
jūn tuán zhǎnɡ
  • leader of army group
  1. 你这语气好像我的童军团长。

    Well , now you sound like my scoutmaster .

  2. 红二、六军团从北渡金沙江到离开中甸县城历时18天,是红二、六军团长征途中停留时间最长的一站,也是进入藏区的第一站。

    The 2 nd and 6 th Group of the Red Army stayed in Zhongdian for 18 days , which was the longest period that the Red Army stayed while during the Long March .

  3. 律师着重强调了2010年的一起案件。上世纪80年代,一名童子军副团长虐待了一名男童,案件发生在摩门教赞助的童子军团队中。

    The lawyers highlighted a 2010 court case , in which an assistant scoutmaster in a Mormon Church-sponsored troop sexually molested a boy in the 1980s .