
  • 网络decisiveness;Decision Making;Decision-making ability;decision-making capacity
  1. 我国的企业信息化建设方面的历史较短,在实施ERP项目上必然会遇到诸多困难,但是通过实施ERP项目可以极大提高企业的信息化水平和企业的管理决策能力。

    The history of informationization construction in Chinese enterprises is short , so the realty is not ideal and the difficulties are unavoidable . The informationization level and decision making ability can be improved greatly by applying ERP project .

  2. 其主要原因是,在对学生进行道德引导时存在偏重认知而忽视道德思维能力和行为决策能力的指导。

    The main reason for this is that when giving moral guidance to students , moral cognition is often emphasized but the capacities of moral thinking and decision making are ignored .

  3. 我们需要帮助孩子学习如何最大程度地使用智能计算机来提高人类的决策能力。

    We need to help our children learn how to best work with smart computers to improve human decision-making .

  4. 它们能精确识别食物和水源的方向,表现出了强大的团结和团队决策能力。象群内的分工也很明确。未来还有可能北移

    They can identify the direction of food and water resources very precisely and group decision-making .

  5. 他们还会被询问决策能力如何,是否出现呕吐、肿胀、呼吸急促、非计划性体重减轻、脱水或食欲不振。

    The ability to make decisions is also asked and whether they have suffered vomiting4 , swelling5 , shortness of breath , unplanned weight loss , dehydration6 or loss of appetite .

  6. 而分析型CRM旨在增加CRM系统的商业分析与辅助决策能力。

    Analytical CRM aims at increasing system 's commercial analysis and aid decision ability .

  7. 大型建筑企业BOT项目投资决策能力研究

    Investment decision ability of great construction corporations on BOT projects

  8. GIS提供的多源数据集成能力、强大的空间分析能力和辅助决策能力在公共安全的预警预报、监测、灾情评估中发挥了重大作用。

    GIS played an important role in this field by its good function of multi-source data integration , spatial analysis and decision-aiding .

  9. 在MAS的研究中,研究者使用很多方法提高协商模型的适应能力和决策能力,其中很重要的一个方法就是在协商模型中加入学习机制,使得系统的性能得到改善。

    Learning algorithms was one of most important methods which was added to the MAS negotiation models to enable improved system performance .

  10. 以公众服务为核心(PS)的网上行政审批系统作为电子政务的重要组成部分,对提高政府部门的管理能力、决策能力、公共服务能力起到至关重要的作用。

    Administration permits online service system is a very important part of E-government . It is a vital factor that will improve government 's management ability , decision-making ability and public service ability .

  11. 文中针对多Agent系统的特点和目前路由选择算法的不足,提出了基于多Agent系统的智能路由算法,该算法不仅有智能决策能力,而且有良好的分布特性。

    After considering the features of multi agent systems and the shortages of the routing algorithms , a kind of intelligent algorithm is given based on multi agent systems , which not only makes intelligent routing strategy decisions but also well distributes over the network .

  12. 随着Internet的普及和发展,构建安全的政务网,对加快政府职能转变,提高行政质量和效率,增强政府管理能力、决策能力和公共服务水平,加强社会监督,具有十分重要的意义。

    With the development and popularization of the Internet , the construction of a secure administration network plays an important role in accelerating the transformation of government functions , raising administration quality and efficiency , improving government management , decision and public services and strengthening social supervision .

  13. 为了提高主轴箱的市场竞争力,大多数的企业采用了CAD技术,但是传统的主轴箱CAD系统缺乏设计师所具有的推理和决策能力,已经不满足设计过程自动化的需求。

    In order to improve the market competitiveness of the spindle box , the majority of businesses have adopted CAD , but traditional spindle box CAD system is lack of designers ' reasoning and decision-making capacity and has not met the needs of the design process automation .

