
  • 网络excitatory;Excitatory neuron;nens
  1. 细胞骨架蛋白Actin在大脑中兴奋性神经元树突棘部位的含量非常丰富。神经活动同样可以调节Actin在突触后的含量。

    Activity can also regulate the content of cytoskeleton protein Actin which is highly enriched at dendritic spines that mediate most of the excitatory synaptic transmission in the brain .

  2. 模型输出的兴奋性神经元群的平均膜电位反映脑电记录的局部电位。

    Its output average membrane potential in the excitatory population standed for the local field potential recorded in scalp EEG .

  3. 结论:大鼠DRG两类兴奋性神经元各具不同的放电特征。

    CONCLUSION : The two classes of rat DRG neurons have their own characteristics of firing .

  4. 加入4-AP后2型兴奋性神经元转型为1型兴奋性,放电的滞后现象消失。

    Type 2 excitation neurons transformed to type 1 and the hystersis disappeared when application 4-AP . 3 .

  5. 大鼠背根节内两类兴奋性神经元的放电特征

    Firing characteristics of two classes of neurons in rat DRG

  6. 对可兴奋性神经元的同步振荡及其传导以及神经电活动正问题的研究是论文的主要内容。

    The synchronous oscillation and propagation and the forward problem of the nerval activities are the main contents of the dissertation .

  7. 它由兴奋性神经元和抑制性神经元组合而成,具有3种状态、4种输入端和两种输出端。

    CINN , consisting of exciting neuron and inhibitory neuron with three states , four input terminals and two output terminals .

  8. 结论:缰核的痛兴奋性神经元和痛抑制性神经元对伤害性(痛)刺激敏感而不易发生适应。

    Conclusion : The excitatory and inhibitory neurons in Hb were sensitive to the nociceptive stimuli and not easy to adapt to it .

  9. 在缰核微电泳吗啡后,痛兴奋性神经元以抑制反应为主,痛抑制性神经元以兴奋反应为主。

    After the morphine ionophoresed , the main response of the pain excitatory neurons was inhibited , the pain inhibitory neurons were excited .

  10. 显示痛反应神经元的痛兴奋性神经元和痛抑制性神经元甩尾反射潜伏期均延长,同时二者机能作用均受损而减弱。

    The latency of tail-flick of pain-excitation neuron and pain-inhibition neuron of pain-reflection neuron was prolong and at the same time the function of both were bring down .

  11. 在面向刺激编码的反馈脉冲神经网络中,采用功率谱密度描述了兴奋性神经元在毫秒时间尺度上的相关性放电活动,证实了网络可以产生伽马频域的同步振荡。

    The correlation of the excitatory neurons in millisecond time scale is described by power spectral density . The feedback spiking neural network for stimulus coding is proved to oscillate in gamma frequency .

  12. 大鼠海马结构中兴奋性氨基酸神经元的发育

    Development of glutamate and ASPARTATE-POSITIVE neurons in hippocampal formation of rats

  13. Glu的兴奋性神经毒性使神经元存活率降低约为正常的50%(p0.05);

    The results showed that the survival rate of neurons injured with the excitatory neurotoxicity of glutamate decreased to 48 % of the control ( p0.05 ) .

  14. 为了更好地研究神经元反应类型及其特性的机制,兴奋性输入和神经元的膜特性应该分别讨论。

    To further elucidate the mechanism of neuronal response pattern or properties , the role of excitatory inputs and membrane properties of a neuron should be respectively clarified .

  15. 因此,在耳蜗核中兴奋性输入对神经元反应类型起主导作用。神经元的发放数取决于细胞膜特性和神经元的输入。

    Therefore , inhibition may not play a dominant role in forming the response patterns in CN , but the excitatory inputs . Nevertheless , neuronal discharge rate depends on membrane properties and inputs of a neuron .

  16. 海马各区神经元均可以分泌GABA,齿状回颗粒细胞通过苔藓纤维释放Glu,兴奋局部抑制性中间神经元,从而释放GABA。

    Every part of hippocampus could release GABA . Granulocyte of DG could release Glu through mossy fiber , then wind up local inhibitory interneuron and release GABA .

  17. KA造模后,阿魏酸能明显改善PC12细胞的活力以及形态,可减轻兴奋性神经毒素所致的神经元损伤,对神经元具有保护作用。

    The results showed that ferulic acid obviously improve the PC 12 cells vigor and form , reduce the neurons damage caused by the excitability of nerve toxin and the neuroprotective effect in KA mode .

  18. 已有实验研究证实,这些神经系统疾病可能与兴奋性氨基酸Glu能神经元系统功能紊乱有相关性,而兴奋毒损伤与Ca2+大量内流致细胞内Ca2+超载所引发的链式损伤有关。

    Experiment studies have approved that these nerve system diseases are likely to have respect to the dysfunction of the Glu neurons in CNS . Excitotoxin damnification is related to the excessively inflow of Ca2 + , which resulted in a series of damage .

  19. 因谷氨酸代谢异常,过度释放和对突触后受体的高频刺激,引起了兴奋性神经毒性,导致神经元死亡。

    The abnormal metabolism and excess release of Glutamic acid as well as high-frequency stimulation to the postsynaptic receptor induce excitatory neural toxicity , resulting in the death of neurons .

  20. 癫痫是由于脑部兴奋性过高的某些神经元突然异常放电引起的脑功能异常,是一种常见的慢性临床综合征。

    Epilepsy , which is essentially an abnormality of cerebral function resulting from the discharges of some cerebral neuron in over high excitement state , has been a common chronic clinical syndrome .

  21. 然而,伏核神经元的活动状态不但与其所接受的兴奋性和抑制性突触传递的强度有关,而且很大程度上取决于神经元内源性兴奋性,即神经元膜对外界刺激产生反应的能力。

    However , the activity of nucleus accumbens neurons is determinated not only by the strength of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs it receives , but also by the intrinsic excitability of the neuron itself , which means the responsive capability of neuronal membrane to external stimuli .