
  1. 对《王祯农书·农器图谱》中农具词所蕴含的文化信息分四个方面进行探索。

    Probe the culture information of the agricultural tools words in Wang Zhen agricultural book ? farm utensils atlas from four parts .

  2. 本文以此为题讨论了王祯的图学思想,《农器图谱》的主要内容,王祯《农书》图学成就及其现代意义。

    This paper discusses the thoughts of atlas by Wang Zhen , main contents of farming instruments and the achievements and implications for modern Farming .

  3. 本章是本文的重点所在,笔者对《王祯农书·农器图谱》所收录的秦汉以前的有关北方地区农具词为重点探究对象,并对这些农具词进行分类整理。

    This chapter is this key , The author told the Wang Zhen agricultural book ? farm utensils atlas of the collection of the relevant northern region before in farm tools for key words , and the object classifies these tools word .

  4. 孙中山在《实业计划》中提出了完整的工业现代化方案,这表现在钢铁、水泥、造船、车辆制造、农器制造、食品、衣服、居室、印刷、矿业等方面;

    In his book the International Development China , Sun Yat-sen clearly put forward a industrial modernization program as to iron and steel , concrete , ship building , vehicle manufacturing , food , clothing , housing , printing as well as mining industry .