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nínɡ wànɡ
  • gaze at;stare at
凝望 [níng wàng]
  • [gaze] 注目远望

  1. 他继续凝望着许久以前的往事的幻觉。

    He continued to stare at the vision of what had happened in the long ago .

  2. 穿越历史的迷雾,凝望遥远的枫杨树乡村&浅析苏童枫杨树乡村系列小说

    Pass Through the Dense Fog of History , Stare at the Distant " Feng Yang Tree Village "

  3. 她靠着船上的护栏,凝望大海。

    She leaned on the ship 's rail and gazed out to sea .

  4. 她凝望大海。

    Her gaze was fixed seawards .

  5. 他凝望着那片漆黑的空旷之地,那次战役就是在这里进行的。

    He stared into the dark void where the battle had been fought

  6. 我抬头凝望着上方弧形的穹顶。

    I gazed up at the domed ceiling arching overhead .

  7. 我站在那里凝望着他,惊叹竟有这么美的人。

    I stood and gazed at him , awestruck that anyone could be so beautiful .

  8. 他在凝望着激流奔腾的河水。

    He was musing upon the rushing torrents of the river .

  9. 我们凝望着那一片漫无边际的沙漠。

    We gazed out over the limitless expanse of the desert .

  10. 他凝望着她那逐渐远去的身影。

    He gazed after her receding figure .

  11. 这位可怜的仙女羞红了脸,迅速退到遮阴处,含情脉脉地凝望着心上人。

    The poor fairy maiden 's face turned red and quickly withdrew to a shady spot , following the object of her love with her longing7 eyes .

  12. 通过根癌农杆菌介导的遗传转化方法,建立了凝望星空百合(Lilium‘StarGazer’)愈伤组织和西伯利亚百合(Lilium‘Siberia’)叶片的遗传转化体系。

    We established genetic transformation system of lily callus ( Lilium ' Star Gazer ') and leaves ( Lilium ' Siberia ') mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens .

  13. 在这期间,他始终静静地坐在原地,凝望着她。

    All the while he sat there silently , watching her .

  14. 大多数的时间里它们只有远远地相互凝望。

    Most of the time they had to gaze from afar .

  15. 凝望那一片土地,我看到了希望。

    Staring at that piece of land , I see hope .

  16. 格雷厄姆坐在船尾,凝望着地平线。

    Graham sat aft , looking steadily out to the horizon .

  17. 提利昂不由得驻足凝望,

    Tyrion stopped for a moment to look up at it .

  18. 她又凝望起窗外来了。

    She had gone back to staring out of the window .

  19. 塞鲁船长的房间里有一扇大窗子。凯透过玻璃凝望黑色的天空。

    There was a big window in Captain Seru 's room .

  20. 它们那优雅的形状和精湛的工艺让人凝望深思。

    contemplated both for their elegant shape and their virtuoso craftsmanship .

  21. 不管是凝望海还是艾米莉的房子

    Either you look at the ocean or Emily 's house ,

  22. 他凝望天空,一脸迷惘的样子。

    He stared into space with a vacant expression on his face .

  23. 他站在了望塔上,向荒野里凝望。

    He stood on the lookout tower and gazed into the wilderness .

  24. 他抬起头,凝望着天空。

    He rose his head and stared at the firmament .

  25. 他伤心地在她的背后凝望,直到离开视线为止。

    He gazed sadly after her until she was out of sight .

  26. 盖伊变得冷漠,默然不语,目光越过格特鲁德凝望远处。

    Guy became aloof and silent , gazing past gertrude .

  27. 她抬起头来,凝望着十二月份阴沉沉的天空。

    She looked up staring at the somber December sky .

  28. 哈里斯越过铁皮屋顶凝望着大海。

    Harris stared over the tin roofs toward the harbor .

  29. 他向后一靠,出神地凝望着窗外。

    He lay back and gazed out the window contemplatively .

  30. 我伫立着,久久地凝望着它们。

    I stand and look at them long and long .