
  • 网络Related industries;correlative industry;relevant industry
  1. 汽车工业对其关联产业的带动效用分析

    Analysis of the Driving Effectiveness of Automobile Industry to Its Correlative Industry

  2. 其中,关联产业是否配套是台商集聚的重要因素之一。

    Among them , correlative industry is one of the key factors . 3 .

  3. 对上游产业的提升效应和对关联产业的扩散效应形成了FDI对相关和支持性产业的影响;

    The pulling-up effects on the supporting industries and the diffusion effects on the related industries are the two main influences of FDI on the related and supporting industries ;

  4. 从产业的内部和外部竞争力两大方面,产业投入、产业产出、创新潜力、政策环境、技术环境和关联产业6个角度,应用SPSS软件对研发产业竞争能力进行了综合评价。

    Applying SPSS software , this paper analyses the comprehensive competitive capability from both the interior and exterior aspects , i. e , industry input , industry output , innovate potential , policy environment , technology environment and related industry .

  5. 汽车目前为世界上关联产业最广、工业技术波及效果最大的综合性工业。

    Automotive industry is currently the most widely associated industry in the world .

  6. 新疆农业及其关联产业体系的构建

    Founding of Agriculture - Related Industries System in Xinjiang

  7. 多元化经营进入的领域必须以战略关联产业为主攻目标;

    The area for diversified management should be strategy-related industries , as for the approach to diversified management ;

  8. 作为航运业及船舶制造业的关联产业,船舶配套业也同样遭遇了巨大危机与挑战。

    The ship matching industry , as related shipping and shipbuilding industry , also suffered a huge crisis and challenges .

  9. 石油石化关联产业2004年发展回顾及2005年展望

    A Review of the Development of Industries Relevant to Petroleum & Petrochemical Industry in 2004 and Prospect for the Year of 2005

  10. 汽车产业作为资本和技术密集型的产业,产业链长,关联产业广,附加值高。

    Automobile industry as a capital and technology-intensive industry , it is related to a long industrial chain and high added value .

  11. 作为关联产业,它对西部大开发中的四川农业和特色旅游业发展具有显著战略意义。

    As a connected industry , it plays a remarkable strategic role in developing Sichuan agriculture and characteristic tourism in the Western Development .

  12. 我国农业及其关联产业正在蓬勃发展,进入了拉长和延伸农业产业链的初期。

    Our country has stepped into the initial period of the extension of Agricultural Industry Chain based on agriculture and related industry development .

  13. 而区域整个品牌则比单个企业品牌具有更持久的品牌影响力和对关联产业的带联效应。

    And the region as a whole brand than the enterprise brand has a more lasting influence on brand and the related industries .

  14. 住宅产业无论对整个房地产业,还是对关联产业、人居环境和社会经济都有显著的影响。

    Housing industry has a remarkable impact on the entire residential real estate industry and the related industries , environmental and socio-economic habitat .

  15. 从关联产业间的周期关系看钢铁行业的荣衰变化&又到学习邯钢经验时

    Analyzing the Growing and Withering of Steel Industry from the Periodic Relationship among Related Industries & It is time to learn from Hangang Experience again

  16. 房地产业作为经济系统的一部分,其发展能够直接或间接地影响国民经济和关联产业的发展。

    The development of real estate has a direct and indirect influence on national economy and correlative industry , as a part of the economic system .

  17. 此外,两者在主要关联产业类型、产业波动频率、产业进入壁垒、产品差异化程度、企业利润水平诸方面均存在明显差异。

    Furthermore they are different obviously in type of main related industry , fluctuation frequency , bulwark for entering , product diversity degree and business profit level .

  18. 依据投入产出分析方法,建立相应数学模型,从定量方面分析汽车工业对其关联产业的带动效用。

    According as input-output analysis , it build up correlation mathematics model , and it analyse driving effectiveness of china automobile industry with correlative industry in ration .

  19. 同时它们在关联产业间的流通,实现了二者的生态绑定,促进了产业集群生态效率的提升。

    Furthermore , they also flow between the correlative industries and thus , improve the ecological efficiency of the industrial clusters by binding the industries more closely .

  20. 现代旅游业是跨区域、跨所有制、跨行业的集成产业,上下关联产业多,影响层面广。

    Modern tourist industry is a trans-regional , trans-ownership , inter-trade integrated industry , there are many related industries from head to foot , it is wide to influence .

  21. 主要表现为综合运输体系建设明显滞后、公路运输关联产业发展滞后、对外运输通道通而不畅以及公共交通不发达等。

    Mainly for the construction of an integrated transport system has lagged far behind the development of road transport related industries lag transport channel " passable " and underdeveloped public transport .

  22. 存在环向关联产业,所有的产业都与物流产业存在间接的环向关联关系,物流业与其直接关联产业及其间接关联产业构成了物流产业网络。

    Logistics industry and its direct and indirect correlative industries constitute a logistics industrial network . At the same time , all industries have indirect ring direction correlative relationships with logistics .

  23. 同时,结合黑龙江省的实际情况,提出了黑龙江省旅游业不应定位于主导产业或支柱产业,而应定位于关联产业的观点。

    The paper , based on the actual situation of Heilongjiang province , holds the viewpoint that tourism industry should be positioned as related industry rather than leading industry or pillar industry .

  24. 政府在使用房地产资本税调控房地产时,应充分考虑到房地产业对其相关联产业乃至宏观经济的影响。

    Regulation of real estate in the real estate tax , the government should give full consideration to the impact of the real estate industry of its associated industries and the macroeconomic .

  25. 从后向关联产业的发展严重滞后、行业的进入与退出壁垒一定程度失效、环境保护要求的日益提高等几个方面分析了我国铅锌冶炼行业发展所面临的威胁;

    It also analyzes the threats in the aspects of relatively hysteretic development of backward related industry , ineffective barrier of entry & exit in some extent , increasingly strict requirement of environment protection .

  26. 随着我国经济的发展和城市化进程的加快,房地产业已成为我国经济发展的支柱之一,直接拉动了几个关联产业和间接拉动了几十个行业。

    With economic development and urbanization process accelerated , real estate has become one of the pillars in our national economy , directly pulling a few related industries and indirectly pulling dozens of industries .

  27. 飞机租赁业是现代服务业中的一种朝阳产业,兼具经济带动巨大、创税能力强、产业结构提升、关联产业拉动等优势。

    Aircraft leasing is a sunrise industry of modern service sector , which can drive economic growth , is capable of making huge profit , help upgrade industrial structure , and push up related industries .

  28. 作为旅游业和房地产业两大高度关联产业结合发展的产物,旅游地产成为国民经济新的增长点。

    As the result of the development and combination of two highly related industries , tourism industry and real estate industry , tourism real estate industry has become a new growth point in national economy development .

  29. 近年来,随着经济全球一体化的发展,国外大型农业公司加快了在全球的战略布局,先后通过购并关联产业进入种业行业。

    In recent years , along with the development of economical global integration , the large-scale agricultural companies overseas have sped up their global strategic layout and successively entered into seed industry through purchasing connection industry .

  30. 住宅业无论对整个房地产业,还是对其关联产业、人居环境和社会经济的影响都非常明显,科学、合理地分析、预测住宅市场的需求有着重要的意义。

    House industry has significant influence on whole real estate , relating industry , human settlements environment and social economy , it is very important to establish scientific prediction model to forecast the market demand of the house .