
  1. PPD免疫小鼠胸腺内降钙素基因相关肽能神经纤维的可塑性

    Plasticity of calcitonin gene-related peptidergic nerve fibers in the mouse thymus following PPD immunization

  2. 入世后,我国PVC糊树脂将从现行实施税率16%在5年内降到6.5%。

    Current implementing tax rate for the imported PVC paste resin will be decreased from 16 % to 6.5 % within 5 years after WTO entry .

  3. 一种方法是直接将高阶滞后对象在频率域内降阶为低阶滞后对象,针对低阶滞后对象设计预测PI(D)控制器;

    The first method is that the predictive PI ( D ) controller is designed by a low order model reduced directly from the process model .

  4. 目的:观察狗牙髓直接封蟾毒后牙髓内降钙素基因相关肽免疫反应阳性(简称CGRP-IR)神经纤维的动态变化。

    Objective : To observe the dynamic changes of CGRP IR nerve fibers in dog dental pulp after treatment with direct dressing of toadpoison paste .

  5. 目的探讨低频脉冲磁刺激对大鼠牙髓组织内降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)免疫阳性的神经纤维的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of impulse magnetic stimulation ( IMS ) on calcitonin gene-related peptide ( CGRP ) in rat dental pulp .

  6. 作者在用摄影法进行坚直椭圆管内降膜波动实验研究时证实,当Re<400时,降膜内确实存在孤立波;R(?)

    Using the photographic method , authors confirmed experimentally the existence of solitary waves in the falling film inside a vertical elliptical pipe while Re number was below 400 . There were stochastic waves for Re (?)

  7. 大鼠心内降钙素基因相关肽神经纤维的来源&HRP与PAP结合法研究

    Origins of CGRP Immunoreactive Nerve Fibres in the Rat Heart : A Study by Use of HRP Tracing Combined with Immunocytochemical PAP Method

  8. 2眼为发育性青光眼,术后5d内降眼压效果明显,但10d左右眼压回升到接近术前水平转为手术治疗。

    Two eyes of developmental glaucoma IOP were clearly reduced in 5d . However , their IOP increased again at 10d .

  9. 结果表明:(1)放电初始诱导反应产生的H2O2在后续的自由基反应中浓度逐渐降低,且电压高时要比电压低时更快,在1~1.5ns内降为零。

    The results indicate that as follows : ( 1 ) the concentration of H2O2 produced by the initiation reaction is gradually decreased in the subsequent radical reactions , and a high voltage has a more remarkable drop than a low voltage .

  10. 比色法测定血清肌酸激酶(Creatinekinase,CK)值;放射免疫法测定血浆、心脏组织、脊髓(T1-T6)组织内降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)含量。

    After decapitation , blood samples , myocardial tissue and spinal cord ( T1-T6 ) were collected respectively for detecting serum creatine kinase ( CK , with chromatometry ) and calcitonin gene-related peptide ( CGRP ) contents in the plasma , myocardium and the spinal cord ( with radioimmunoassay ) .

  11. 内降成本外拓市场应对新挑战

    Lowering cost inside and promoting marketing outside to face new challenges

  12. 垂直管内降膜载气蒸发的研究

    An Experimental Investigation on Falling Film Gas Carrying Evaporation in Vertical Tube

  13. 垂直管内降膜吸收过程热-质传递数值计算问题的研究

    Study of heat and mass transfer calculation in vertical falling film absorber

  14. 波纹管管内降膜流动与传热特性的研究

    Investigation on falling film flow and heat transfer characteristics inside corrugated tube

  15. 固沙林庇护区内降尘特征的初步观测

    Preliminary Study on the Dustfall in the Zone Sheltered by Sand-Fixation Forest

  16. 三叉神经痛大鼠延髓内降钙素基因相关肽的变化

    Change of calcitonin gene-related peptide in medulla oblongata of trigeminal neuralgia of rats

  17. 基础超大体积混凝土施工中内降外保措施及其效果

    Inner-reducing & external-insulation method and its effect in super-mass concrete construction of furnace base

  18. 基于气提效应的竖管内降膜蒸发器性能研究:水力学特性

    Performance of falling film evaporator in vertical tube combined with vapor-lift effect : hydrodynamic characteristics

  19. 针刺对偏头痛大鼠脑内降钙素基因相关肽基因表达的影响

    Effects of acupuncture on calcitonin gene-related peptide gene expressions in the brain of migraine rats

  20. 背根神经节压迫对大鼠痛行为及脊髓背角内降钙素基因相关肽的影响

    Changes in behavior and spinal cord dorsal horn CGRP following chronic compression of DRG in rats

  21. 实验性牙移动牙周膜内降钙素基因相关肽样神经纤维的改变

    Change of calcitonin gene related peptide immunoreactive nerve fibers in the periodontal ligament during experimental tooth movement

  22. 采用外截内降(地下水)方法解决砂土人工挖孔桩的施工问题

    The Application of Intercepting and Lowering Phreatic water for the Construction of Hand-dug Piles in Sandy Subgrade

  23. 人和大鼠胃窦粘膜内降钙素基因相关肽阳性结构和D细胞的形态联系

    Morphological relationship between calcitonin gene-related peptide positive structures and D cells in antral mucosa of men and rats

  24. 竖直管内降膜-高速空气环状两相流的蒸发换热特性理论分析

    Theoretical Study for Evaporative Heat Transfer of Annular Two-Phase Flow of Liquid Film and High-Velocity Air in Vertically Heated Tubes

  25. 垂直管降膜蒸发传热系数的数学模型垂直管内降膜沸腾传热的研究

    A Model for Flow and Heat Transfer in Vertical Failing Film Evaporators FALLING FILM BOILING HEAT TRANSFER IN A VERTICAL TUBE

  26. 竖直椭圆管内降膜孤立波的实验研究弹簧振子在竖直平面内的运动研究

    Experimental Study of Solitary Waves in the Falling Film Inside a Vertical Elliptic Pipe MOTIONS OF ELASTIC VIBRATOR IN VERTICAL PLANE

  27. 结果氩氦刀冷冻时,刀头在很短的时间内降至极低温度,并保持稳定。

    Result The temperature at the cryoprobe tip inserted into tissues decreased quickly to its lowest value and kept relatively stable during freezing .

  28. 计算结果表明,摇摆振动对TFE/NMP垂直管内降膜吸收性能影响很大。

    The computation results show that vacillation has a significant effect on falling film absorption in a vertical tube with TFE / NMP solution .

  29. 本文应用放射免疫分析方法研究了实验性哮喘豚鼠与下呼吸道有关的内脏传入系统内降钙素基因相关肽含量的变化,藉以探讨降钙素基因相关肽在哮喘发病时的作用机制。

    The calcitonin gene related peptide ( CGRP ) levels in the visceral afferent system of asthmatic guinea pigs were measured by means of radioimmunoassay .

  30. 该药通过阻断位于三叉神经和中枢神经系统内降钙素基因相关肽受体的多个位点而发挥缓解疼痛的作用。

    This compound exerts its effects by blocking receptors for the calcitonin-gene-related peptide at several sites in the trigeminal and central nervous systems , resulting in pain relief .