
  • 网络bi-constituent sentences;pivotal sentence
  1. 本文从认知的角度对比了汉语兼语句和英语复合宾语句两种句式。

    This thesis contrasts Chinese pivotal sentences with Englishcomplex object sentences from the cognitive aspect .

  2. 转译法在兼语句的英译中占到了19.5%,在复合宾语句的汉译中占到了20%,这两者的使用频率相当。

    Conversion accounts for 19.5 percent in Chinese pivotal sentences and 20 percent in English complex object sentences , which are almost equal .

  3. 特殊把字兼语句及其析句方法

    The Special Sentence Structure Containing ba and Its Method of Analysis

  4. 从功能对等角度看汉语兼语句的英译

    Translation of the Chinese Dual-Function Constituent Sentence into English : Functional Equivalence Perspective

  5. 论汉语兼语句的辨析

    On the Discrimination of Chinese Jian Yu Sentences

  6. 兼语句中的第一个动词导致第二个动词的出现。

    The first verb in the pivotal sentence leads to the appearance of the second verb .

  7. 其结论是:在汉语兼语句中确实存在空语类,且空语类的句法分布因兼语句类型的不同而有所不同。

    The conclusion is that Chinese BC sentences do contain ECs whose distribution varies among different types .

  8. 第二部分介绍有关兼语句的定义、分类及与之相关的争议,也是对兼语句研究的一个概述;

    Part two introduces disagreements on the definition , classification of jianyu construction and some related problems .

  9. 第二章回顾了前人对于兼语句的研究,并对他们的研究做出了评价。

    In Chapter Two the author reviews the previous studies on the bi-constituent construction and gives comments on their analyses .

  10. 由于维语中没有与之对应的句法形式,因此,兼语句的分析与翻译就成为一个难点。

    As a result of Uyghur no corresponding syntactic form , therefore , and sentence analysis and translation is a difficult point .

  11. 最简方案框架下的现代汉语兼语句研究

    Grammaticalization of Shi , Jiao , and Rang in Jianyu Construction in Modern Chinese A Minimalist Approach to Bi-constituent Sentences in Mandarin Chinese

  12. 本文着重从兼语句的结构特征、语义特征与其他句式结构的比较中区别出这一句式的特征来。

    This paper focuses on the structure features of this sentence pattern , its semantic traits , and its differences from other sentence patterns .

  13. 从句法、语义、语用方面考察了这两种兼语句的内部各个成分及其各个成分之间的关系。

    The paper discusses all the components of the two overlapping sentences and their relations from the perspective of syntax , semantics and pragmatics .

  14. 兼语句是现代汉语中的一种重要的特殊句式,其形式为NP1+VP1+NP2+VP2。

    The bi-constituent construction is a special but important sentence structure in modern Chinese , patterning " NP1 + VP1 + NP2 + VP2 " .

  15. 第五章,综合前面几章的研究,从认知形成、语言分布和语用选择的角度考察了兼语句和把字句在表达上的异同。

    Chapter Five , base on the study of Chapter 2-4 , analyzed similarities and differences of the two patterns in cognition , language distribution and pragmatics .

  16. 第五章是兼语句的句法分析,在本章作者首先给出了兼语结构的推导生成然后分析了其形成动因。

    Chapter Five is the syntactic analysis of the bi-constituent construction . In this chapter the author first derives the construction and then gives the motivation of such derivation .

  17. 除了界定兼语句的范围之外,第一章还涉及了本篇论文的研究问题,研究意义以及论文的大致结构安排。

    In addition to the scope of the bi-constituent construction , Chapter One also gives research questions , significance of this study , and the organization of this thesis .

  18. 有关兼语句是否有必要单列的问题自二十世纪中叶开始一直为中国语言学界所争议。

    The problem of whether jianyu construction should be regarded as an individual sentence structure has been resulting in disagreement among Chinese linguistic circle from the middle of the 20th century .

  19. 本章主要对兼语句和主谓短语作宾语的句子、兼语句和双宾句、兼语句和连谓句这三种情况之间的纠葛现象进行分析并提出区分方法。

    The chapter mainly analyzes the relations between double-sentences and the subject-predicate phrases used as the main objects of the sentences , double-sentences and double-object sentences , double-sentences and sentences with consecutive predicates .

  20. 兼语句主要有四类对应句式,分别是:复合宾语句、主谓宾句、主谓宾状句、致动词句。

    There are four types of Chinese pivotal correspondent construction , namely complex object sentence , S + V + O sentence , S + V + O + A sentence and causative word-sentence .

  21. 句法层面的迁移错误包括主语,宾语,系动词,不定式,时态,语态,语气,主谓一致,词序,流水句,兼语句,悬垂结构,中式英语和冗余的错误。

    The transfer errors at syntactic level consist of errors in subject , object , copula , infinitive , tense , voice , mood , subject-predicate agreement , word order , run-on sentence , serial verb construction , dangling element , Chinglish expression and redundancy .

  22. 在文章的结论部分,作者就学界的一些众说纷纭的讨论提出了自己的看法,认为兼语句、连动句等等这些特殊的结构中也毫无疑问地存在从缺现象。

    In the conclusion part , the author put forward her own opinion about the controversial disputes in the present research world , pointing out the actual existence of omission phenomena in such special structures as " jian yu ju " and " lian dong ju " .