
  1. 《冷眼观俗尘》尚未完工的佛祖雕像,超凡脱俗的神情,似乎在禅悟街巷里匆忙行人的百态人生。

    The observing mortals'statue The uncompleted Buddha statue with step beyond expression was standing in the street ; it seems that it were observing the mortals .

  2. 然而,张爱玲的叙事是以亲历沧桑后冷眼观世的大境界,对成长记忆中的旧上海的氛围不乏深入刻画,她的上海是一种真实的存在;

    However , Zhang spreads us a big world which she has ever experienced and she carves the look of old Shanghai from her growing up memory .

  3. 生如夏花,所以生活可以简单,也可以复杂;梦想可以雄心万丈,同样可以谨慎细微;而对于生命本身的态度,可以冷眼观世,就一样可以积极向上。

    Life can be simple , as it can be complicated ; dreams can be ambitious , as it can be practical ; and the spirit towards life can be critical , as it can be positive .