
ɡuān lián cí
  • connective;conjunctive word
  1. 本文中所用到的核心算法是关联词重排(ER)算法和扩展词权重分配算法。

    The central algorithm of the method adopted in this thesis is to rearrange associated terms ( Expected Rank ) and re-weight expansion terms .

  2. 而经过对只要p,就q句式的歧义进行分析,不难发现,下列因素均是复句逻辑&语义歧义产生的重要原因:1.关联词使用的不确定性;

    By researching the ambiguities of the sentence mode of " if P , then Q ", it is not difficult to find that the following factors are all reasons that caused the logic-meaning ambiguities of compound sentences : 1 . the uncertain meanings of correlative words ;

  3. 第六章是转折类关联词专项练习题设计。

    The sixth chapter is to design exercises of related words .

  4. 连接词与关联词是一类表示句子与句子之间句法联系的词,在句中它们是确定复合句类型的重要依据。

    Both conjunction and relative conjunction indicate syntactic relationship of clauses .

  5. 经过实验训练,最终构建出了检索性能较好的关联词词典。

    After experimental trainings , we build a better retrieval performance Associated-Dictionary .

  6. 相异的地方主要是关联词的不同。

    The different places associated with the different related words .

  7. 选择复句和假设复句关联词交叉现象略谈

    Co-relationship of the Conjunctions for Selective Complex Sentences and Hypothesis Complex Sentences

  8. 究其原因,重要的一点在于关联词的使用不当。

    One important reason is the improper use of the related words .

  9. 基于语料库的关联词识别方法

    The Method of Identifying Discourse Maker Based on Corpus

  10. 关联词的逻辑共性。

    The same logic foundation of the correlative words .

  11. 现在,相信你能用关联词写出更出众的句子了。

    Connectors can be used at the beginning or middle of a sentence .

  12. 论假设关联词双音化的发展

    The Double Syllable 's Process of Hypothesis Conjunctions

  13. 文本挖掘中同义与关联词集的构造算法研究

    The Study of Construction Algorithm on Set of Synonymy and Association Words in Text Mining

  14. 第四章选取一些有代表性的转折类关联词作一些教学实例分析。

    The fourth chapter selects some typical transition words as teaching examples to do some analysis .

  15. 第五章从教学顺序、教学策略、教材编写等方面对转折类关联词教学提出相关建议。

    The fifth chapter gives some advices from teaching order , teaching strategies , teaching materials .

  16. 在获取同义词、反义词、关联词或关联词组列表时发生问题。

    A problem occurred obtaining synonyms , antonyms , related words , or related phrases list .

  17. 语法重新分析与关联词的构成

    Reanalysis of Grammar and Conjunctive Words

  18. 目前,现代汉语研究中,关联词的研究相对薄弱,也缺乏系统性。

    At present , the study on connectives in modern Chinese is comparatively weak or not systematic .

  19. 实验结果显示,可以使用领域语料库建立关联词词典,来提高检索性能。

    The experimental results indicate that we can build Associate-Dictionary for a professional corpus to improve the retrieval performance .

  20. 看漫画写作教学提升受试对象在介入期与维持期中转折关系之关联词造句的表现。

    The comic-writing instruction enhanced the performance of correlative sentence writing of adversative relation in experimental and maintenance phases .

  21. 关联词是复句语义关系的显性标志,它们在复句的语义表达上起着重要的作用。

    Related words is semantic symbol in the complex sentence , they also play an important role to express semantic relation .

  22. 从增词法、减词法、重复法、词序调整法及关联词的译法等五个方面,可见笔译与口译有着明显的差异。

    There is marked differences between Chinese to English translation and oral interpretation in amplification , ommission , repetition , inversion etc.

  23. 从而对表因果关系的关联词的套用现象作一个较为全面系统的分析和解释。

    By doing this , we can make a systematic analysis and more comprehensive interpretation of the causal connectives ' nesting phenomenon .

  24. 本文的主体部分主要包括:第一章主要介绍了本文的研究对象,总结了关联词本体及教学方面的研究成果。

    First chapter , Introduction introduces the research object of this paper , summarizes the research results of the related words and teaching methods .

  25. 这表明即使对于不同层次的学习者,关联词的使用也是最容易出错的地方。

    It shows that even to learner in different proficiency level , the use of introductory connectives is the part most likely to commit errors .

  26. 通过分析我们发现,韩国留学生学习汉语递进复句关联词,应用时存在着回避和泛化的现象。

    Through analysis , we found that Korean students learning Chinese Progressive Complex Sentences , application and generalization of the existence of the phenomenon of avoidance .

  27. 文章分别对连续语音识别中可能出现的关联词技术、关键词技术、顽健性技术、自适应性技术及搜索策略给予了介绍。

    In this paper , it respectively introduces the connection words technique , keyword technique , persistent technique , adaptation technique , searching strategy possibly in continual speech recognition .

  28. 本研究结果发现蒙古族学生的汉语写话存在着词汇贫乏、倒装句现象、使用关联词不当等问题。

    The results of this study found that Chinese Writing Mongolian students if there is a lack of vocabulary , sentence inversion phenomenon , improper use of the word association questions .

  29. 为进一步对聚类结果进行改进,本文还提出了两个算法,可以有效挖掘出属于同一主题的大量中文关联词。

    Two algorithms are also proposed to further improve the precision and recall of the words clusters . Many Chinese words within the same topic can be obtained from these algorithms .

  30. 高级水平的非英语专业的大学生出现关联词错误与主从句关系错误的频数基本差不多;

    The frequency of errors on introductory connectives made by non-major college students in advanced proficiency level is similar to that of errors in the relation between subordinate clause and main clause .