
  • 网络Decision Design
  1. 基于对专家系统、工程数据库、语言等基础知识的分析、研究,建立了以专家系统为主要组成的专家决策设计系统(EDDS)。

    Based on analyses and studies on basic knowledges such as expert system , engineering database and language , a model frame of Expert Decision Design System EDDS is built up , which consists of expert system as the main component .

  2. 环境判明的组织决策设计及复杂性研究

    Research on organization decision design and complexity in ascertaining circumstance

  3. 基于神经网络的自动机动决策设计

    Design of Automated Maneuvering Decision Based on Artificial Neural Network

  4. 分局调度系统是为了实现分局调度的计算机辅助决策设计的。

    The sub-bureau dispatch system aims at computer-assisted decision-making .

  5. 利用自学习算法为机器人选择最优目标点的决策设计

    Design Of A Best-Target Choosing Method Based On Self-Learning Algorithm In Robot Strategy System

  6. 机构多目标优化与博弈决策设计

    Multi-objective Optimization and Game Decision-making in Mechanisms Design

  7. 最后提出组织决策设计的改进算法和研究思路。

    Finally , the paper presents two ways to mend the algorithm and to solve the organization design problems .

  8. 费用管理主要强调项目决策设计阶段的造价控制以及对施工过程的关键环节的造价控制;

    Cost management is major to emphasize the cost control of project decision design phase as well as the cost control for the crucial aspect in construction course ;

  9. 针对信息时代协同决策设计理论与指控系统发展需求的矛盾,研究面向分布式指控系统的协同决策设计中决策主体执行决策规则的一致性与优化方法。

    This paper discusses coherence testing and optimization method which decision-makers implement decision regulations toward contravention between collaborative decision design and military requirement in distributed C ~ 2 system .

  10. 为提高市政工程建设质量,浦东新区在决策设计和建设施工两个阶段采取了一系列管理措施,取得了良好的效果。

    To raise the quality of municipal engineering construction , a series of measures are taken by Pudong New Area to make decisions in design and construction , which has now obtained good results .

  11. 基于Internet的农业灌溉远程工程分析及管理决策系统设计

    Design of Long-distance Engineering Analysis and Management Decision System of Agriculture Irrigation Based on Internet

  12. 基于XML数据库的辅助决策系统设计

    Design for Assistant Decision System Based on XML Database

  13. 基于GIS的国民经济动员分析决策系统设计

    Design of Analysis and Decision-Making System on National Economic Mobilization Based on GIS

  14. 基于DEM的雷达阵地选择辅助决策系统设计

    Design of Aided Decision System for Selecting Radar Battlefield Based on DEM

  15. 并在此基础上,通过投资决策模型设计实例,说明以EXCEL为平台系统的基本设计方法。

    Then the papers introduce the basic design methods based on EXCEL in terms of investment decision model design .

  16. 经过一点实践就可以掌握Xtext,它真正让你能够按照自己对架构细节的理解和架构决策来设计语言。

    After a little bite of practice , Xtext gets out of your way and really allows you to specify the language as you understand architectural details and make architectural decisions .

  17. 军事目标打击的辅助决策系统设计研究

    Research on the Design of Military Target Strike Assistant Decision System

  18. 参与决策程序设计研究

    Study on the Program - Designing of Participation Decision - Making

  19. 组合防伪包装决策系统设计

    The Design of the Decision-Making System on Combined Anti-Counterfeiting Package

  20. 建设项目施工组织设计的辅助决策和设计系统

    Auxiliary Decision and Designing System of the Design of Construction Project Organization

  21. 海上交通风险控制辅助决策系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Decision Supporting System for Maritime Traffic Risk Control

  22. 投资决策、设计过程及估算编制中的工程造价控制

    Project Cost Control of Investment Decision Making , Designing and Budget Estimation

  23. 煤层气项目经济评价辅助决策系统设计及应用

    Design and Application of Computer-aided Decision-making System of Coal Bed Gas Evaluation

  24. 浅谈建设项目决策及设计阶段的工程造价管理

    Engineering Cost Management at Project Decision-making and Designing Stages

  25. 损伤飞机修理辅助决策系统设计与实现

    Designing and Realization of Damaged Aircraft Repairing ( DAR ) Assistant Decision-Making System

  26. 某炼油厂计算机信息管理工业控制网络系统预决策方案设计

    The MIS Industrial Control and Network System Strategic Planning for an Oil Refinery

  27. 瓦楞纸箱辅助决策和设计系统的开发

    Development of Corrugated Cartons Aid Decision and Designing System

  28. 应用免疫策略的多传感器决策融合设计

    Multi-Sensor Decision Fusion Design Based on Immune Strategy

  29. 能否做出正确的投标决策是设计单位竞标的关键。

    It is important for the designing department to make the correct bidding decision-making .

  30. 企业投资决策模型设计与研究

    Enterprise Investment Decision Model Design and Research