
guān jìn bì
  • Confinement;lock up;put in confinement
关禁闭[guān jìn bì]
  1. 我会送一些人去关禁闭!

    I 'll send somebody 's ass back to the box .

  2. 你在那呆的时间比关禁闭的时候还多。

    You spend more time there than you do on restriction .

  3. 会被禁食,甚至关禁闭

    they 'll meal penalty or maybe solitary at the worst .

  4. 还给我,不然会关禁闭的。

    Give it back , or else we go to detention .

  5. 我象会吼“你被关禁闭”的人吗?

    Can you hear me say " you 're grounded "?

  6. 不太好,他们还在关禁闭。

    Not so good . they 're still in detention .

  7. 斯科非尔德和费尔南多都还在关禁闭。

    Scofield and Fernando were all in the solitary room .

  8. 就是这个啸,坚持要我罚关禁闭,因为我迟到。

    Wherli : Xiao here insists that I serve a detention for being late .

  9. 也就少吃顿饭,最多关禁闭

    Maybe a meal penalty , solitary maximum .

  10. 别挡住我,美国人,要不然我送你去关禁闭!

    Do not obstruct me American , or you will be sent to the cooler !

  11. 被追回家和关禁闭

    chased home and sent to detention .

  12. 这是我第一次被关禁闭

    It was my first time behind bars

  13. 老师可能随心所欲指派关禁闭的形式,有些禁闭事实上很危险。

    Teachers may assign detention tasks as they wish and some detentions have been actually dangerous .

  14. 而我甚至连保证自己不关禁闭的能力都没有了

    and I can 't even try to defend myself without gettin ' sent to detention .

  15. 你委托人在关禁闭。

    Your client 's being disciplined .

  16. 这是我人生中第一次通过讲笑话获得奖励而不是被关禁闭

    And for the first time in my life , being funny have gotten me something besides detention

  17. 代表这些教师的工会声称,津巴布韦选举委员会没有尽力帮助这些被关禁闭的官员。

    The union representing the teachers claims the ZEC has done little to help the detained officials .

  18. 我警告你,美国人!你要被关禁闭室几天了

    I warned you American ! You 're gonna have to spend a few days In the cooler now

  19. 1998年,在囚犯关禁闭的地方,狱警发现了这把相当巧妙的弩。

    In 1998 , in the segregation area where inmates are held for being punished , correctional officers found this rather ingenious crossbow .

  20. 你会发现没有什么不同。只要我负责定规矩你就会被因为说话而关禁闭!

    Then you won 't notice any difference , will you ? And you 'll have detention for talking when I just put the rule on !

  21. 律师们已在抱怨,有120多名选举委员会官员仍然因与选举结果有关而被关禁闭,他们多半是教师。

    Lawyers have complained that there are more than 120 officials , mostly teachers , from the commission still in detention in connection with the election results .

  22. 我还偷听到,是我的致过敏能力导致我被关禁闭。我必须弄懂其中的真正意义,并要为我所用。

    I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of ' allergies . ' I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage .

  23. 全体学员们,请安心度过你们在西点的最后时光,我以最高统帅的名义在此赦免所有因犯轻罪而关禁闭的学员。

    To the entire class , let me reassure you in these final hours at West Point , as commander in chief , I hereby absolve all cadets who are on restriction for minor conduct offenses .

  24. 然后你被关了禁闭,凭什么?

    Then you get locked into time-out , and for what ?

  25. 安迪有好一阵子都被单独关在禁闭室里。

    Andy spent a lot of that time in solitary .

  26. 他已被撤离军衔并关入禁闭。

    He has been stripped of his rank and confined to the brig .

  27. 在集会期间我被关了禁闭。

    I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event .

  28. 否则我就要关你禁闭。

    Otherwise , your ass is going to solitary .

  29. 迈克尔,我现在被关安防禁闭了

    I 'm on lockdown here , Michael .

  30. 不好意思迟到了我被关了禁闭禁闭?

    I 'm sorry I 'm late I was in detention Detention ? For what ?