
  • 网络bashania fangiana;Bashania faberi;Arundinaria faberi
  1. 冷箭竹更新幼龄芽种群的数量统计

    Quantity Statistics on the Bud Population of Young Arrow Bamboo after Natural Regeneration

  2. 本文研究了卧龙自然保护区冷箭竹更新幼龄无性系种群冠层结构的数量特征。

    The quantitative characters of the canopy structure of young Bashania fangiana clonal population after natural regeneration in Wolong Nature Reserve were studied .

  3. 我们从未发现大熊猫取食其林内的冷箭竹,它主要取食老竹林的竹笋,2年生、3年生竹秆和少量的竹枝。

    It is found that the bamboo is not eaten by giant pandas , giant pandas ′ foods are the sprouts , 2-3 years old bamboo stems and branches in old bamboo forest .

  4. 从分析竹类种群的生命周期出发,并以大熊猫主食竹种冷箭竹的种群动态研究为例,建立了竹类种群动态的理论模式。

    This paper made a study on the life cycle of Bashania fabri , which is staple food for Ailuropoda melanoleuca , and put forward the model of theory of bamboo population development .