
  • 网络horse;equitation
  1. 养马确实是个有风险的营生。

    Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise .

  2. 本病在世界各地广泛发生,给世界养马业带来很大危害。

    This disease has spreaded widely all over the world , and great harm to the horse breeding .

  3. 他们养马和牛,前者供骑乘,后者供食用。

    They keep horses and cattle , the former for riding , the latter for food .

  4. 养马的官吏还没来得及回答,相国管仲接过话茬回答说:

    Before the officer had time to reply , prime minister Guan Zhong picked up the topic and answered ,

  5. 齐桓公视察马棚,问负责养马的官吏:“马棚里什么事最难做?”

    One time Duke Huan of the state of Qi inspected the stable and asked the officer who was in charge of the stable , " What is the most difficult thing to do in a stable ? "

  6. 马流行性感冒(Equineinfluenza,EI),是危害养马业和赛马业的一种十分重要的接触性呼吸道传染病,主要表现咳嗽、喷嚏、发热、食欲减退,怀孕母马可发生流产症状。

    Equine influenza ( El ) is one of the most important contagious respiratory diseases which endangered horse raising and racing competition .

  7. 她曾担任中央情报局的分析员,因未说明的道德原因辞职,满足于教授政治学,和丈夫亨利(Henry,蒂姆·达利[TimDaly]饰)以及两个孩子一起养马。

    She is a former C.I.A. analyst who quit for unexplained ethical reasons and is content to teach political science and raise horses with her husband , Henry ( Tim Daly ), and their two children .

  8. 我大哥虽然人老点,但是养马绝对一流。

    Ikdu may be old , but he knows his horses .

  9. 安妮公主和她的丈夫在盖坎公园养马。

    Princess Anne and her husband breed horses at gatcombe park .

  10. 请确认您有一个良好的养马兽医。

    Make sure that you have a good equine veterinarian .

  11. 我踩在结着露珠的草地上,向养马的围场走去

    and I was walking on dewy grass down to the horse paddocks

  12. 辽朝的经济养马、养羊以及农业为基础。

    The Liao economy was based on horse and sheep raising and agriculture .

  13. 什么时候想到这养马大计的

    When did you put this whole horse in my yard thing together ?

  14. 他是农民,又养马。

    He is a farmer and raises horses .

  15. 直接开到那年夏天我们去的地方那个养马的地方

    straight to that place we went that one summer , with the horses .

  16. 这家人以养马为业。

    The family 's business was horse-breeding .

  17. 他们在得克萨斯养马。

    They rear horses in texas .

  18. 她原以为她会害怕养马的,但她很快喜欢起它们来了。

    She thought she would be nervous looking after the horses but she soon took to them .

  19. 他还对园艺、养马、养蚕提出了建议。

    Fan Shengzhi also made propositions for gardening , horse breeding , and the breeding of silkworms .

  20. 老百姓没钱养马,就改变了斗牛的规则。

    As common people couldn 't afford to keep horses , they changed the rules of the game .

  21. 无论您的目标是参与顶级赛事,还是爱好养马,荷兰国家马业基金会都是您的合作伙伴!

    Whether your goal is to compete in the highest level or enjoy horses as a hobby , the HNHF is your partner !

  22. 在我通过在一群人中的领导地位得倒了冷静,帮助了我在养马的农场里像一个导师。

    The composure I gained as a troop leader helped me to excel in my role as supervisor at a large walking horse farm .

  23. 尽管他挣的钱从来没有超过10美元,但他有自己的梦想:如果他能够得到一匹公马、一匹母马和10公顷土地,他就可以养马并以卖马为生了。

    He had never earned more than '10 but he had dreams : If he could get a male and female house and10 hectares of land , he could sell horses .

  24. 北京的历代帝王在生活、政治、军事等诸多方面都有对狩猎、骑马和养马练兵等活动的需求。

    All the emperors historically living in Beijing in every dynasty , had the needs of hunting , riding and troop training in aspects of their living , politics and military .

  25. 主要从马匹的医疗机构、制度以及有唐一代知名的马医入手分析马医对养马业发展的作用。

    Mainly analyses the effect of horse vet on the profession of raising horses which begins with the horses ' medical treatment organization , system and famous house vet in Tang Dynasty .

  26. 被马夫惹出这些麻烦之后,白利先生决定不再养马了。我被送到一个马市上,那儿有几百匹马被买卖。

    After all this trouble with grooms , Mr Barry decided to stop keeping a horse and I was sent to a horse fair - a place where hundreds of horses were bought and sold ,

  27. 比阿特里斯·塔尔顿是个忙人,她经营一大片棉花地,一百个黑奴和八个孩子,而且还有个养马常她生性暴躁,非常容易就四个儿子经常吵架而大发雷霆。

    Beatrice Tarleton was a busy woman , having on her hands not only a large cotton plantation , a hundred negroes and eight children , but the largest horse-breeding farm in the state as well .

  28. 我是一个非常兴奋的牧羊人,我听到特别的消息,一个叫耶稣的婴儿降生了,他就住在养马和牛的马厩里,他会成为未来的国王。

    I 'm a very excited shepherd ! I heard the special news that baby Jesus is born and He 's in a stable with the horses and cows . He 's going to be King .

  29. 夫差让勾践住在虎丘山其父阖闾墓旁的山洞中,为他养马、打扫庭院。老板告诉他们附近一个曾被用做马厩的山洞里可以栖身。

    The King of Wu had his captive put up in a cave near the tomb of his father He Lu and told him to work as his groom and also to sweep the palace grounds .

  30. 这部分的重点放在了养马育马技术的改良上,从马的品种、饲养技术和马蹄铁这三个大的方面入手,研究分析了科学的技术对唐代养马业的促进。

    This part stresses the improvement of raising horses ' technology , beginning wit three sides include breed of horse , raising technology and the horseshoes , studies and analyses the scientific technologies effects on improving the profession of raising horses in Tang Dynasty .