
jué àn
  • resolution
  • resolve/settle a lawsuit
  1. 在决案震撼出炉之前,这场财政闹剧还会持续几周。

    The fiscal melodrama has a few more weeks to run before its electrifying final act .

  2. 首先,众议院以压倒性趋势否决了授权有时间限制的军事行动的决案。

    First , the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly against a resolution authorising American military action with time limits .

  3. 议员们对可决案的坚持,既体现了他们对官场监督的注重,也表现了他们迫切要求政治权利的欲望。

    The insistence of the decision by vote of members , not only embodies the focus to scrutiny official , but also reflects the urgent need of political rights .

  4. 一项相应的但不完善的国会待决修正案,将帮助制止向太多的国立学校销售垃圾食品。

    A worthy but imperfect amendment pending in Congress would help curb junk foods sold in too many of the nation 's schools .