  14. 建立了C2组织决策能力测度的数学模型,从完成决策工作的量和质两个角度反映了使命决策能力需求的满足程度。

    The mathematical model of measurement parameters for C2 organization decision capabilities is established , which reflects the satisfaction degree of mission decision capability requirements from the perspective of quantity and quality of completed task .

  15. 达尔文和哈特里对于蒙巴顿的这场演讲感到十分尴尬,一是因为他犯了许多科学错误,二是因为他说ACE将会具有“人类的选择和决策能力”。

    Darwin and Hartree were embarrassed not only by Mountbatten getting the wrong ends of the technical sticks , but also by his perfectly correct assertion that the ACE would exercise ' hitherto human prerogatives of choice and judgment ' .

  16. RoseMcDermott:“令人担忧的不仅仅是疾病本身。患病时服用的药物以及这种药物会怎样危害他们的决策能力,认知能力和智力水平都令人担忧。

    Rose McDermott : " The concern is not just the illness , it 's also the medication that people take while they are ill and how that can compromise their decision-making ability , cognitively and intellectually .

  17. 定义了C2组织为有效完成使命所提供的决策能力和资源能力,并提出了相应的测度参数,分别给出了它们的定义和描述。

    The decision capabilities and resource capabilities provided by C2 organization to complete mission effectively are defined , the corresponding measurement parameters of which are proposed respectively , and then the definition and description of measurement parameters are given .

  18. 在分析了磁力轴承控制系统任务特性和经典的RM及EDF调度算法特性基础上,提出了控制系统中具有智能决策能力的实时任务调度算法。

    On the basis of analyzing the task characteristics of the control systems of magnetic bearings and the characteristics of the classical RM and EDF algorithms , a real time task scheduling algorithm is presented , which has intelligent decision ability .

  19. 对FMS进行层次分解,将功能独立、具有自主决策能力的设备作为研究FMS的主体,并利用FSA描述主体的状态及演化,从而建立主体的行为模型。

    By hierarchy decomposition of FMS , the equipments having independent functions and autonomous decision-making ability are an agent for researching FMS . The state and evolvement of the agent are described using FSA . So the behavior model of the agent is built .

  20. DFSES系统采用了一种缺省推理方法,大大地提高了该系统的决策能力,本文介绍了DFSES系统中的缺省理论及其扩张,并阐述了基于这些思想和类树形知识结构的特点缺省推理的实现。

    The DFSES system adopts a method of default reasoning to improve its decision efficiency . This paper introduces the default theory , the extension and the candidate extension , and focuses on the implementation of default reasoning based on these ideas and tree-like architecture of knowledge in DFSES .

  21. 基于决策能力的启发式属性约简及其在诊断中的应用

    Reduction algorithm based on decision - making capability and its application

  22. 认知能力可预测轻至中度痴呆的治疗决策能力

    Cognitive performance predicts treatment decisional abilities in mild to moderate dementia

  23. 学生护理伦理决策能力的培养

    Nurturing of Decision-making Ability of Undergraduate Students in Nursing Ethical Affairs

  24. 提高我国政府危机决策能力路径分析

    Path Analysis on Improving Our Government 's Decision-making Capacity toward Crisis

  25. 护理学专业大学生评判性思维能力与临床决策能力的相关性研究

    The Relationship of Critical-Thinking Skills and Clinical-Judgment Skills of Nursing Students

  26. 加强财务信息管理,提高企业决策能力

    Strengthening Management of Financial Information and Improving Decision-making Ability of Enterprise

  27. 公共危机应对中的政府决策能力研究

    The Research on the Decision Ability of Government in Public Crisis

  28. 国外有关学习时间分配决策能力的研究概述

    The Review of the Studies About Allocation of Study Time Overseas

  29. 护理临床决策能力测量方法的比较及在我国实践的展望

    Measure Methods of Clinical Decision-Making Ability in Nursing : A Comparative Study

  30. 生物教学中学生决策能力培养的思考

    Thoughts on Developing Students ' Decisive Competence in the Teaching of Biology