
zhǔn jūn shì zǔ zhī
  • paramilitary organization;quasi-military organization
  1. 1995年,乌代建立暴力准军事组织萨达姆突击队(FedayeenSaddam),向父亲呈献突击队头盔的样品,它是模仿达思·韦德(DarthVader)的头盔制作的。

    In 1995 , Uday formed the Fedayeen Saddam , a violent paramilitary organization , and presented his father with a prototype for its helmet , modeled on that of Darth Vader .

  2. 武器出售给了一个商人,他又将其倒卖给了一些准军事组织。

    The arms had been sold to a businessman ; he sold them on to paramilitary groups .

  3. 警方要求布林交出她的手机、电脑记录以及她与准军事组织“真爱尔兰共和军”(RealIRA)联系的笔记。

    The police demanded that she turn over her cell phone , computer records , and notes about her contacts with the paramilitary Real IRA organization .

  4. 该党还成立了一个准军事组织匈牙利卫队(hungarianguard),制服上带有战前匈牙利法西斯党的徽章已发展到在布达佩斯城市中行军,而且在很多小城镇拥有势力范围。

    It has also formed a paramilitary wing , the Hungarian guard , whose uniforms bear the insignia of pre-war Hungarian fascist parties and which has staged marches in Budapest and has a presence in many small towns .

  5. 得分高者会被招入一个秘密的准军事组织。

    Those who score well are recruited into a secret paramilitary academy .

  6. 警方备有所有非法的准军事组织的档案。

    Police kept files on all the illegal paramilitary organizations .

  7. 他们还表示,隶属政府的塔米尔准军事组织为犯罪活动提供了渠道。

    It alleges that Tamil paramilitary groups affiliated to the government have unfettered access .

  8. 然而正是这种策略使乌里韦能够说服准军事组织解除武装,面对司法审判。

    Yet it is this tactic that has enabled him to convince the paramilitaries to disarm and face justice .

  9. 逾4000名哥伦比亚人试图起诉奇基塔,罪名是该公司为一个准军事组织提供资金,而该组织在哥伦比亚血腥的内战期间折磨并杀害他们的亲戚。

    Over 4000 Colombians had tried to sue Chiquita for funding a paramilitary group that tortured and killed their relatives during the country 's bloody civil war .

  10. 布什说,哥伦比亚总统乌里韦已经在着手解决上述问题。他正在解散数千个准军事组织,并提名独立检察官处理有关工会领导人受到袭击的案子。

    Mr. Bush says Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has addressed those issues by demobilizing thousands of paramilitary units and naming an independent prosecutor to pursue cases involving attacks against labor leaders .

  11. 美英入侵伊拉克释放了什叶派武装力量和伊朗影响力,对此感到惊恐的布什和布莱尔煽动以色列打击黎巴嫩的什叶派准军事组织。

    Having by then taken fright at the Shia militias and Iranian influence they had unleashed in Iraq , Messrs Bush and Blair egged on the Israelis against the Lebanese Shia paramilitaries .

  12. 他相信他的一位同事买通了一个准军事组织强迫他“辞职、离开研究组、离开我的祖国,借口是我参与了一个游击队组织”。

    He believes that one of his colleagues paid a paramilitary group to force him " out of my job , my research group and my country , under the pretext that I am a member of a guerrilla group " .

  13. 去年冬天,准军事力量组织Basji(伊斯兰武装力量动员队)的指挥官Naghdi将军就曾就这个方面来批评伊朗与美国进行的核谈判。

    Last winter the commander of the Basij paramilitary force General Naghdi used this theme to criticize nuclear negotiations with the Americans .

  14. 他成了一个准军事性组织的领导人。

    He became the leader of a paramilitary group .