
  • 网络cassia seed
  1. 枸杞茶、菊花茶、决明子茶和杜仲茶也有相同功效。

    Chinese wolfberry tea , chrysanthemum tea , cassia seed tea and Eucommia Tea have the same effect .

  2. 本论文以决明子茶、大麦茶为研究对象,采用高效液相色谱法对其丙烯酰胺含量进行了测定。另外,本文还探索了新型的柱前衍生-高效液相色谱法检测丙烯酰胺的方法。

    In this work , acrylamide content in cassia seed tea and barley tea was detected by using SPE-high performance liquid chromatographic method , a new pre-column derivatization-high performance liquid chromatographic method was also investigated for the determination of acrylamide .