
  1. 由于现实决策对象大多数是多目标的,多目标优化问题(MOP)的研究越来越引起人们的重视。

    Since most of the actual decision-targets are multi-objective , the research on Multi-objective Optimization Problem ( MOP ) has gained more and more attention .

  2. 首先从卫星成本预测的决策对象分析入手,研究了卫星工程和卫星成本的结构,同时进一步分析阐述了卫星成本预测的发展状况。

    After analyzing the decision making objects of satellite cost estimating , this paper investigates the structure of satellite engineering and satellite cost estimating .

  3. 揭示了决策对象的结构冗余现象并给予了定量度量,进而从结构类型上给出了决策问题的一个分类,指出了病态结构问题的根本性病态特征是其分形结构。

    The phenomena of structure redundance for decision objects is brought to light , moreover a taxonomy of decision problems is given . The feature of an ill-structured problem which is due to its fractal structure is pointed out .

  4. 任何一个行政组织要想顺利地实现组织目标,必须在科学预测的前提下,把握好决策对象的本质和规律,从各种行动方案中做出最佳抉择,以达到最优化的行政效果。

    Every administrative organization wants to achieve goals successfully . They must grasp the essence and law of the decision-making , make the best choice of a variety of actions under the merits of the premise of scientific prediction .

  5. 使用决策支持对象建立OLAP数据结构的研究

    Study of Establish OLAP Data Structure Using DSO

  6. 运用微软通用的决策支持对象(DSO),结合区域电网气象负荷数据库设计了决策树形式的数据挖掘模型并实现了日负荷预测系统。

    Using general decision support objects ( DSO ) of Microsoft Corporation a data mining model with the form of decision tree is designed and a daily load forecasting system is implemented according to the weather-load database of regional power network .

  7. 应急决策的对象是各种突发性事件。

    The various of unexpected accidents are the object of emergency decision making .

  8. 论域约简是指对决策表对象集合的压缩。

    Universe reduction refers to the compression of object set in decision table .

  9. 运用决策支持对象实现短期电力负荷预测

    Short-term load forecasting by use of decision support objects

  10. 第四章在企业管理的基本问题和一般原理论述的基础上,以决策为对象,建立了一个整合管理的分析模型。

    The fourth chapter has established an analysis model of integrating management with the objective of decision-making , base on common issues and principles in enterprise management .

  11. 这里提出了构建学生成绩分析数据仓库概念模型、逻辑模型、物理模型的模型设计方案,并通过决策支持对象编程实现数据仓库的构建。

    This paper puts forward the model designing methods for concept model , logic model and physics model to build data warehouse of the analysis of students ' score and implements the building of data warehouse by the programming of decision support object .

  12. 房地产评估决策的面向对象模型

    An Object-oriented System Model for Real Estate Developing Evaluation

  13. 本文以金融服务外包决策为研究对象,详细阐述了金融服务外包的内涵和分类。

    The decision-making for financial services outsourcing regarded as the research object in the paper .

  14. 通过设定误差范围,获得决策表中对象之间的关系;

    Then , the relation between objects in the decision table is obtained by setting errors .

  15. 它极大拓展了战略决策思维的对象、空间、视野和方法。

    This process greatly enlarges the object , dimension , horizon and approach of strategic decision-making thinking .

  16. 这个环境主要包括一个存储共享设计决策、面向对象的数据库,数据库通过基于知识的查询和更新方式,增强其功能,可在可视化环境中进行设计。

    The database is augmented by knowledge-based query and update operations . Visual and semantic editing tools round out the environment .

  17. 组合投资决策的研究对象是一个复杂系统,而且也是一个需要人参与判断评估的系统。

    The research object for portfolio selection is a complex system , in which people 's thinking and judgment are needed to make decision .

  18. 以实际中常见的有限约束集的多目标决策问题为对象,提出无差异有效解的概念。

    Being a king of solution of multicriteria decision problem , the major efficient solution is based on the preference principle of " better objectives are in the majority " .

  19. 两两比较判断技术要求决策者对比较对象作出两两比较,假定比较对象有n个的话,那么决策者要进行n(n-1)/2次偏好价值比较。

    Suppose there are n comparing objects , then the decision maker needs n ( n - 1 ) / 2 time comparison judgments to get the relative weight for the objects in the pairwise comparison technique .

  20. 智能决策支持系统面向对象的知识处理

    The Processing of Object-Oriented Knowledge in an Intelligent Decision Support System

  21. 风险决策逻辑的研究对象及性质

    The Object and Character of the Risk Decision - making Logic

  22. 然而,这项技术却很适合决策者的不同对象。

    However , this technology does pertain to a different target audience of decision makers .

  23. 以集值决策系统为研究对象,根据偏序关系讨论了知识约简问题。

    In this paper , the set-valued decision system is deeply investigated by rough set technique .

  24. 为了实现较完整的视频对象分割,提出了一种基于视频图像边缘信息和最小错误率的贝叶斯决策理论的视频对象分割算法。

    To realize video object segment , we proposed one algorithm base on Bayes decision-making theory with least risk and video sequence edge information .

  25. 化学致癌物质对人体健康危害的个人年风险远远超过非致癌物质对人体健康危害的个人年风险,应作为风险决策管理的重点对象。

    Careful Handling of Chemical Carcinogens The health risk for individual person caused by chemical carcinogens is greater than non-carcinogens , so chemical carcinogens must be paid much attention in the risk decision-making management .

  26. 根据视频图像的前景与背景的统计特征,提出了一种基于静止背景的最小错误率的贝叶斯决策理论的视频对象分割算法。

    In this paper , according to the characteristics of the foreground and the background , we propose a novel video object segmentation algorithm , which algorithm is a Bayes decision-making theory with least risk based on still background .

  27. 影响政策制定的因素有决策者、决策对象、政策制度,还有与政策的制定有关的工作环境,以及更广阔的如社会、经济、文化、法律等一般环境。

    Factors affecting policy-making decision-makers , decision-making objects , policies and systems , as well as with policy-making related to work environment , as well as the broader , such as social , economic , cultural and legal environment in general .

  28. 将利率结构对称原理引入银行资产组合优化,解决了资产与负债利率的协调和匹配问题,使银行股东的权益在市场利率发生变化时不受到影响和损失,并解决了决策模型的服务对象问题。

    The interest rate structure symmetry is introduced into the optimization of bank assets portfolio . The proposed method solves the harmonization and match problem , and protects the bank equity against the effect and loss while the market interest rate changes .

  29. 在古时候,灵媒通常是皇家法庭的成员,或者是统治者做决策时的咨询对象,这些决策小到该种植哪一种作物,该雇用哪一位官员,大到该发动哪一场战争等等。

    In the ancient world , psychics were often members of the royal court or regularly consulted by the rulers before making decisions both large and small - what crops to plant , which officials to hire , which battles to wage .

  30. 本论文以建设项目投资决策问题为研究对象,对项目投资决策指标体系的构建、各指标权重的确定、决策方法的应用进行了深入研究,并获得一定成果。

    This thesis focuses on studying the investment decision-making problem of construction project . Models are set up to building the decision-making index system , ascertaining the index weights , researching the application of decision-making methods , and so on . Some important results are got .