
nónɡ zhuǎn fēi
  • change from rural to non-rural
农转非 [nóng zhuǎn fēi]
  • [formally become urban dweller from the countryside] 指农业户口转为非农业户口

  • 家属户口在农村的,按有关规定办理农转非

  1. 重庆市农转非劳动力就业培训对策研究

    Research into employment training countermeasure for non-agricultural labor force in Chongqing

  2. 新时期农转非制度评析

    On Household Registration Changing System in New Historical Period

  3. 征地农转非人员的就业问题和建议

    Employment Issue and Suggestions of Immigrants from Rural to Non-rural Area after Land Requisition

  4. 土地及其相关保障的失去使被征地农转非人员养老保险制度的建立颇具紧迫性。

    Land and related security lost to landless rural personnel establishment of the old-age insurance system is urgent .

  5. 重庆城中村改造中征地农转非人员社会保障政策研究

    Social Security Policy for Land-lost People in Expropriation of Land in the Process of Rebuilding Village Inside a City

  6. 重庆市被征地农转非人员养老保障问题研究

    Study on the Old-age Security of People Whose Household from Rural to Urban after Land Expropriated in Chongqing City

  7. 在求职不易的情况下,农转非应严格加以控制。

    Job opportunities Being limited , the number of agricultural people to be given non-agricultural status should be strictly controlled .

  8. 东非农业和林业研究组织(东非农林组织)征地农转非人员非农就业促进及其管理研究

    East African Agricultural and Forestry Research Organization A Study on the Employment and Management of Land-lost Personnel in Non-agriculture Economic Sectors

  9. 这些农转非人员由于观念落后、文化素质偏低、劳动技能单一等原因在劳动力市场中处于弱势地位。

    Them in a weak position in the labor market due to the concept behind the low cultural quality , single labor skills .

  10. 征地农转非居民的社区服务需求实证调研&以上海市浦东新区为例

    Demonstration investigation and research of non-land farmers ' community 's demand and community service & Take Pudong New Area of Shanghai as an example

  11. 农村大学生农转非土地承包经营权问题研究

    Research on the Problem of Land Contracting Management Right When Registered Residence of the University Students from Rural Area Changing from Agriculture To Non-agriculture

  12. 随着经济社会的发展,水权农转非已成为吉林省在今后一定时期内水权制度改革的重点。

    With the development of economy society , water right transferrer has been the important work in the period of JiLin Province in the future .

  13. 科学发展观视角下农转非居民的市民化&对自贡城郊农转非居民的实证调研

    Rural-to-Urban Household Residents ' Becoming Urbanites from the Angle of the Scientific Concept of Development & Empirical Research on Rural-to-Urban Household Residents in Zigong Suburb

  14. 新时期的“农转非”制度并没有从根本上推动户籍制度的改革,也没有建立起良性的户口迁移秩序。如何规定身份登记,还有必要探讨,但这不是本文的目的。

    As a result , the new household registration changing system has neither pushed forward the household registration reform nor established a good order of migration .

  15. 大批农民失去土地,农转非成为城市居民,由此,他们的身份、谋生手段、生活方式乃至居住条件都发生了很大的变化。

    A lot of peasants lost their land and become non-agricultural status and their identity , living methods , living manners and living condition change a lot .

  16. 征地农转非人员非农就业促进及其管理研究对农业非点源污染进行定量化的最直接有效的途径就是数学模拟。

    A Study on the Employment and Management of Land-lost Personnel in Non-agriculture Economic Sectors Mathematic model is the most effectual technique that quantitatively studies non-point source pollutions .

  17. 解决好汶川地震灾区因灾农转非人员的就业问题关系到灾区的稳定与和谐。

    To solve the employment problem of the people who became urban dweller caused by disasters in the disaster areas conducive to the harmony and stability of the disaster area .

  18. 在土地农转非过程中,政府随意圈地和侵犯农民权益的问题日益突出,并由此加深了政府与农民的矛盾。

    In the process of transition from farmland to non-farmland , the problem that the government confiscates the land willingly and threatens the interests of the farmers gets more intensified .

  19. 水资源短缺已成为中国经济发展面临的主要威胁,非农行业与农业争水现象普遍,水资源农转非已是大势所趋。

    Water scarcity has become the leading factor constraining the economy development in China . Competition for limited water resources between agriculture and highly valued domestic and industrial water uses is rapidly increasing .

  20. 另外,今后将有一亿农民转为非农业户口。征地农转非人员非农就业促进及其管理研究

    On the other hand , 100 million farmers will change there agricultural household register to unagricultural from then on . A Study on the Employment and Management of Land-lost Personnel in Non-agriculture Economic Sectors

  21. 应建立健全农转非劳动力就业培训保障机制,循序渐进,抓住重点进行实际有效的有针对性的就业培训,大力推行订单式培训,并加强创业培训。

    Their employment training guarantee mechanism should be set up and completed and the related effective employment training should gradually be conducted by strengthening the employment training for objective companies and by strengthening training for starting business .

  22. 重庆市城镇化中农转非居民集中居住在地方政府安排的社区,成为现代城市发展中社区管理中的新现象。

    The communities have become new community administration phenomena during the morden metropolis development . In the communities the local government arranges the residents change from rural to no-rural registration to live during the Chongqing city urbanization .

  23. 土地农转非速度很快,农民土地权益得不到充分的保护,是我国经济发展中面临的一个重要问题。

    The speed of the village land turning to non-village land is very quick , rights in the farmer land can not get a full protection , this is an important problem that we face in our country development .

  24. 农村土地所有权价格是农民集体放弃其法律上所拥有的土地所有权时形成的单位面积土地价格,在我国现实地表现为征地费,并以“农转非”作为其补充形式。

    Rural land ownership price is the unit area land price arising from farmers ' collective renouncement of their legal land ownership , which takes the form of land acquisition fee , supplemented by the transfer of farmer into non-farmer identification .

  25. 阐述了我国农业用水现状和水资源的农转非问题,指出农业用水的重要地位和保护农业用水使用权的必要性。

    This paper expounded the present situation of Agricultural water using and the problem of water transfer from Agriculture to non-Agriculture sectors , pointing that the Agricultural water using is important and it is necessary to protect the Agricultural water using rights .

  26. 虽然,现行土地农转非制度设计的初衷是为了严格控制城市建设对农地(耕地)的侵占,控制土地非农化进程,确保耕地安全。

    Although , the original intention of the non-farming system of land currently in effect is designed in order to dominate urban construction invading and occupying collective-owned land ( cultivated land ) rigorously , control the non - farming progress of land , guarantee cultivated land security .