
  • 网络other;Other Income;Other Revenue
  1. 你要办一张信用卡,需要填写一张表格,写明你的薪金和其他收入。

    To get a credit card , you must fill out a form that requires you to tell about your salary and other income .

  2. 然而,与普通合伙人不同的是,有限合伙人利用合伙企业的损失抵消其他收入的能力受到一定限制。

    However , unlike general partners , the limited partners are subject to certain limitations on their ability to utilize partnership losses to offset other income .

  3. 票房及其他收入已经下降。

    There has been a falling-off in box office income and other earnings .

  4. 现在这家公司必须弄清楚能否弥补取消演唱会所造成的损失,包括50场演唱会的商品和食品销售收入、授权交易、VIP套票以及其他收入。

    Now the company must see whether it can offset 50 nights ' worth of merchandise and food sales , licensing deals , VIP ticketing packages and other revenue streams lost to the canceled shows .

  5. 限制分配红利和其他收入;

    To restrict the distribution of bonus and other incomes ;

  6. 除了当服务员挣的钱外,她没有其他收入。

    She had no income beyond what she could earn as awaitress .

  7. 当然,克莱克现在还有其他收入来源。

    Still , Clarke has other sources of income now .

  8. 其他收入来源主要是你的赞助合同。

    Your other main source of income is sponsorship contracts .

  9. 其他收入,列出具体来源,如自有生意的利润、信托投资收益等。

    Other income-specify source , e.g. , business profits ( self-employed ), trust , etc.

  10. 而且大部分年轻人有兼职工作和其他收入来源。

    The majority of teens also have part-time jobs or some type of income .

  11. 其他收入包括馈赠和赞助。

    Other revenues included grants and sponsorship .

  12. 只有包括阿里巴巴支付的许可费用在内的其他收入增加5%,至2.34亿美元。

    Only ' other revenue , ' which includes royalties from Alibaba , rose 5 % to $ 234 million .

  13. 生育医疗保险基金来源为,生育医疗保险费及其利息和其他收入。

    The fund of birth medical insurance comes from the birth medical insurance premium and its interests and other revenues .

  14. 地方政府长久以来就不得不开拓其他收入来源,以补充他们在国家税收当中可以得到的微薄份额。

    Local governments have long had to tap other sources of income to supplement their meager share of the country 's taxes .

  15. 在银行存款利率日益下降,投资者寻求其他收入来源之际,采用股票型策略的基金不受欢迎。

    Funds following equity-based strategies have not been popular as investors have sought income as an alternative to falling bank deposit rates .

  16. 而如今那么多学生数量之多令人忧心想的却是当官就能够有“其他收入来源”。

    But today a worrying proportion of students see the potential for " other sources of income " as a state official .

  17. 澳门经济增长有望在来年回暖。不过,专家指出,澳门必须找到其他收入来源以重获增长动力。

    Growth is expected to return next year , but experts sayMacau must find other sources of income to recover its momentum .

  18. 批评家说他们应代之以作物保险和其他收入,保护纳税人只有农民实际上失去钱。

    Critics say they should be replaced with crop insurance and other revenue protections that pay only if farmers actually lose money .

  19. 纳税人转让房地产所取得的收入,包括货币收入、实物收入和其他收入。

    Proceeds received by the taxpayer on the transfer of real estate shall include monetary proceeds , proceeds in kind and other proceeds .

  20. 月底算利润时,是不是上月余额应收其他收入-应付-各种花费就等于利润了呢?

    When lunar base calculates profit , go up lunar remaining sum receivable other income-deal with-are all sorts of expenditure equal to profit ?

  21. 除了从本国获得奖牌奖金和非金钱奖励外,奥运选手还依赖其他收入来源进行体育活动。

    Beyond receiving monetary and non-monetary rewards from their countries for winning medals , Olympians rely on other revenue streams for their sporting endeavors .

  22. 然后,根据退休年龄、家庭状况和其他收入来调整基本保障额,计算出实际养老金。

    To compute actual benefits , the PIA is adjusted by an amount depending on retirement age , family status , and other earnings .

  23. 事实上,除了年收入高于10万美元的以外,在所有其他收入阶层,女性的平均存款都高于男性,绝对令人刮目相看。

    In fact , for all income levels except those over $ 100,000 per year , the median female has more saved than the median male .

  24. 截至今年9月30日的九个月,展示广告和搜索业务收入分别下降10%和9%,其他收入增长8%。

    For the nine months ended Sept. 30 , display and search revenue were down 10 % and 9 % , respectively , with other revenue up 8 % .

  25. 资产剥离是指企业将部分资产组合出售给第三方,并取得现金、准现金或其他收入的一种资产重组交易。

    Asset divestiture is a form of asset restructuring , in which enterprise sells some assets group to the third party and earns cash , quasi-cash or other revenues .

  26. 在生计策略上,当地农民家庭最主要的收入来源是农业收入,其他收入来源所占比例很小,生计途径单一。

    Livelihood strategies , the most important source of income for local peasant family farm income , other source of income for the small proportion of single livelihoods ways .

  27. 不同收入人群四周就诊率都有所提高,2008年低收入组人群四周就诊率为31.72%,明显高于其他收入组人群。

    The treatment-seeking rate in four weeks of different income groups has increased . The rate of low-income group was 31.72 % , significantly higher than other income groups .

  28. 在20世纪70年代,通货膨胀扩大,失业率增长,政府通过在1976年推行国家退休金制度以及一系列其他收入支持措施,加大了在社会福利上的投入。

    Infation and unemployment grew in the1970s , and government spending on social welfare increased with the introduction of National Superannuation in1976 and a range of other income support measures .

  29. 《男士健康》发现,男人们对其他收入不如妻子的男人的看法也发生了重大变化。如今没有那麽多来自同辈的压力来逼迫男人去承担家庭生计。

    Men 's Health found that another big change was how men see other men earning less than their wives-nowadays there is less peer pressure than before to be the breadwinner .

  30. 这一点与政府的其他收入大不相同,如出售公共财产或发行公债等等。

    This is different with other income of the government , such as the sale of public property or issuing bonds , etc. Tax is for the welfare of the entire taxpayers .