弗兰士觉得他的额头上已经开始冒出冷汗来了。

    Franz felt the perspiration start forth upon his brow .

  5. 出冷汗了没有,你会慢慢习惯的。

    Don 't sweat it , you 'll get used to it .

  6. 她紧张得手心都出冷汗了。

    She was so nervous that her palms were all cold and sweating .

  7. 我们有时做恶梦醒来后全身出冷汗。

    Lots of cold sweat will come out from our bodies after a nightmare .

  8. 主要是因为他们正在不停的出冷汗。

    Mainly because of the sweat buildup .

  9. 我告诉过你她在几天前发过烧她还出冷汗

    I told you that she has a fever and her -- She 's got a really cold sweat .

  10. 当我感到受威胁时,我会立刻冒出冷汗,即使那威胁并不是真实的。

    I instantly break out in a cold sweat when I feel threatened , even if the threat is not even real .

  11. 你有过黄疸(低烧,任何慢性病,夜间出冷汗,哮喘发作)?

    Have your ever had jaundice ( low grade fever , any chronic ailments , cold sweats at night , attacks of asthma )?

  12. 想到这儿,瓦朗蒂娜吓得脸色苍白,直出冷汗,几乎要拉铃求援了。

    When this terrible chain of ideas presented itself , Valentine was nearly persuaded to ring the bell , and call for help .

  13. 我真感到五脏六腑都不舒服,头上出冷汗,胃里折腾,好象吃了不新鲜的海货。

    I felt an actual sickness in all of me inside and a sweating and a nausea as though I had swallowed bad sea food .

  14. 术中或术后发生迷走亢进(表现为恶心、呕吐、心率减慢、出冷汗、血压下降)15例(3-5%)。

    There are 15 patients ( 3.5 percent ) occurred vagus reflection ( as nausea , vomiting , slow heart rate , blood pressure decline ) .

  15. 比如,当你猛然见到一条蛇时,类扁桃体会使你四肢僵硬,出冷汗,心跳加速甚至拔腿跑掉。

    When you suddenly see a snake , for example , the amygdala makes you freeze , perspire , have a quickened heartbeat , or run very fast .

  16. 然而,治疗费用昂贵且有许多副作用,如贫血、血红蛋白下降、恶心、呕吐,出冷汗等。

    However , the treatment is very expensive , and also has many side effects , such as anaemia , a greater decrease in hemoglobin , vomiting , cold sweats and nausea .

  17. 此外,病人可能感到呼吸困难或气短;恶心或呕吐;头晕或无力;虚弱乃至出冷汗;以及面色苍白。

    In addition the person may experience difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath ; feeling sick or vomiting ; feeling light-headed or faint ; breaking into a cold sweat ; and becoming pale .

  18. 结果(1)10例患者均表现有晨起或饥饿时发作性出冷汗、心慌等交感神经兴奋及头晕、乏力症状,其中9例进食或喝糖水后可缓解。

    Results ( 1 ) Ten patients were with onset of symptoms of cold sweat , flustered , lightheadedness or debility during early morning or starvation . Nine out of 10 patients recovered from food intake .

  19. 患者因针刺而出现头晕、恶心、目眩、心悸,甚则面色苍白、出冷汗、四肢厥冷、血压降低、脉搏散弱,甚至突然意识丧失者称晕针。

    Acupuncture and patients due to dizziness , nausea , dizziness , palpitations , and even the pale , cold sweat , limbs frosty , blood pressure , pulse dispersion is weak , or even a sudden sense of where forfeiture is called fainting .

  20. 如果你出现了胸部疼痛或上背,左手臂不适,或下巴疼痛,或突然晕倒或出冷汗,恶心,呕吐,请立即拨打911或当地急救号码寻求医疗人员的帮助。

    Don 't play doctor & go see one , fast , if you are worried about pain or discomfort in your chest , upper back , left arm , or jaw ; or suddenly faint or develop a cold sweat , nausea , or vomiting .

  21. 当他听到被解雇的消息时,额头上冒出了冷汗。

    When he heard the news that he was fired , he broke out in a sweat on his forehead .

  22. 他头上沁出汗珠来。唐太斯的额头冒出一阵冷汗。

    Drops of sweat oozed from his forehead .

  23. 一闻到这种人肉被烧焦的气味,年轻人的额头便冒出了冷汗他觉得自己快要昏过去了。

    The perspiration poured forth upon the young man 's brow , and he felt as if he should faint .

  24. 贝尔图乔抹了一把额头上冒出的冷汗,还是服从了,但是,他却继续向左斜着走。

    Bertuccio wiped the perspiration from his brow , but obeyed ; however , he continued to take the left hand .

  25. 他突然冒出一身冷汗。

    He broke out in a cold sweat .

  26. 如果想到数学测验会让你出一身冷汗,你的爸妈可能要承担些责任。

    If the thought of a math test makes you break out in a cold sweat , Mom or Dad may be partly to blame .

  27. 这部恐怖电影把我吓出一身冷汗。

    E.g.This honor movie made me break out in a sweat .

  28. 想想钱的问题,我吓出一身冷汗。

    Thinking about money makes me break out in a cold sweat !

  29. 一想到要给别人打电话,你是不是就会冒出一身冷汗?

    Does the thought of making a call give you cold sweats ?

  30. 她吓出一身冷汗。

    She was in a cold sweat from fear .